67 research outputs found

    Изучение процесса разгерметизации концевой

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    The investigation of the process of de-pressurization in high-pressure hoses under the thermal aging conditions by the evaluation of the de-pressurization pressure in the places of the arrangement of drain holes has been conducted.Установлена взаимосвязь между давлением разгерметизации концевой арматуры рукавов высокого давления в местах расположения на них специально высверленных дренажных отверстий, временем теплового старения рукавов и сроком их эксплуатации

    Расчет температурно-временной зависимости вулканизации в производстве резиноармированных гусениц

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    In this work the problem of choosing time and temperature for the vulcanization of rubber mixtures is considered. In order to solve this task program MATLAB 7.0 was used. The program solves it as a type I differential equation of thermal conductivity by analytical method. The dependence of the change in temperature throughout the thickness of a plate from the heating and cooling of press forms-plates of a press is established. The temperature-time cycle cycle of the vulcanization for the manufacture of rubber-reinforced tracks was determined. During the research the vulcanization of real samples of rubber-reinforced tracks was performed. The results of physico-mechanical tests of rubbers of cured samples of rubber-reinforced tracks are in agreement with the characteristics for these rubbers established in the quality specification.Вданной работе рассмотрен вопрос выбора времени и температуры вулканизации резиновых смесей, предназначенных для изготовления резиноармированных гусениц (РАГ). С использованием пакета прикладных программ установлена зависимость температуры по толщине пластины от времени нагрева и охлаждения прессформ-плит пресса. Определен температурно-временной цикл вулканизации для производства РАГ.В ходе исследований была проведена вулканизация реальных образцов РАГ. Результаты физико-механических испытаний резин – свулканизованных образцов РАГ – соответствуют рассчитанным показате лям для данных резин, установленных техническими требованиями

    The effects of antibiotics on the microbiome throughout development and alternative approaches for therapeutic modulation

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    The investigation of re-enforcement depressurization process in high-pressure hoses

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    The investigation of the process of de-pressurization in high-pressure hoses under the thermal aging conditions by the evaluation of the de-pressurization pressure in the places of the arrangement of drain holes has been conducted

    Calculation of time-temperature dependence of vulcanization in manufacture of rubber-reinforced tracks

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    In this work the problem of choosing time and temperature for the vulcanization of rubber mixtures is considered. In order to solve this task program MATLAB 7.0 was used. The program solves it as a type I differential equation of thermal conductivity by analytical method. The dependence of the change in temperature throughout the thickness of a plate from the heating and cooling of press forms-plates of a press is established. The temperature-time cycle cycle of the vulcanization for the manufacture of rubber-reinforced tracks was determined. During the research the vulcanization of real samples of rubber-reinforced tracks was performed. The results of physico-mechanical tests of rubbers of cured samples of rubber-reinforced tracks are in agreement with the characteristics for these rubbers established in the quality specification