114 research outputs found

    Formation of zonal agro-eco clusters as a mechanism for the development of rural areas

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    Today, the degree of agricultural development, and, in the future, the level of national food security, the public health and the quality of life, are largely ensured by innovative developments in the field of alternative agriculture, the preservation of natural resources and, above all, the main production facility – land. At the same time, the unfilled market capacity of organic products and the significant land potential for the development of organic farming create all the necessary prerequisites for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian rural producers. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship towards the greening of land use, organic production and development of the domestic market for organic (ecological) products in the format of zonal agro-eco clusters is one of the strategic directions for implementing reforms in the agricultural sector. The paper presents the directions of the formation and development of zonal agro-eco clusters for the production, processing and sale of organic products in the agricultural regions of Russia.peer-reviewe

    Economic potential and development prospects of small businesses in rural areas

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    The article examines the role of small business in the development of rural areas by the example of bakery production. Moreover, it demonstrates the need for the interaction of small bakery businesses with large enterprises of the industry and grain processors. The article reveals the development trends of small bakery production in rural areas. The conditions for the participation of small bakery businesses in rural areas in the development of the production of functional and specialized bread are substantiated. The article proposes the directions and mechanisms of support for small bakery production at the level of rural territories. The development of modern methods of redistribution of bakery production in proportion to the living population, measures of state support for small bakery production and expansion of the range of bread products that contribute to improving the health of the population of Russia, is the theme of this study. The object of the research is the development of small bakery production as a condition for improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas. The subject of the research is production and management relations that ensure the development of small bakery production and its impact on the quality of life of the population in rural areas.peer-reviewe

    Development of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian regions

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    This paper is devoted on the methodology for assessing the development of extra- and intra-integration structures. This methodology consists of three levels of economic assessment of the agro-industrial sector: the regional level, the economic sector level, and the enterprise level. The agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic has positive business dynamics due to the development of the livestock industry. Through assessing the business outlook for agro-industrial integration using the three levels, it has been determined that the livestock industry has the greatest potential for creating large integrated structures in the Altai Republic. The study justifies the need for creating an internal cluster (intra-cluster) in the maral deer breeding sphere of the Altai Republic, and an external cluster (extra-cluster) in the sphere of meat-and-dairy cattle breeding in the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. The authors propose a ‘business-as-usual’ and a target scenario for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic until 2025. The target scenario reflects the effectiveness of the proposed measures for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic. According to this scenario, the formation of intra-clusters and extra-clusters in 2025 will lead to an increase in total profits of the livestock industry enterprises under analysis by 451 million rubles and of budget allocations by 194.3 million rubles. The goal of this study is to develop theoretical and methodological guidelines for shaping and developing integrated structures in the agro-industrial complex.peer-reviewe

    Formation and development of the processing industry in the AIC of the region

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    The theoretical grounding of the management system of animal feedingstuff milling of the region was performed. The facilities of animal feedingstuff milling are divided according to the degree of independence of business conducting and directions of sales of the products manufactured. The factors of the internal and external environment of the animal feedingstuff milling of the region were considered. The analysis was performed and the tendencies in the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the region and the system of its management were revealed; the directions of the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the agrarian region were grounded. The potential capacity of the regional market of animal feedingstuff for livestock breeding of the region was calculated. It was offered to form the body of economic management in the form of an independent legal entity bearing the responsibility for execution of the functions imposed on it to develop and implement the plan of development of animal feedingstuff milling – JSC Animal Feedingstuff Cluster of the Altai Territory.peer-reviewe

    Economic mechanism of regulating land relations in the agricultural sector of Russia

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    The present study substantiates the economic basis for regulating land relations in the agricultural sector, outline the main stages of the formation and development of land relations in Russia. It also carries out a comparative analysis of land relations in Russia and foreign countries, presents theoretical aspects of economic regulation of land relations in the agricultural sector and considers domestic and foreign experience of the regulation of land relations. The activities of human society in connection with land are carried out on the basis of social relations, the key element of which is land relations. Transformations and regulation of land relations occur in the process of agrarian transformations. Historically, it has been proven that the implementation of agrarian reforms that change the socioeconomic situation, the working conditions of people, the production and marketing of products, does not bring about solid results without a proper transformation of land relations. The unique role of land relations in the system of agrarian reforms suggests that agrarian restructuring must begin with land reform.peer-reviewe

