39 research outputs found

    Analytical Tools for the Diagnostics and the Formation of a Management Team as an Element of the Organization Development Technique

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    The purpose of the current research is to work out the tools for the diagnostics and the formation of a management team as the subject of organization development within the developed by the authors complicated cyclical technique of adjusting the condition of the external environment to the potential of the controlled object, the elements of the controlled subject and the life cycle stages of the organization. The following analytical methods are used in the research: points and marks method, expert method, target method, commission and conference method, business games, comparison method, test questions, questionnaire, suggestion box, method of active sociological tested analysis and control. The authors demonstrate and justify the necessity of expertise, knowledge and skills for the management team, which in turn should correspond to such types as “enthusiasts” (infancy), “achievers” (growth), “defenders” (maturity), “bureaucrats” (decline) at different life cycle stages of the organization. The tools suggested by the authors are intended to be used at large industrial enterprises. The results obtained by the authors can be taken as the basis for further both theoretical and applied research in the field of analysis of management system of modern economic entities

    Selective breeding of scots pine in polessky forest seeding district

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    This paper presents data on the structure of the permanent base pine ordinary in Polessky forest seeding district. The study conducted growth of pine ordinary created planting different breeding groups. Clonal plantations of pine ordinary in Polessky forest seeding district is 42.2% of pine plantations established in Belarus. The proportion of seeds harvested from clonal plantations in Polessky forest seeding district area is 18.3%, which is 2 times higher than the figure for the whole of Belarus. Forest cultures created of selection material in Polessky forest seeding district area was 27.2%, share of the Republic of cultures – 31.9%

    Dynamics growth of forest plantations of pine ordinary sort “Negorelskaya”

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    Conducted a study on the dynamics of growth of cultures of Pinus sylvestris brand “Negorelskaya” created in the Krasnoslobodsky fo restry (Berezinskii Predpolessky forest growth area subzone spruce-hornbeam oak). Received information that the culture of pine bran d “Negorelskaya” characterized by high growth rates. By the age of 7 in the culture begins to grow significantly intraspecific competition for trees growing conditions, so that there is a mark ed differentiation families grow. At the time of transfer of forest crops in forest ed area final stabilization rank of families of pine brand “Negorelskaya” adjustment has not come yet. Since the establishment of pine varietal planting material observed differentiation progeny height, increasingly growing to 7 years of age. By this age in culture, the varietal planting material, 9 families were significantly higher than the control height, 10 families grow at the level of control and height deviation in one direction or another are irrelevant and unreliable and only one family (6–7) significantly behind in growth control

    Age dynamics of growth separate families of a hybrid-seed plantation pines ordinary in various forest growth areas

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    In this work the age dynamics of families growth of hybrid-seed plantations of Pinussylvestris in test cultures of different ages, created inNemansko-Predpolessky and Berezinsko-Predpolessky forest growing areas is studied. It is established that the seed-bearing breed of hybrid-seed plantations of Pinussylvestrisis characterized by the intensive height growth and preserves the inherent high growth energy over a period of 10-year tests. At present the breed-population of Pinussylvestris Negorelskaja is put on the State register of plants kinds by the state institution «State inspectorate on testing and protection of plants kinds»of the Ministry of agriculture and provisions of the Republic of Belarus

    The examination of seed posterity of scots pine hybrid seed plantations in different forest

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    In this paper we studied the characteristics of growth sort of pine ordinary in test cultures of different ages, created Nemansko-Predpolessky, Beresinsko-Predpolessky and Polessko-Pridneprovsky forest plant districts. Found that the progeny pine is characterized by intensive growth in height and of extended 9-year tests retains its inherent high growth. Currently the progeny pine state strain testing on the economic usefulness in Mozyr sort-test station public institution

    Growth, productivity and heritability of the height of the seed progeny clonal hybrid seed plantation of Scots pine at 7 years of age

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    Conducted studies on growth and productivity of seed progeny clonal hybrid seed plantation of scots pine in the test cultures. Test cultures of scots pine at 7 years of age have high rates of growth. Of the 20 subjects 9 families of offspring grow better monitoring, indicators 11 families below the height control. On the total volume of the trunks of the differences among the seed progenies were significant. The volume of tree trunks in the compartment in only 2 families were below the control variant (ratio of control to 62.8 and 99.8%). In 17 of the 20 families, the volume of trunks in the compar tment exceeds the control by more than 10% (from 111 to 228%). A supply of stem wood of all the families, except two, exceed the control. Also in test cultures determined the heritability of height of seed progeny of scots pine, which amounted to 39.8%

    Content of the main components of essential oil in the needles of scots pine growing in geographic cultures

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    The aim of the research is to analyze the content of terpenes in the needles of trees of climatic ecotypes of Scots pine growing in geographic forest crops and to reveal the differences in the level of essential oils. The object of the research is 17 Scots pine climatypes growing in geographical plantations on the territory of the Negorelsk Educational and Experimental Forestry Enterprise of the Minsk region in Belarus. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of Scots pine needles essential oil was carried out by gas-liquid chromatography without preliminary fractionation on chromatograph “Kristall 5000.1”. In the studied climatypes of Scots pine, different levels of essential oil content among monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and oxygen-containing groups were determined, as well as significant differences in the content of a number of components within the studied groups were revealed. The highest yield of essential oil is observed in the subspecies of the European Western Scots pine – 1.9%, slightly lower than this indicator in the forest-steppe subspecies (1.7%). This indicator was significantly lower in the European Eastern pine variety – 1.1% and the Siberian subspecies – 1.0%. The obtained data on the composition of essential oil and the ratio of a number of components among subspecies and varieties of Scots pine (subspecies: Lapland, Siberian, foreststeppe, European; varieties: European western and eastern) will further select the most promising climatic ecotypes and subspecies for selection resistance to biotic and abiotic environmental factors, taking into account the growth and productivity of stands. Information on the content of essential oil components in the needles of climatypes and subspecies of Scots pine makes it possible to expand knowledge in the field of plant resistance, their safety and growth, especially in the context of the outlined climate chang

    Phylogeographic structure of the Common hamster (Cricetus cricetus L.): Late Pleistocene connections between Caucasus and Western European populations.

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    The Common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) is one of the most endangered mammals in Western and Central Europe. Its genetic diversity in Russia and Kazakhstan was investigated for the first time. The analysis of sequences of an mtDNA control region and cytochrome b gene revealed at least three phylogenetic lineages. Most of the species range (approximately 3 million km2), including central Russia, Crimea, the Ural region, and northern Kazakhstan), is inhabited by a single, well-supported phylogroup, E0. Phylogroup E1, previously reported from southeastern Poland and western Ukraine, was first described from Russia (Bryansk Province). E0 and E1 are sister lineages but both are monophyletic and separated by considerable genetic distance. Hamsters inhabiting Ciscaucasia represent a separate, distant phylogenetic lineage, named "Caucasus". It is sister to the North phylogroup from Western Europe and the contemporary phylogeography for this species is discussed considering new data. These data enabled us to develop a new hypothesis to propose that in the Late Pleistocene, the continuous range of the Common hamster in the northern Mediterranean extended from the central and southern parts of modern France to the Caucasus; however, its distribution was subsequently interrupted, likely because of climate change