163 research outputs found

    Specifics of Digital Interaction of Regional Mass Media with Audience: Nizhny Novgorod Experience

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    The focus of the authors of the article attention is the analysis of the practical experience of mastering digital media technologies aimed at the formation and strengthening of constructive interaction with the readership. The subject of analysis was the sites and social networks of traditional mass media of the closed administrative-territorial formation (ZATO) of Sarov (Nizhegorod region). These sources were studied in terms of the specifics of digital content distribution, the formation of new technological approaches to interaction with the audience, and the search for creative ways of establishing constructive interaction with the reader. It has been established that the use of digital technologies in the local information market has not yet become a universal trend. At the same time, it is noted that the analysis of the activity of regional mass media in social networks, video hosting, messengers revealed positive practices of interaction with audience groups, in particular, a clearly noticeable tendency to establish interactive communication with the target audience. However, conclusions are drawn about the insufficient use of available communication resources in building a mutually interested dialogue, which in the future may negatively affect the prospective development of the local press, lead to stagnation due to inattention to the requests and expectations of the audience

    Semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight in young infertile men with pathozoospermia, postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history

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    Background: Considering the negative impact of visceral obesity on fertility, it is important to study semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight.Aims: Evaluation of semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight in patients with infertility, postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history.Materials and methods: 33 infertile men under 30 years with post-pubertal and alimentary visceral obesity were included into retrospective case-control study. All patients have been followed through a six month weight loss program (hypocaloric diet, daily aerobic physical activity). The waist circumference, blood lipid levels, seminal antioxidant capacity and scanning electron microscopy analysis were determined before and after weight loss program. At the end of the study, patients were divided into two groups according to weight loss. The first group reduced their body weight by 5% or more (n=16), second group didn’t achieve the goal (n=17).Results: Statistically significant differences were identified in the ejaculate parameters between patients of two groups. Though at the time of initiation of medical intervention two groups were comparable except for body mass, after six months in the first group the number of sperm in 1 ml ejaculate, morphologically normal forms and the total antioxidant capacity of ejaculate increased while the number of sperm DNA integrity decreased.Conclusion: In young men with postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history clinically significant body weight reduction is associated with improved semen quality indicators

    Molecular recognition of organic guest vapor by solid adamantylcalix[4] arene

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    A series of inclusion compounds prepared by saturation of the solid adamantyl[4]calixarene (host 1) with vaporous organic guests at 298 K was studied by thermal gravimetry and static headspace GC analyses. The sorption isotherms of guests by host 1, the stoichiometry of the guest-host inclusion compounds, and the Gibbs energies of their formation were determined. The data obtained give evidence of the molecular recognition of the guest shape by host 1. Hence, compound 1 can be used in sensors for recognizing volatile organic compounds with no strong hydrogen or donor-acceptor bonds involved

    Cooperative hydration effect on the binding of organic vapors by a cross-linked polymer and beta-cyclodextrin

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    A cooperative hydration effect being favorable for the binding of organic vapors by cross-linked poly(N-6-aminohexylacrylamide) and beta-cyclodextrin was observed in ternary systems in the absence of liquid phase. For these systems the vapor sorption isotherms were determined by the static method of headspace gas Chromatographic analysis at 298 K. The obtained isotherms show an increase of binding affinity for vapor of hydrophobic sorbates above a threshold value of receptor hydration. Further hydration gives a saturation of this affinity for the studied hydrophilic polyacrylamide derivative, while the affinity of beta-cyclodextrin for the hydrophilic sorbate ethanol even decreases. A similar behavior of this polymer and beta-cyclodextrin at the change of their hydration helps to explain the observed cooperative hydration effect in terms of clathrate formation

    Physical activity in preshoolers’ values system: questionnare survey

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    Objective of the study was to analyze the preschoolers’ values system and role of physical activity in the values syste

    Population readiness for economic behavior under electronic health

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    The aim of the study – to аssess the characteristics of consumer behavior in an e-health environmentЦель исследования - оценить особенности поведения потребителя в условиях электронного здравоохранения


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    One of the priority directions of milk processing industry development in the Republic of Belarus is increase of cheese production volume. The production of cheeses by classic method is accompanied by a significant amount of whey waste, that a part of fat and milk protein pass to, and which subsequently undergoes a separate processing. Baromembrane treatment of milk allows to reduce the loss of fat and protein with serum and thereby increase the product yield. The advantage of such treatment is concentration of solids and all fractions of milk proteins in unchanged form that contributes to the preservation of their natural properties. This is the first time in the Republic of Belarus when technological solutions for concentrating dairy raw materials for cheese production have been proposed. The possibility of creation of concentrated milk mixtures for production of various kinds of cheeses by baromembrane processing methods (ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis) of skim milk was studied. The dynamics of changes in the physicochemical parameters and mineral composition of the retentate and permeate. Using these concentrates, normalized milk mixes were prepared and industrial prototypes of cheeses were produced; physicochemical and microbiological indices and organoleptic characteristics. The effect of the increased amount of protein and dry matter in milk mixture on the qualitative characteristics of the milk clot and cheese productin process parameters. The efficiency of using the methods of baromembrane concentration in the production is studied. The results of the conducted researches are of great importance for development of technologies for new types of cheese production using baromembrane methods of preparation of dairy raw materials, which make it possible to obtain an economic effect by reducing protein losses and raw material costs.Одним из приоритетных направлений развития молокоперерабатывающей отрасли в Республике Беларусь является увеличение объемов производства сыров. Производство сыров классическим способом сопровождается значительным отходом сыворотки, в которую переходит часть жира и белка молока и которая впоследствии подвергается отдельной переработке. Сократить потери жира и белков с сывороткой и тем самым увеличить выход продукта позволяет баромембранная обработка молока, преимущество которой состоит в концентрировании сухих веществ и всех фракций белков молока в неизменном виде, что способствует сохранению их природных свойств. Впервые в Республике Беларусь предложены технологические решения концентрирования молочного сырья для сыроделия. Исследована возможность получения концентрированных молочных смесей для изготовления различных видов сыров при помощи баромембранных способов обработки (ультрафильтрация, нанофильтрация, обратный осмос) обезжиренного молока. Исследована динамика изменения физико-химических показателей и минерального состава ретентата и пермеата в процессе обработки. С использованием полученных концентратов приготовлены нормализованные молочные смеси и изготовлены опытные образцы сыров, исследованы их физико-химические и микробиологические показатели и органолептические характеристики. Изучено влияние повышенного содержания белка и сухих веществ молочной смеси на качественные характеристики молочного сгустка и параметры ведения технологического процесса изготовления сыра. Дана оценка эффективности применения способов баромембранного концентрирования в технологиях производства различных групп сыров. Результаты проведенных исследований имеют важное значение для разработки технологий новых видов сыров с применением баромембранных способов подготовки молочного сырья, позволяющих получить экономический эффект за счет снижения потерь белков и сокращения расходов сырья. 