203 research outputs found

    On universality of local edge regime for the deformed Gaussian Unitary Ensemble

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    We consider the deformed Gaussian ensemble Hn=Hn(0)+MnH_n=H_n^{(0)}+M_n in which Hn(0)H_n^{(0)} is a hermitian matrix (possibly random) and MnM_n is the Gaussian unitary random matrix (GUE) independent of Hn(0)H_n^{(0)}. Assuming that the Normalized Counting Measure of Hn(0)H_n^{(0)} converges weakly (in probability if random) to a non-random measure N(0)N^{(0)} with a bounded support and assuming some conditions on the convergence rate, we prove universality of the local eigenvalue statistics near the edge of the limiting spectrum of HnH_n.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Phase Diagram for Anderson Disorder: beyond Single-Parameter Scaling

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    The Anderson model for independent electrons in a disordered potential is transformed analytically and exactly to a basis of random extended states leading to a variant of augmented space. In addition to the widely-accepted phase diagrams in all physical dimensions, a plethora of additional, weaker Anderson transitions are found, characterized by the long-distance behavior of states. Critical disorders are found for Anderson transitions at which the asymptotically dominant sector of augmented space changes for all states at the same disorder. At fixed disorder, critical energies are also found at which the localization properties of states are singular. Under the approximation of single-parameter scaling, this phase diagram reduces to the widely-accepted one in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions. In two dimensions, in addition to the Anderson transition at infinitesimal disorder, there is a transition between two localized states, characterized by a change in the nature of wave function decay.Comment: 51 pages including 4 figures, revised 30 November 200

    Spectrum of the Product of Independent Random Gaussian Matrices

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    We show that the eigenvalue density of a product X=X_1 X_2 ... X_M of M independent NxN Gaussian random matrices in the large-N limit is rotationally symmetric in the complex plane and is given by a simple expression rho(z,\bar{z}) = 1/(M\pi\sigma^2} |z|^{-2+2/M} for |z|<\sigma, and is zero for |z|> \sigma. The parameter \sigma corresponds to the radius of the circular support and is related to the amplitude of the Gaussian fluctuations. This form of the eigenvalue density is highly universal. It is identical for products of Gaussian Hermitian, non-Hermitian, real or complex random matrices. It does not change even if the matrices in the product are taken from different Gaussian ensembles. We present a self-contained derivation of this result using a planar diagrammatic technique for Gaussian matrices. We also give a numerical evidence suggesting that this result applies also to matrices whose elements are independent, centered random variables with a finite variance.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, some references adde

    Density of State in a Complex Random Matrix Theory with External Source

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    The density of state for a complex N×NN\times N random matrix coupled to an external deterministic source is considered for a finite N, and a compact expression in an integral representation is obtained.Comment: 7 pages, late

    Determining the Spectral Signature of Spatial Coherent Structures

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    We applied to an open flow a proper orthogonal decomposition (pod) technique, on 2D snapshots of the instantaneous velocity field, to reveal the spatial coherent structures responsible of the self-sustained oscillations observed in the spectral distribution of time series. We applied the technique to 2D planes out of 3D direct numerical simulations on an open cavity flow. The process can easily be implemented on usual personal computers, and might bring deep insights on the relation between spatial events and temporal signature in (both numerical or experimental) open flows.Comment: 4 page

    Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems

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    A perturbative formula for the lowest Lyapunov exponent of an Anderson model on a strip is presented. It is expressed in terms of an energy-dependent doubly stochastic matrix, the size of which is proportional to the strip width. This matrix and the resulting perturbative expression for the Lyapunov exponent are evaluated numerically. Dependence on energy, strip width and disorder strength are thoroughly compared with the results obtained by the standard transfer matrix method. Good agreement is found for all energies in the band of the free operator and this even for quite large values of the disorder strength

    Low density expansion for Lyapunov exponents

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    In some quasi-one-dimensional weakly disordered media, impurities are large and rare rather than small and dense. For an Anderson model with a low density of strong impurities, a perturbation theory in the impurity density is developed for the Lyapunov exponent and the density of states. The Lyapunov exponent grows linearly with the density. Anomalies of the Kappus-Wegner type appear for all rational quasi-momenta even in lowest order perturbation theory

    Generalized Lyapunov Exponent and Transmission Statistics in One-dimensional Gaussian Correlated Potentials

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    Distribution of the transmission coefficient T of a long system with a correlated Gaussian disorder is studied analytically and numerically in terms of the generalized Lyapunov exponent (LE) and the cumulants of lnT. The effect of the disorder correlations on these quantities is considered in weak, moderate and strong disorder for different models of correlation. Scaling relations between the cumulants of lnT are obtained. The cumulants are treated analytically within the semiclassical approximation in strong disorder, and numerically for an arbitrary strength of the disorder. A small correlation scale approximation is developed for calculation of the generalized LE in a general correlated disorder. An essential effect of the disorder correlations on the transmission statistics is found. In particular, obtained relations between the cumulants and between them and the generalized LE show that, beyond weak disorder, transmission fluctuations and deviation of their distribution from the log-normal form (in a long but finite system) are greatly enhanced due to the disorder correlations. Parametric dependence of these effects upon the correlation scale is presented.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure