5 research outputs found

    Comunicazione, condivisione, coordinamento nell'attivit\ue0 della promozione della salute : la XII Conferenza Nazionale degli ospedali e servizi sanitari per la promozione della Salute

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    9 years after the previous HPH initiative in Milan, the Lombard network has been willing again to host the activities of the XIIth HPH National Conference, in the perspective of enhancing the Quality of organization and contents, to help participants acquire procedures and instruments more and more oriented to health promotion and to the awareness of a pathway whose contents are becoming part of the everyday activities of all the people concerned. The long. experience of the national HPH network is presenting this year some significant innovations: the international network, promoted by WHO, has recently adopted in its foundation act the orientation of supporting and fostering all the initiatives aiming at creating links among hospitals and other health services existing in "home territories" for the creation of a policy based on clear priorities of health promotion: This result has been obtained with the formulation of a Manual of Standards and HPH Specific Indicators to facilitate the services self-assessment. These are the reasons for the choice of the XIIth HPH National Conference theme, held in Milan last 16-18 October 2008; an event which has proved to be a further step in the cooperation to improve the Quality of health and life for people