254 research outputs found


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    Summary. The urgent need to reform Ukraine’s health care system requires a qualitatively new approach to governance at both the state and health care levels. The aim of the study – to analyze the contingent of senior nurses in terms of assessment of leadership qualities and training in the organization and management of the health care system. Materials and Methods. The study involved 25 senior nurses of the municipal institution “Dnipropetrovsk Specialized Clinical Medical Center of Mother and Child named after Prof. M. F. Rudnev” Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council”, who answered the questions of our questionnaire. Results. With the maximum possible amount of points equal to 250, the total average score was (180.32±4.06), which indicates the need for more thorough training of real and potential managers in various aspects of management. Their positions are quite strong in relations with senior management, in matters of strategic management, in general a positive assessment of innovation, in-depth knowledge of professional issues, as well as in the fact that they highly value the teams in which they work. At the same time, they do not always have clear enough criteria for assessing the qualities of specific employees; they clearly do not fully trust and do not always consult with the team, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, do not clearly control its work. Conclusions. The development of leadership skills of senior nurses is the key to improving the efficiency of nursing staff management.Резюме. Нагальна необхідність реформування системи охорони здоров’я України потребує якісно нового підходу до управління як на державному рівні, так і на рівні закладу охорони здоров’я. Мета дослідження – проаналізувати контингент старших медичних сестер з точки зору оцінки лідерських якостей та підготовленості в питаннях організації та управління в системі охорони здоров’я. Матеріали і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 25 старших медичних сестер комунального закладу «Дніпропетровський спеціалізований клінічний медичний центр матері та дитини імені проф. М. Ф. Руднєва» Дніпропетровської обласної ради», які відповіли на запитання розробленого нами опитувальника. Результати. При максимально можливій сумі балів, що дорівнює 250, сумарний середній бал був 180,32±4,06, що свідчить про необхідність більш ґрунтовної підготовки реальних і потенційних керівників із різних аспектів менеджменту. Їх позиції є досить сильними у відносинах із вищим керівництвом у питаннях стратегічного управління, в цілому позитивній оцінці інновацій, у глибоких знаннях професійних питань, а також в тому, що вони високо цінують колективи, в яких працюють. У той же час не завжди у них є досить чіткі критерії для оцінки якостей конкретних співробітників; вони явно не повністю довіряють і не завжди радяться з колективом, з одного боку, і, з іншого, недостатньо чітко контролюють його роботу. Висновки. Розвиток лідерських якостей старших медичних сестер є запорукою підвищення ефективності управління сестринським персоналом

    Promene trofičkog stanja u reci Dnjepar i njihov uticaj na zajednicu riba

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    Ispitivane su promene structure zajednica fitoplanktona i riba, kao i koncentracije azota i fosfora u međugraničnoj reci Dnjepar. Konstatovano je da je koncentracija mineralnog azota najvažniji factor akumulacije antropogenog zagađenja nizvodno u ispitivanim delovima reke Dnjepar. Ukupna količina riba se povecala nizvodno sa povećanjem trofičkog statusa reke. U isto vreme prosečna individualne težina se nizvodno smanjivala

    Tunable Bose-Einstein condensation and roton-like excitation spectra with dipolar exciton-polaritons in crossed fields

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    We develop the many-body theory of dipolar exciton-polaritons in an optical microcavity in crossed transverse electric and in-plane magnetic fields. Even for relatively weak fields, we reveal the existence of two minima in the bare lower-polariton dispersion, which give rise to the tuneable transition between the polariton Bose-Einstein condensate and that of excitons, produced by the competition between these minima. We predict that such dipolar condensate exhibits a roton-maxon character of the excitation spectrum, never before observed for polaritons. We show that upon the transition between the two condensation regimes, the weak correlations in the polariton gas give way to the intermediate interparticle correlations characteristic for excitons, and that the transition is accompanied by a sharp quenching of photoluminescence as the lifetime is increased by several orders of magnitude. While in the polariton regime, the luminescence peak corresponding to the condensate is shifted to a non-zero angle. The angular dependence of the two-photon decay time in the Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment is calculated and used as a tool to evidence the formation of the macroscopically-coherent state. Our proposal opens opportunities towards manipulating the superfluid properties and extended-range dipole-dipole correlations of exciton-polariton condensates.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Epizootiological Consequences of the Possible Importation of Plague Agent from Manchuria in the Territory of Trans-Baikal Natural Focus

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    Experimental investigations have demonstrated that proventriculus of Citellophilus tesquorum sungaris (population habitant in the territory of Trans-Baikal region) and Xenopsylla cheopis (classical vector) is blocked in case of the infestation with the plague microbe strain isolated from humans in Manchuria (China) in 5,6 and 15,4 % of the instances, respectively. These ectoparasites transmit plague agent to white mice both when infected with plague microbe at the moment of clustered/group feeding, and when they have their proventriculus blocked at the moment of individual feeding. Taking into consideration ecology of the species of fleas under discussion and sensitivity of the local rodent population to plague microbe, one cannot exclude possibility of the local epizooty occurrence in the territory of Siberian and Far East regions in case of plague agent importation from China

    Strain-Hardening Stages and Structure Evolution in Pure Niobium and Vanadium upon High Pressure Torsion

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    High pressure torsion (HPT) is one of the ways to form nanostructured materials with high strength properties. However, HPT hardening mechanisms vary from material to material and are poorly understood for some BCC metals, particularly niobium and vanadium. This work aims to identify strain hardening stages for Nb and V metals during HPT. Two approaches have been used to identify the deformation stages during high pressure torsion. The approaches are based on the application of a "piecewise" model, taking into account the different deformation mechanisms that determine the type of the forming structure, and on the analysis of the hardness vs. true strain dependence according to the HH-e0.5{e}^{0.5} law. We compared the identified stages with the results of the electron microscopic study of the structure. Both models describe well the structural changes observed microscopically in HPT-deformed niobium. However, we have shown that only the piecewise model gives an adequate description of the stages of structure development in vanadium. We have provided an explanation for the observed difference in the behavior of niobium and vanadium upon HPT.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Culticultural problem of woman’s position in society and family in focus of literary studies and medicine

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. A new systemic pattern of perception of social and cultural problem of woman’s position in the family and society based on analytical data of literary studies and medicine is proposed in the article. A typology of the problem of women’s rights restriction in the society, violence against them, feminism is in the focus of attention. The study is carried out with the account of diachrony and synchrony against the broad historical and cultural, and social and cultural backgrounds. Up-to-date information on gender psychology and socioculturology of a modern society is involved

    Culticultural problem of woman’s position in society and family in focus of literary studies and medicine

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. A new systemic pattern of perception of social and cultural problem of woman’s position in the family and society based on analytical data of literary studies and medicine is proposed in the article. A typology of the problem of women’s rights restriction in the society, violence against them, feminism is in the focus of attention. The study is carried out with the account of diachrony and synchrony against the broad historical and cultural, and social and cultural backgrounds. Up-to-date information on gender psychology and socioculturology of a modern society is involved