51 research outputs found

    Analisi della vegetazione del distretto minerario di Montevecchio (Sardegna sud-occidentale)

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    The results of a phytosociological research on the mining habitats of Montevecchio (SW-Sardinia) are presented. The statistic analysis of the relevés let to recognize 14 plant communities. The hygrophilous communities have been ascribed to the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, the hemicryptophytic mesohygrophilous ones to Juncetea maritimi, the therophytic to Tuberarietea guttatae and the hemicryptophytic mesoxerophilous to Lygeo-Stipetea. The most interesting vegetation types turned out to be the chamaephytic and nanophanerophytic ones, both kinds are belonging to sardo-corsican endemic alliances: Ptilostemono casabonae-Euphorbion cupanii and Teucrion mari, respectively. The first alliance comprises pebble vegetation with distinctive ecological preferences, as they are able to colonize substrata polluted by heavy metal, with low pH values. Within this alliance, 4 new associations have been recognized: Scrophularietum bicoloris, Dactylo hispanicae-Helichrysetum tyrrhenici, Mercurialido corsicae-Euphorbietum cupanii and Dauco maritimi-Dittrichietum viscosae, the latter with two subassociations (typicum and rumicetosum glaucescentis). As to the Teucrion mari, 1 new association and 1 subassociation have been described (Helichryso tyrrhenici-Genistetum sulcitanae and Stachydi glutinosae-Genistetum corsicae euphorbietosum cupanii), found on aged mining dumps, where the long abandonment made possible the beginning of the pedogenetic processes. The present study let to reconstruct the vegetation dynamics, that in the mining areas are clearly differing from the surrounding territory. It was possible to identify two special series, strictly related to these habitats and verging to the establishment of plant communities pertaining to the climatophilous series: the first is developing on coarse, hard-sloping debris, with very low water retention; the second is developing on fine-grained and coherent materials, found on flattened or gently-sloping sites, with high edaphic humidity. In wetlands, it was also possible to identify an edaphohygrophilous series and a geoseries of endoreic water bodies, not exclusive of the mining habitats

    Integration of vegetational and multitemporal analysis: a case study in the abandoned mine district of Montevecchio (South-western Sardinia)

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    In this paper the authors analyse the land cover transformation in the mine district of Montevecchio, through the integration of vegetational and multitemporal landscape analysis. For this purpose, three important dates (1955, 1977, 2000) of the district history have been considered and two different periods are analysed (1955-1977 and 1977-2000). Multitemporal analysis was carried out through the study of aerial photographs which resulted in the production of three 1:10.000 land cover maps. Vegetational data were obtained through the phytosociological study of the area. The results show the evolution of the natural vegetation as general trend in the territory. Particular analysis was carried out on the mining areas (mining dumps, surface mines and tailing dams) to understand how much and how have been re-colonized by the native vegetation. For the mining dumps the main transformations are towards the mediterranean maquis, the garrigue and the corkoak woods. The surface mines was stable in the first period for 73.6% and the main changes are due to the diffusion of natural vegetation (e.g. to mediterranean maquis 14.7%). With regard to the tailing dams we observed an increase of stability (from 81.6% to 96.1%) together with a global increase of surface from 1955 to 2000. Therefore, the integration of the multitemporal and the vegetational analysis made possible to register a significant evolution of the vegetation cover on incoherent and polluted materials in relatively short times

    Studio geobotanico del Parco Eolico di Ulassai

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    Il Parco Eolico di Ulassai sembra la materializzazione di un ossimoro: gli imponenti aerogeneratori, quasi avessero compiuto un viaggio a ritroso nel tempo, sorprendono l’osservatore in un paesaggio antico, modellato da una gestione del territorio rimasta pressoché invariata da millenni. Nello spazio tra la torre eolica 43 e i resti del Nuraghe Cea Arcis, poco discosto, è riassunta la storia di un luogo sardo recondito ma significativo. Tra gli aerogeneratori disseminati sulle dolci ondulazioni del Parco Eolico, si aggirano indolenti gli animali al pascolo: mucche, pecore, capre, maiali. Tutt’attorno, l’orizzonte è segnato dai profili scultorei e primordiali dei tacchi d’Ogliastra. E quei 2.900 ettari tra Perdasdefogu e Ulassai sono ora affetti da una curiosa schizofrenia: quali elementi connotano maggiormente il territorio? Le grandiose installazioni moderne o i segni lasciati da una pastorizia millenaria? Propendiamo per la pastorizia: le torri eoliche, alte 65 metri, appaiono leggere fin quasi a scomparire, su quelle colline coperte di cisti. Il paesaggio del Parco Eolico rincuora, facendo intravvedere la praticabilità di uno sviluppo economico compatibile con la conservazione dell’ambiente naturale e delle attività tradizionali

    Analisi multitemporale del paesaggio del distretto minerario di Monteponi (Sardegna sud-occidentale)

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    In this paper, we present a multitemporal landscape analysis in the abandoned mining district of Monteponi (South-western Sardinia). Of great historical and environmental value, the mining areas of Sardinia are now the first Geo-Mining Park in the world. According to the CORINE Land Cover protocol, we produced three land cover maps (1955, 1977 and 1998) at scale 1:10.000 through visual interpretation of aerial photographs. Next, the main trends in landscape change during the last fifty years were evaluated using transition matrix analysis and vegetation surveys

    Analisi multitemporale del paesaggio del distretto minerario di Monteponi(SARDEGNA SUD-OCCIDENTALE).

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    Gli ambienti minerari costituiscono un aspetto fondamentale del paesaggio della Sardegna e, in particolare, dei settori sud-occidentali dell’Isola. Sin da tempi antichissimi questi territori sono stati oggetto di attività estrattive che nel tempo sono divenute industriali, subendo successivamente una forte crisi fino alla completa chiusura avvenuta nei primi anni novanta. Per l’elevato valore produttivo, storico e ambientale dei giacimenti metalliferi, le miniere della Sardegna rappresentano il primo esempio di Parco Geominerario del mondo. Il presente lavoro è finalizzato allo studio e all’analisi dei cambiamenti di paesaggio avvenuti negli ultimi cinquant’anni nel bacino metallifero di Monteponi. Per l’area in esame sono state prodotte 3 carte di copertura del suolo (1955, 1977 e 1998) in scala 1:10.000 attraverso fotointerpretazione di foto aree e ortofoto digitali. La legenda adottata è quella del protocollo Corine land cover. Su tali mappe è stata effettuata un’analisi multitemporale al fine di valutare il cambiamento di copertura del suolo e di identificare le principali tendenze avvenute negli ultimi cinquant’anni.In this paper, we present a multitemporal landscape analysis in the abandoned mining district of Monteponi (South-western Sardinia). Of great historical and environmental value, the mining areas of Sardinia are now the first Geo-Mining Park in the world. According to the CORINE Land Cover protocol, we produced three land cover maps (1955, 1977 and 1998) at scale 1:10.000 through visual interpretation of aerial photographs. Next, the main trends in landscape change during the last fifty years were evaluated using transition matrix analysis and vegetation surveys
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