    Differential diagnostic search in dermatologic practice and its effect on quality of medical care: Clinical cases

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    Introduction. A differential diagnostic search is a crucial method for making a final clinical diagnosis. Lack of clinical thinking leads to tactical errors, both in making a diagnosis and in choosing a therapy algorithm. The problem of iatrogeneses especially often arises at the initial stages of patient management.Case descriptions. The paper demonstrates the difficulties of verifying the diagnosis of patients with dermatological pathology on the example of clinical cases. The stages of differential diagnostic search are covered in detail. Practicing physicians stress the importance of timely correct diagnosis and, consequently, the choice of therapy. The study involved a detailed analysis of clinical cases and mistakes causing a delay in diagnosis and wrong choice of therapeutic tactics at the outpatient stage. A clinical case with designated diagnosis is presented and analyzed as an illustrative example. Special attention was given to a complex evaluation of subjective, objective and diagnostic data, the significance of analyzing the development of dermatoses.Conclusion. Careful adherence to diagnostic algorithms will avoid iatrogenic errors and thereby improve the quality of medical care and the quality of life of dermatological patients

    Self-Destructive Dermatosis Mimicking Pyoderma Gangrenosum: A Clinical Case

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    Background. Polymorphism of clinical manifestations of mental pathology in dermatology often leads to diagnostic errors and severe social exclusion of patients.Clinical case description. The presented clinical case demonstrated the similarity of the clinical picture of self-destructive dermatosis with the symptoms of pyoderma gangrenosum, which determined our differential diagnostic search. Ulcerous defects in the patient were localized in places accessible for self-destruction and did not cause severe pain characteristic of pyoderma gangrenosum. In addition, lack of association with systemic diseases, unsuccessful long-term dermatological treatment, uniformity of skin lesions, and rapid healing of skin manifestations resulting in a scar were more characteristic of self-destructive dermatosis. A pathomorphological examination of the skin revealed morphological data typical of artificial dermatitis in combination with sclerotic changes, and excluded the presence of granulomatous diseases, vasculitis, and deep purulent inflammation of the dermis (neutrophilic dermal abscesses). Thus, histological changes in the biopsy material did not correspond to the clinical skin manifestations. The constant self-destructive actions of the patient resulted in excoriations, ulcerations, with the subsequent secondary infection and conspicuous cicatricial skin changes.Conclusion. The presented clinical case demonstrated the complexity of the diagnostic search for a psychodermatological disorder due to the similarity of the clinical picture of self-destructive dermatosis with the symptoms of pyoderma gangrenosum, which led to a delayed diagnosis


