602 research outputs found

    New High Field State of Flux Line Lattice in Unconventional Superconductor CeCoIn_5

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    Ultrasound velocity measurements of the unconventional superconductor CeCoIn_5 with extremely large Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility reveal an unusual structural transformation of the flux line lattice (FLL) in the vicinity of the upper critical field. The transition field coincides with that at which heat capacity measurements reveal a second order phase transition. The lowering of the sound velocity at the transition is consistent with the collapse of the FLL tilt modulus and a crossover to quasi two-dimensional FLL pinning. These results provide a strong evidence that the high field state is the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinikov phase, in which the order parameter is spatially modulated and has planar nodes aligned perpendicular to the vortices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Superconducting fluctuations at low temperature

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    The effect of fluctuations on the transport and thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional superconductors in a magnetic field is studied at low temperature. The fluctuation conductivity is calculated in the framework of the perturbation theory with the help of usual diagram technique. It is shown that in the dirty case the Aslamazov-Larkin, Maki-Thomson and Density of States contributions are of the same order. At extremely low temperature, the total fluctuation correction to the normal conductivity is negative in the dirty limit and depends on the external magnetic field logarithmically. In the non-local clean limit, the Aslamazov-Larkin contribution to conductivity is evaluated with the aid of the Helfand-Werthamer theory. The longitudinal and Hall conductivities are found. The fluctuating magnetization is calculated in the one-loop and two-loop approximations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Temperature dependence of the upper critical field of an anisotropic singlet superconductivity in a square lattice tight-binding model in parallel magnetic fields

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    Upper critical field parallel to the conducting layer is studied in anisotropic type-II superconductors on square lattices. We assume enough separation of the adjacent layers, for which the orbital pair-breaking effect is suppressed for exactly aligned parallel magnetic field. In particular, we examine the temperature dependence of the critical field H_c(T) of the superconductivity including the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO or LOFF) state, in which the Cooper pairs have non-zero center-of-mass momentum q. In the system with the cylindrically symmetric Fermi-surface, it is known that H_c(T) of the d-wave FFLO state exhibits a kink at a low temperature due to a change of the direction of q in contrast to observations in organic superconductors. It is shown that the kink disappears when the Fermi-surface is anisotropic to some extent, since the direction of q is locked in an optimum direction independent of the temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revtex.sty, submitted to J.Phys.Soc.Jp

    Metals in high magnetic field: a new universality class of Fermi liquids

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    Parquet equations, describing the competition between superconducting and density-wave instabilities, are solved for a three-dimensional isotropic metal in a high magnetic field when only the lowest Landau level is filled. In the case of a repulsive interaction between electrons, a phase transition to the density-wave state is found at finite temperature. In the opposite case of attractive interaction, no phase transition is found. With decreasing temperature TT, the effective vertex of interaction between electrons renormalizes toward a one-dimensional limit in a self-similar way with the characteristic length (transverse to the magnetic field) decreasing as ln1/6(ωc/T)\ln^{-1/6}(\omega_c/T) (ωc\omega_c is a cutoff). Correlation functions have new forms, previously unknown for conventional one-dimensional or three-dimensional Fermi-liquids.Comment: 13 pages + 4 figures (included

    Structure of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in two-dimensional superconductors

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    Nonuniform superconducting state due to strong spin magnetism is studied in two-dimensional type-II superconductors near the second order phase transition line between the normal and the superconducting states. The optimum spatial structure of the orderparameter is examined in systems with cylindrical symmetric Fermi surfaces. It is found that states with two-dimensional structures have lower free energies than the traditional one-dimensional solutions, at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. For s-wave pairing, triangular, square, hexagonal states are favored depending on the temperature, while square states are favored at low temperatures for d-wave pairing. In these states, orderparameters have two-dimensional structures such as square and triangular lattices.Comment: 11 pages (LaTeX, revtex.sty), 3 figures; added reference

    Diversity of Raft-Like Domains in Late Endosomes

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    BACKGROUND: Late endosomes, the last sorting station in the endocytic pathway before lysosomes, are pleiomorphic organelles composed of tubular elements as well as vesicular regions with a characteristic multivesicular appearance, which play a crucial role in intracellular trafficking. Here, we have investigated whether, in addition to these morphologically distinguishable regions, late endosomal membranes are additionally sub-compartmentalized into membrane microdomains. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using sub-organellar fractionation techniques, both with and without detergents, combined with electron microscopy, we found that both the limiting membrane of the organel and the intraluminal vesicles contain raft-type membrane domains. Interestingly, these differentially localized domains vary in protein composition and physico-chemical properties. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In addition to the multivesicular organization, we find that late endosomes contain cholesterol rich microdomains both on their limiting membrane and their intraluminal vesicles that differ in composition and properties. Implications of these findings for late endosomal functions are discussed

