1,251 research outputs found

    Observations of Dense Molecular Gas in a Quasar Host Galaxy at z=6.42: Further Evidence for a Non-Linear Dense Gas - Star Formation Relation at Early Cosmic Times

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    We report a sensitive search for the HCN(J=2-1) emission line towards SDSS J1148+5251 at z=6.42 with the VLA. HCN emission is a star formation indicator, tracing dense molecular hydrogen gas (n(H2) >= 10^4 cm^-3) within star-forming molecular clouds. No emission was detected in the deep interferometer maps of J1148+5251. We derive a limit for the HCN line luminosity of L'(HCN) < 3.3 x 10^9 K km/s pc^2, corresponding to a HCN/CO luminosity ratio of L'(HCN)/L'(CO) < 0.13. This limit is consistent with a fraction of dense molecular gas in J1148+5251 within the range of nearby ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs; median value: L'(HCN)/L'(CO) = 0.17 {+0.05/-0.08}) and HCN-detected z>2 galaxies (0.17 {+0.09/-0.08}). The relationship between L'(HCN) and L(FIR) is considered to be a measure for the efficiency at which stars form out of dense gas. In the nearby universe, these quantities show a linear correlation, and thus, a practically constant average ratio. In J1148+5251, we find L(FIR)/L'(HCN) > 6600. This is significantly higher than the average ratios for normal nearby spiral galaxies (L(FIR)/L'(HCN) = 580 {+510/-270}) and ULIRGs (740 {+505/-50}), but consistent with a rising trend as indicated by other z>2 galaxies (predominantly quasars; 1525 {+1300/-475}). It is unlikely that this rising trend can be accounted for by a contribution of AGN heating to L(FIR) alone, and may hint at a higher median gas density and/or elevated star-formation efficiency toward the more luminous high-redshift systems. There is marginal evidence that the L(FIR)/L'(HCN) ratio in J1148+5251 may even exceed the rising trend set by other z>2 galaxies; however, only future facilities with very large collecting areas such as the SKA will offer the sensitivity required to further investigate this question.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, to appear in ApJL (accepted October 24, 2007

    Cosmic Ray Interstellar Propagation Tool using It\^o Calculus (criptic): software for simultaneous calculation of cosmic ray transport and observational signatures

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    We present criptic, the Cosmic Ray Interstellar Propagation Tool using It\^o Calculus, a new open-source software package to simulate the propagation of cosmic rays through the interstellar medium and to calculate the resulting observable non-thermal emission. Criptic solves the Fokker-Planck equation describing transport of cosmic rays on scales larger than that on which their pitch angles become approximately isotropic, and couples this to a rich and accurate treatment of the microphysical processes by which cosmic rays in the energy range ∼\simMeV to ∼\simPeV lose energy and produce emission. Criptic is deliberately agnostic as to both the cosmic ray transport model and the state of the background plasma through which cosmic rays travel. It can solve problems where cosmic rays stream, diffuse, or perform arbitrary combinations of both, and the coefficients describing these transport processes can be arbitrary functions of the background plasma state, the properties of the cosmic rays themselves, and local integrals of the cosmic ray field itself (e.g., the local cosmic ray pressure or pressure gradient). The code is parallelised using a hybrid OpenMP-MPI paradigm, allowing rapid calculations exploiting multiple cores and nodes on modern supercomputers. Here we describe the numerical methods used in the code, our treatment of the microphysical processes, and the set of code tests and validations we have performed.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, accepted to MNRAS; very minor changes from first version. The software described is available from https://bitbucket.org/krumholz/criptic/src/master/, and a users' guide can be found at https://criptic.readthedocs.io

    Radiation-Hydrodynamic Simulations of Collapse and Fragmentation in Massive Protostellar Cores

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    We simulate the early stages of the evolution of turbulent, virialized, high-mass protostellar cores, with primary attention to how cores fragment, and whether they form a small or large number of protostars. Our simulations use the Orion adaptive mesh refinement code to follow the collapse from ~0.1 pc scales to ~10 AU scales, for durations that cover the main fragmentation phase, using three-dimensional gravito-radiation hydrodynamics. We find that for a wide range of initial conditions radiation feedback from accreting protostars inhibits the formation of fragments, so that the vast majority of the collapsed mass accretes onto one or a few objects. Most of the fragmentation that does occur takes place in massive, self-shielding disks. These are driven to gravitational instability by rapid accretion, producing rapid mass and angular momentum transport that allows most of the gas to accrete onto the central star rather than forming fragments. In contrast, a control run using the same initial conditions but an isothermal equation of state produces much more fragmentation, both in and out of the disk. We conclude that massive cores with observed properties are not likely to fragment into many stars, so that, at least at high masses, the core mass function probably determines the stellar initial mass function. Our results also demonstrate that simulations of massive star forming regions that do not include radiative transfer, and instead rely on a barotropic equation of state or optically thin heating and cooling curves, are likely to produce misleading results.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, emulateapj format. Accepted to ApJ. This version has minor typo fixes and small additions, no significant changes. Resolution of images severely degraded to fit within size limit. Download the full paper from http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~krumholz/recent.htm

    The art of modelling CO, [C I], and [C II] in cosmological galaxy formation models

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    The advent of new sub-millimetre (sub-mm) observational facilities has stimulated the desire to model the sub-mm line emission of galaxies within cosmological galaxy formation models. This is typically done by applying sub-resolution recipes to describe the properties of the unresolved interstellar medium (ISM). While there is freedom in how one implements sub-resolution recipes, the impact of various choices has yet to be systematically explored. We combine a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation with chemical equilibrium networks and numerical radiative transfer models and explore how different choices for the sub-resolution modelling affect the predicted CO, [C I], and [C II] emission of galaxies. A key component for a successful model includes a molecular cloud mass–size relation and scaling for the ultraviolet and cosmic ray radiation field that depend on local ISM properties. Our most successful model adopts a Plummer radial density profile for gas within molecular clouds. Different assumptions for the clumping of gas within molecular clouds and changes in the molecular cloud mass distribution function hardly affect the CO, [C I], and [C II] luminosities of galaxies. At fixed star formation rate, the [C II]–SFR ratio of galaxies scales inversely with the pressure acting on molecular clouds, increasing the molecular clouds density and hence decreasing the importance of [C II] line cooling. We find that it is essential that a wide range of sub-mm emission lines arising in vastly different phases of the ISM are used as model constraints in order to limit the freedom in sub-grid choices
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