53,533 research outputs found

    Development of an analytical technique for the optimization of jet engine and duct acoustic liners

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    A special integral representation of the external solutions of the Helmholtz equation is described. The analytical technique developed for the generation of the optimum acoustic admittance for an arbitrary axisymmetric body is also presented along with some numerical procedures and some preliminary results for a straight duct

    Development of an analytical technique for the optimization of jet engine and duct acoustic liners

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    A new method was developed for the calculation of optimum constant admittance solutions for the minimization of the sound radiated from an arbitrary axisymmetric body. This method utilizes both the integral equation technique used in the calculation of the optimum non-constant admittance liners and the independent solution generated as a by product of these calculations. The results generated by both these methods are presented for three duct geometries: (1) a straight duct; (2) the QCSEE inlet; and (3) the QCSEE inlet less its centerbody

    Material Behaviour at High Strain Rates

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    An overview is given of high rate mechanical testing procedures and the material behaviour under tensile, compression, and shear loading as well as under biaxial loading states tension/compression with torsion resp. shear

    Development of advanced fuel cell system, phase 3

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    A multiple task research and development program was performed to improve the weight, life, and performance characteristics of hydrogen-oxygen alkaline fuel cells for advanced power systems. Gradual wetting of the anode structure and subsequent long-term performance loss was determined to be caused by deposition of a silicon-containing material on the anode. This deposit was attributed to degradation of the asbestos matrix, and attention was therefore placed on development of a substitute matrix of potassium titanate. An 80 percent gold 20 percent platinum catalyst cathode was developed which has the same performance and stability as the standard 90 percent gold - 10 percent platinum cathode but at half the loading. A hybrid polysulfone/epoxy-glass fiber frame was developed which combines the resistance to the cell environment of pure polysulfone with the fabricating ease of epoxy-glass fiber laminate. These cell components were evaluated in various configurations of full-size cells. The ways in which the baseline engineering model system would be modified to accommodate the requirements of the space tug application are identified

    Development of advanced fuel cell system, phase 2

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    A multiple task research and development program was performed to improve the weight, life, and performance characteristics of hydrogen-oxygen alkaline fuel cells for advanced power systems. Development and characterization of a very stable gold alloy catalyst was continued from Phase I of the program. A polymer material for fabrication of cell structural components was identified and its long term compatibility with the fuel cell environment was demonstrated in cell tests. Full scale partial cell stacks, with advanced design closed cycle evaporative coolers, were tested. The characteristics demonstrated in these tests verified the feasibility of developing the engineering model system concept into an advanced lightweight long life powerplant

    A Reanalysis of the Carbon Abundance in the Translucent Cloud toward HD 24534

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    We have reanalyzed the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph data set presented by Snow et al. which contains the interstellar intersystem C II] 2325A line through the translucent cloud toward HD 24534 (X Persei). In contrast to the results of Snow et al., we clearly detect the C II] feature at the 3-sigma confidence level and measure a C^+ column density of 2.7 +/- 0.8 x 10^17 cm^-2. Accounting for the C I column density along the line of sight, we find 10^6 C/H = 106 +/- 38 in the interstellar gas toward this star. This gas-phase carbon-to-hydrogen ratio suggests that slightly more carbon depletion may be occurring in translucent as compared to diffuse clouds. The average diffuse-cloud C/H, however, is within the 1-sigma uncertainty of the measurement toward HD 24534. We therefore cannot rule out the possibility that the two cloud types have comparable gas-phase C/H, and therefore comparable depletions of carbon.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Effects of live-bait shrimp trawling on seagrass beds and fish bycatch in Tampa Bay, Florida

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    The use of live shrimp for bait in recreational fishing has resulted in a controversial fishery for shrimp in Florida. In this fishery, night collections are conducted over seagrass beds with roller beam trawls to capture live shrimp, primarily pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum. These shrimp are culled from the catch on sorting tables and placed in onboard aerated “live” wells. Beds of turtlegrass, Thalassia testudinum, a species that has highest growth rates and biomass during summer and lowest during the winter (Fonseca et al., 1996) are predominant areas for live-bait shrimp trawling (Tabb and Kenny, 1969). Our study objectives were 1) to determine effects of a roller beam trawl on turtlegrass biomass and morphometrics during intensive (up to 18 trawls over a turtlegrass bed), short-term (3-hour duration) use and 2) to examine the mortality of bycatch finfish following capture by a trawl

    Material Characterization at High Strain Rates with Special Emphasis on Miniaturization and Size Dependencies

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    Within the present work the size-dependent flow stress and failure behaviour of various metallic materials is described. Starting with special issues of testing miniaturized specimens, the influence of manufacturing routes and manufacturing induced geometrical deviations is investigated. The specimen size and time-dependent flow stress behavior of C45E, Ti-6-22-22S, and Al7075T6 is presented. The measured behavior is explained by size-dependent friction effects. Additionally, the influence of size and time scaling on the occurring of failure is investigated. A decrease of compressive deformability with increasing size and strain rate was found. The consideration of a size-dependent thermodynamic process character provides a possible explanation for measured size dependencies

    Influence of Different Material Models on the Result of Numerical High Speed Cutting Simulations

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    Extreme conditions for the workpiece and the tool can occur in high speed cutting processes. Temperatures above 1000 °C at very high strains over 3 and strain rates near 105 1/s are not unusual. In the first part of this paper an overview about the well known and new developed testing methods for these extreme conditions is given. For numerical simulations it is necessary to formulate closed material models which include strain, strain rate, and the temperature. In the second part some well known material models are presented and compared. Furthermore, advantages and disadvantages are named. The flow stress behaviour of two types of steel (1.1191, 1.2311) as a function of strain rate and temperature is presented. A Johnson-Cook and a Zerilli-Armstrong model is used for the comparative numerical simulations of an orthogonal cutting process. To indicate the process of chip segmentation, a damage model is often used. The influence of various damage models with different damage parameters and failure modes is shown. The calculated cutting forces and the shape of the chips are compared with results determined at a quickstop cutting device with integrated force measurement. Additionally, the calculated chip formation is compared with the measured shape by means of highspeed photography. The temperatures, forces, and chip shape for both used models are presented and the influence of different material models are evaluated and named