    Magnetic-Field Variations of the Pair-Breaking Effects of Superconductivity in (TMTSF)2ClO4

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    We have studied the onset temperature of the superconductivity Tc_onset of the organic superconductor (TMTSF)2ClO4, by precisely controlling the direction of the magnetic field H. We compare the results of two samples with nearly the same onset temperature but with different scattering relaxation time tau. We revealed a complicated interplay of a variety of pair-breaking effects and mechanisms that overcome these pair-breaking effects. In low fields, the linear temperature dependences of the onset curves in the H-T phase diagrams are governed by the orbital pair-breaking effect. The dips in the in-plane field-angle phi dependence of Tc_onset, which were only observed in the long-tau sample, provides definitive evidence that the field-induced dimensional crossover enhances the superconductivity if the field direction is more than about 19-degrees away from the a axis. In the high-field regime for H//a, the upturn of the onset curve for the long-tau sample indicates a new superconducting state that overcomes the Pauli pair-breaking effect but is easily suppressed by impurity scatterings. The Pauli effect is also overcome for H//b' by a realization of another state for which the maximum of Tc_onset(phi) occurs in a direction different from the crystalline axes. The effect on Tc_onset of tilting the applied field out of the conductive plane suggests that the Pauli effect plays a significant role in determining Tc_onset. The most plausible explanation of these results is that (TMTSF)2ClO4 is a singlet superconductor and exhibits Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states in high fields.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (vol.77, 2008

    Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell state in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors

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    The properties of a quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) superconductor with {\it an open Fermi surface} are expected to be unusual in a magnetic field. On the one hand, the quasi-1D structure of the Fermi surface strongly favors the formation of a non-uniform state (Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell (LOFF) state) in the presence of a magnetic field acting on the electron spins. On the other hand, a magnetic field acting on an open Fermi surface induces a dimensional crossover by confining the electronic wave-functions wave-functions along the chains of highest conductivity, which results in a divergence of the orbital critical field and in a stabilization at low temperature of a cascade of superconducting phases separated by first order transistions. In this paper, we study the phase diagram as a function of the anisotropy. We discuss in details the experimental situation in the quasi-1D organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family and argue that they appear as good candidates for the observation of the LOFF state, provided that their anisotropy is large enough. Recent experiments on the organic quasi-1D superconductor (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4 are in agreement with the results obtained in this paper and could be interpreted as a signature of a high-field superconducting phase. We also point out the possibility to observe a LOFF state in some quasi-2D organic superconductors.Comment: 24 pages+17 figures (upon request), RevTex, ORSAY-LPS-24109

    Ginzburg-Landau-Gor'kov Theory of Magnetic oscillations in a type-II 2-dimensional Superconductor

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    We investigate de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in the mixed state of a type-II two-dimensional superconductor within a self-consistent Gor'kov perturbation scheme. Assuming that the order parameter forms a vortex lattice we can calculate the expansion coefficients exactly to any order. We have tested the results of the perturbation theory to fourth and eight order against an exact numerical solution of the corresponding Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The perturbation theory is found to describe the onset of superconductivity well close to the transition point Hc2H_{c2}. Contrary to earlier calculations by other authors we do not find that the perturbative scheme predicts any maximum of the dHvA-oscillations below Hc2H_{c2}. Instead we obtain a substantial damping of the magnetic oscillations in the mixed state as compared to the normal state. We have examined the effect of an oscillatory chemical potential due to particle conservation and the effect of a finite Zeeman splitting. Furthermore we have investigated the recently debated issue of a possibility of a sign change of the fundamental harmonic of the magnetic oscillations. Our theory is compared with experiment and we have found good agreement.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures. This is a replacement of supr-con/9608004. Several sections changed or added, including a section on the effect of spin and the effect of a conserved number of particles. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Crystalline Color Superconductivity

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    In any context in which color superconductivity arises in nature, it is likely to involve pairing between species of quarks with differing chemical potentials. For suitable values of the differences between chemical potentials, Cooper pairs with nonzero total momentum are favored, as was first realized by Larkin, Ovchinnikov, Fulde and Ferrell (LOFF). Condensates of this sort spontaneously break translational and rotational invariance, leading to gaps which vary periodically in a crystalline pattern. Unlike the original LOFF state, these crystalline quark matter condensates include both spin zero and spin one Cooper pairs. We explore the range of parameters for which crystalline color superconductivity arises in the QCD phase diagram. If in some shell within the quark matter core of a neutron star (or within a strange quark star) the quark number densities are such that crystalline color superconductivity arises, rotational vortices may be pinned in this shell, making it a locus for glitch phenomena.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX with eps figs. v2: New paragraph on Ginzburg-Landau treatment of LOFF phase in section 5. References added. v3: Small changes only. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.