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    Introduction. Nowadays, many evidences about interrelation of inflammatory defeats of parodont and various internal diseases have been collected. Universal molecular and cellular deviations, violations of redox metabolism, pathological activation of apoptosis promote development and progressing of many somatic diseases and the inflammatory diseases of parodont associated with them.The objective is to evaluate the efficacy of metabolic therapy in patients with coexisting visceral and periodontal diseases.Materials and methods. 909 patients with visceral diseases associated with generalized periodontitis were examined totally. Group I consisted of 100 patients with chronic infection sites of different localization. Group II consisted of 100 patients with cardiovascular diseasesю Patients from group I and II were divided into two sub-groups, they were prescribed to take metabolic drugs – mexidol (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate) or сycloferon (meglumine acridonacitate) and mildronate (meldonium dehydrate) or cytoflavin (drug succinic acid). Intensity of free radical oxidation in organism was assessed by the products of lipid peroxidation; oxidation of thiol-containing compounds – proteins and low-molecular thiols – was assessed by using direct and back amperometric titration; apoptosis was studied on the model of lymph cells using flow cytometry (Annexin V – FITC); the status of periodontium was assessed with definition of the periodontal index (PI) and community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN).Results. The activity of lipid peroxidation and free radical oxidation of thiols (р<0.01), the level of markers of pathological apoptosis Annexinа V – FITC (р<0.05) were increased in patients with coexisting visceral and periodontal diseases. In the course of the treatment with different metabolic medicines, the activity of lipid peroxidation tended to slow down as identified in both groups of examined patients (p<0.01) and increase thiol-disulfide ratio. In the course of treatment with metabolic drug, the number of cells entering apoptotic phase in patients with visceral and periodontal diseases was significantly fewer (р<0.01).Conclusions. Thus, the findings of the study demonstrate that the correction of specific deficiencies of homeostasis is accompanied by simultaneous correction of other homeostatic failures. Patient-specific approach in choosing the metabolic therapy for treatment of patients with coexisting visceral and periodontal diseases depends on the links of metabolic homeostasis where more significant deficiencies were revealed.Актуальность. В настоящее время накоплено множество свидетельств о взаимосвязи воспалительных поражений пародонта с различными заболеваниями внутренних органов. Универсальные молекулярно-клеточные отклонения, нарушения окислительно-восстановительного метаболизма, патологическая активация апоптоза способствуют развитию и прогрессированию многих соматических заболеваний и ассоциированных с ними воспалительных заболеваний пародонта.Цель – оценка эффективности метаболической терапии при лечении больных с сочетанной патологией внутренних органов и пародонта.Материал и методы. Было проведено комплексное обследование 909 пациентов с заболеваниями внутренних органов, ассоциированными с генерализованным пародонтитом. 100 пациентов с очагами хронических инфекций различной локализации составили I группу. 100 пациентов с сердечно-сосудистой патологией составили II группу. Пациенты I и II группы были разделены на 2 подгруппы, которым назначали метаболические препараты: Мексидол (этилметилгидроксипиридин сукцината) или Циклоферон (меглюмин акридонацетата) и Милдронат (мельдоний дигидрата) или Цитофлавин (препарат янтарной кислоты). Об активности процессов свободно-радикального окисления в организме судили по перекисному окислению липидов; окисление тиоловых соединений – белков и низкомолекулярных тиолов – оценивали методом прямого и обратного амперометрического титрования; исследование апоптоза проводили на модели лимфоцитов методом проточной цитометрии (Annexin V – FITC); оценивали состояние пародонта с определением пародонтального индекса (PI) и индекса нуждаемости в лечении (CPITN).Результаты исследования. У больных с сочетанной патологией внутренних органов и пародонта было установлено повышение активности перекисного окисления липидов и свободно-радикального окисления тиолов (р<0,01), повышение маркеров патологического апоптоза Annexinа V – FITC (р<0,05). На фоне лечения разными метаболическими препаратами у всех обследованных больных из двух групп сформировалась тенденция к уменьшению активности перекисного окисления липидов (p<0,01) и восстановления тиол-дисульфидного соотношения. Также на фоне лечения метаболической терапией клеток. вступающих в фазу апоптоза, становилось достоверно меньше (р<0,01).Выводы. Полученные результаты демонстрируют, что коррекция отдельно выявленных дефектов гомеостаза сопровождается одновременной коррекцией и других гомеостатических нарушений. Персонифицированный подход в выборе средств метаболической терапии в лечении больных с сочетанной патологией внутренних органов и пародонта зависит от того, в каких звеньях метаболического гомеостаза выявлены более значимые нарушения

    Precise tracking of vaccine-responding T-cell clones reveals convergent and personalized response in identical twins

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    T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire data contain information about infections that could be used in disease diagnostics and vaccine development, but extracting that information remains a major challenge. Here we developed a statistical framework to detect TCR clone proliferation and contraction from longitudinal repertoire data. We applied this framework to data from three pairs of identical twins immunized with the yellow fever vaccine. We identified 500-1500 responding TCRs in each donor and validated them using three independent assays. While the responding TCRs were mostly private, albeit with higher overlap between twins, they could be well predicted using a classifier based on sequence similarity. Our method can also be applied to samples obtained post-infection, making it suitable for systematic discovery of new infection-specific TCRs in the clinic

    Studying the Thermodynamic Properties of Composite Magnetic Material Based on Anodic Alumina

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    Magnetic nanoparticles based on Fe3O4 and their modifications of surface with therapeutic substances are of great interest, especially drug delivery for cancer therapy includes boron-neutron capture therapy. In this paper we study the thermodynamic, morphological, structural, and chemical properties of a composite material consisting of nickel nanowires (NWs) electrochemically deposited in the pores of the membrane of porous anodic aluminum oxide (PAA) by methods of differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)