67 research outputs found

    Operator ordering and causality

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    It is shown that causality violations [M. de Haan, Physica 132A, 375, 397 (1985)], emerging when the conventional definition of the time-normal operator ordering [P.L.Kelley and W.H.Kleiner, Phys.Rev. 136, A316 (1964)] is taken outside the rotating wave approximation, disappear when the amended definition [L.P. and S.S., Annals of Physics, 323, 1989 (2008)] of this ordering is used.Comment: References update

    Quantum-field-theoretical approach to phase-space techniques: Symmetric Wick theorem and multitime Wigner representation

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    In this work we present the formal background used to develop the methods used in earlier works to extend the truncated Wigner representation of quantum and atom optics in order to address multi-time problems. The truncated Wigner representation has proven to be of great practical use, especially in the numerical study of the quantum dynamics of Bose condensed gases. In these cases, it allows for the simulation of effects which are missed entirely by other approximations, such as the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, but does not suffer from the severe instabilities of more exact methods. The numerical treatment of interacting many-body quantum systems is an extremely difficult task, and the ability to extend the truncated Wigner beyond single-time situations adds another powerful technique to the available toolbox. This article gives the formal mathematics behind the development of our "time-Wigner ordering" which allows for the calculation of the multi-time averages which are required for such quantities as the Glauber correlation functions which are applicable to bosonic fields.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Occupation number and fluctuations in the finite-temperature Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the occupation numbers and number fluctuations of ultra-cold atoms in deep optical lattices for finite temperatures within the Bose-Hubbard model. Simple analytical expressions for the mean occupation number and number fluctuations are obtained in the weak-hopping regime using an interpolation between results from different perturbation approaches in the Mott-insulator and superfluid phases. These analytical results are compared to exact one dimensional numerical calculations using a finite temperature variant of the Density-Matrix Renormalisation Group (DMRG) method and found to have a high degree of accuracy. We also find very good agreement in the crossover ``thermal'' region. With the present approach the magnitude of number fluctuations under realistic experimental conditions can be estimated and the properties of the finite temperature phase diagram can be studied.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figure, submitted to PR

    Phase-space analysis of bosonic spontaneous emission

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    We present phase-space techniques for the modelling of spontaneous emission in two-level bosonic atoms. The positive-P representation is shown to give a full and complete description and can be further developed to give exact treatments of the interaction of degenerate bosons with the electromagnetic field in a given experimental situation. The Wigner representation, even when truncated at second order, is shown to need a doubling of the phase-space to allow for a positive-definite diffusion matrix in the appropriate Fokker-Planck equation and still fails to agree with the full quantum results of the positive-P representation. We show that quantum statistics and correlations between the ground and excited states affect the dynamics of the emission process, so that it is in general non-exponential.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure