14,825 research outputs found

    Statistics of temperature fluctuations in an electron system out of equilibrium

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    We study the statistics of the fluctuating electron temperature in a metallic island coupled to reservoirs via resistive contacts and driven out of equilibrium by either a temperature or voltage difference between the reservoirs. The fluctuations of temperature are well-defined provided that the energy relaxation rate inside the island exceeds the rate of energy exchange with the reservoirs. We quantify these fluctuations in the regime beyond the Gaussian approximation and elucidate their dependence on the nature of the electronic contacts.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Phonon anomalies in pure and underdoped R{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (R = Ba, Sr) investigated by Raman light scattering

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    We present a detailed temperature dependent Raman light scattering study of optical phonons in Ba{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.28, superconducting Tc ~ 29 K), Sr{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.15, Tc ~ 29 K) and non-superconducting BaFe{2}As{2} single crystals. In all samples we observe a strong continuous narrowing of the Raman-active Fe and As vibrations upon cooling below the spin-density-wave transition Ts. We attribute this effect to the opening of the spin-density-wave gap. The electron-phonon linewidths inferred from these data greatly exceed the predictions of ab-initio density functional calculations without spin polarization, which may imply that local magnetic moments survive well above Ts. A first-order structural transition accompanying the spin-density-wave transition induces discontinuous jumps in the phonon frequencies. These anomalies are increasingly suppressed for higher potassium concentrations. We also observe subtle phonon anomalies at the superconducting transition temperature Tc, with a behavior qualitatively similar to that in the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted versio

    The Offline Software Framework of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to unveil the nature and the origins of the highest energy cosmic rays. The large and geographically dispersed collaboration of physicists and the wide-ranging collection of simulation and reconstruction tasks pose some special challenges for the offline analysis software. We have designed and implemented a general purpose framework which allows collaborators to contribute algorithms and sequencing instructions to build up the variety of applications they require. The framework includes machinery to manage these user codes, to organize the abundance of user-contributed configuration files, to facilitate multi-format file handling, and to provide access to event and time-dependent detector information which can reside in various data sources. A number of utilities are also provided, including a novel geometry package which allows manipulation of abstract geometrical objects independent of coordinate system choice. The framework is implemented in C++, and takes advantage of object oriented design and common open source tools, while keeping the user side simple enough for C++ novices to learn in a reasonable time. The distribution system incorporates unit and acceptance testing in order to support rapid development of both the core framework and contributed user code.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, presented at IEEE NSS/MIC, 23-29 October 2005, Puerto Ric

    Open Space – a collaborative process for facilitating Tourism IT partnerships

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    The success of IT projects depends on the success of the partnerships on which they are based. However past research by the author has identified a significant rate of failure in these partnerships, predominantly due to an overly technical mindset, leading to the question: “how do we ensure that, as technological solutions are implemented within tourism, due consideration is given to human-centred issues?” The tourism partnership literature is explored for additional insights revealing that issues connected with power, participation and normative positions play a major role. The method, Open Space, is investigated for its ability to engage stakeholders in free and open debate. This paper reports on a one-day Open Space event sponsored by two major intermediaries in the UK travel industry who wanted to consult their business partners. Both the running of the event and its results reveal how Open Space has the potential to address some of the weaknesses associated with tourism partnerships

    Spectroscopy of electron-induced fluorescence in organic liquid scintillators

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    Emission spectra of several organic liquid-scintillator mixtures which are relevant for the proposed LENA detector have been measured by exciting the medium with electrons of ~10keV. The results are compared with spectra resulting from ultraviolet light excitation. Good agreement between spectra measured by both methods has been found.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Fluorescence decay-time constants in organic liquid scintillators

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    The fluorescence decay-time constants have been measured for several scintillator mixtures based on phenyl-o-xylylethane (PXE) and linear alkylbenzene (LAB) solvents. The resulting values are of relevance for the physics performance of the proposed large-volume liquid scintillator detector LENA (Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy). In particular, the impact of the measured values to the search for proton decay via p -> K+ antineutrino is evaluated in this work.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
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