38 research outputs found

    Діастолічна функція лівого шлуночка та рівень N-кінцевого промозкового натрійуретичного пептиду у хворих на фібриляцію передсердь

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    In our study 100 consecutive non-valvular permanent atrial fibrillation patients with NYHA I – III heart failure, 43 - 86 years old (65 men and 35 women) were examined. Control group consisted of 30 patients with arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease matched by age, sex with basic group. Relationship of NT-proBNP with echocardiographic parameters of left heart were studied. Transthoracic echocardiography with tissue doppler measurements were performed on echocardiograph “SONOS7500”. For left ventricular filling pressure assessment ratio Em/Ea was used due to its diagnostic value in atrial fibrillation (regardless of left ventricular ejection fraction). Mean left ventricular filling pressure was increased in patients with heart failure: in atrial fibrillation group and controls as well. In comparison with controls atrial fibrillation group was more likely to have higher both systolic and diastolic left atrial square and volume. According to Em/Ea in 95% of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation high left ventricular filling pressure was observed, this testifies to diastolic dysfunction. This parameter correlated well with left atrial square and volume during systole and diastole. Correlation between NT pro-BNP level and NYHA class of  heart failure, left ventricular filling pressure was determined in patients with atrial fibrillation. Tissue doppler echocardiography makes it possible to diagnose left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in atrial fibrillation patients.Обследовано 100 пациентов с постоянной формой фиб­рилляции предсердий неклапанного генеза и хронической недостаточностью І – ІІІ функционального класса в возрасте 43 – 86 лет, из них 65 мужчин и 35 – женщин. Контрольную группу составили 30 пациентов с ИБС и ГБ, сопоставимых по возрасту и полу с основной группой. Изучали уровень N-проМНП и его связь с эхокардиографическими показателями функции левых отделов сердца у данной категории больных. Эхокар­диографическое исследование и тканевая допплерография проводились на аппарате «SONOS 7500». Для оценки давления наполнения левого желудочка рассчитывали соотношение Em/Ea, которое полностью сохраняет свое диагностическое значение (независимо от фракции выброса левого желудочка) при фибрилляции предсердий. Средний показатель давления наполнения левого желудочка был увеличен у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью, как при постоянной фибрилляции предсердий, так и на фоне синусового ритма. Было установлено достоверное увеличение размеров левого предсердия, его площадей и объемов в систолу и ди­астолу в группе пациентов с фибрилляцией предсердий в сравнении с группой контроля. По данным показателя Еm/Eaу 95% пациентов с фибрилляцией предсердий неклаппаного генеза выявлено повышение давления наполнения левого желудочка, что свидетельствует о нарушении диастолической функции. Данный пока­затель достоверно коррелировал с объемами и площадями левого предсердия в систолу и диастолу. Уста­новлена достоверная связь между уровнем N-проМНП и функциональным классом сердечной недо­ста­точности, уровнем давления наполнений левого желудочка у пациентов с фибрилляцией предсердий. Использование тканевого допплеровского исследования позволяет диагностировать нарушение диасто­лической функции левого желудочка при фибрилляции предсердий.In our study 100 consecutive non-valvular permanent atrial fibrillation patients with NYHA I – III heart failure, 43 - 86 years old (65 men and 35 women) were examined. Control group consisted of 30 patients with arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease matched by age, sex with basic group. Relationship of NT-proBNP with echocardiographic parameters of left heart were studied. Transthoracic echocardiography with tissue doppler measurements were performed on echocardiograph “SONOS 7500”. For left ventricular filling pressure assessment ratio Em/Ea was used due to its diagnostic value in atrial fibrillation (regardless of left ventricular ejection fraction).Mean left ventricular filling pressure was increased in patients with heart failure: in atrial fibrillation group and controls as well. In comparison with controls atrial fibrillation group was more likely to have higher both systolic and diastolic left atrial square and volume. According to Em/Ea in 95% of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation high left ventricular filling pressure was observed, this testifies to diastolic dysfunction. This parameter correlated well with left atrial square and volume during systole and diastole. Correlation between NT pro-BNP level and NYHA class of  heart failure, left ventricular filling pressure was determined in patients with atrial fibrillation. Tissue doppler echocardiography makes it possible to diagnose left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in atrial fibrillation patients


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    Analysis of association, between several DNA repair gene polymorphisms and the level of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in lymphocytes was performed in two groups: a group of 215 patients with lung cancer and a control group of 152 donors. In the group patient with lung cancer the level of CAs shows a significant increase in the carrier of genotypes: XPD TG and XPD GG vs XPD TT. In the control group level of CAs shows a significant increase in the carrier of genotype ADPRT ТС vs ТТ


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    The correlation between immune response to benzo(a)pyrene and progesterone in combination with detoxification enzyme gene polymorphism (CYPIA2*1F and GSTTI) and the occurrence of congenital malformations of the fetus was revealed. It is shown that at high ratio of IgA-antibodies to benzo(a)pyrene and to progesterone in conjunction with the mutant allele of the gene CYPIA2*1F and the deletion genotype of the gene GSTTI chance of the reproductive pathology developing increases to 41 times

    LACEwING: A New Moving Group Analysis Code

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    Evaluation of paediatric habilitation outcomes following cochlear implantation

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    The delay in mental development is common in children. In combination with deafblood are one of the five most common causes of developmental abnormalities. Both parameters have a pronounced effect on the development of the child. Features of perception of sound, its carrying out, brain work form speech in children. It was revealed that audio scoring systems are not enough for hearing control, it is necessary to allocate children with risk factors and their combination. Cochlear implantation gives a significant influence on the development of higher nervous activity through perestroika, especially successful in sensitive periods

    Analysis of the Efficiency of Human Management Practices on High Technology Firm’s Performance : [вып. квалификац. работа по спец. "Менеджмент"]

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    The object of the study is the company ENDE ANDINA SAM. For comparison reasons, we added two companies to this research: Industrial Society Taunus S.A. and Industrial Rodriguez SRL (enterprises also that belong to the industrial sector of Bolivia).The p