553 research outputs found

    Combining Student-based Learning Activities with Teacher's Encouragements to Foster Learner Autonomy in Elt

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    Teacher's domination and authority used to prevail the traditional language teaching is now left and replaced by more acceptable concept of teaching. This concept emphasizes on developing the sense of learners' responsibility, independence, or autonomy, for better learning outcome. Autonomous language learners are those assumed to have greater responsibility on their own learning for their own needs. A series of guided practice through a step-by-step manner is needed in order that students can be possibly trained to be autonomous, independent learners. This paper discusses learning activities created and designed by the students combined with teacher's encouragements to foster learner autonomy. Some theories and previous studies on learner autonomy are analyzed to support the discussion. It is believed that the combination between the two important aspects in autonomous language learning will strengthen the efforts of promoting learner autonomy in ELT. Keywords: English language teaching, learner autonomy, autonomous learning, learning activities, teacher's encouragemen

    Sistem Pengelolaan Kelas di Indonesia dalam Kurikulum 2013

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    Sistem pengelolaan kelas di Indonesia merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai dengan kebijakan kurikulum 2013. Sehingga, proses belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung secara efektif dan efisien. Perbedaan tingkat kecerdasan, mental termasuk biologis peserta didik merupakan alasan mendasar.Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa tujuan utama pengelolaan kelas adalah memberdayakan nalar, mental juga gerak peserta didik melalui pendekatan kekuasaan, ancaman, kebebasan, resep, pengajaran, Perubahan tingkah laku, suasana emosi dan hubungan sosial, proses kelompok serta elektis atau pluralistik. Pendekatan ini mengikuti beberapa prinsip sekaligus keterampilan : hangat dan antusias, tantangan, bervariasi, keluwesan, pendekatan pada hal-hal yang positif, penanaman disiplin diri,sikap tanggap, membagi perhatian dan pemusatan perhatian kelompok. Kesimpulan dari kajian ini yaitu pengelolaan kelas berfokus kepada kegiatan pengaturan untuk kepentingan pengajaran. Pengelolaan kelas menyediakan fasilitas bagi berbagai kegiatan belajar peserta didik dalam lingkungan sosial, emosional, dan intelektual

    Ruwatan Murwakala Di Jakarta Dan Surakarta: Telaah Fungsi Dan Makna

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    Disertasi berjudul Ruwatan Murwakala di TMII Jakarta dan di Desa Sangkrah Pasar Kliwon-Surakarta: Telaah Fleksibilitas, Fungsi, dan Makna ini mengkaji Ruwatan Murwakala sebagai suatu peristiwa sosial budaya yang dibahas dari sudut pandang kajian tradisi lisan. Hal ini sesuai dengan teori Ruth Finnegan dalam Oral Poetry (1977) yang membahas komposisi, cara penyampaian, dan pertunjukan. Ruwatan Murwakala (RM) sebagai suatu ritus/ ritual juga akan dibahas menggunakan teori Ritus Peralihan sesuai daur hidup (life cycle) Rites of Passage teori Arnold van Gennep (1960/1975) berdasarkan ketiga tahapannya, yaitu tahap pertama perpisahan/separation, tahap kedua peralihan/marge, dan tahap ketiga pemulihan/aggregation. Kajian ini membandingkan antara RM golongan sukérta sebagai suatu ritual/upacara dari Surakarta yang masih dilaksanakan masyarakat pendukungnya di dalam komunitasnya sampai saat ini, dengan RM golongan sukérta yang selama ini diselenggarakan di TMII Jakarta di luar komunitasnya—di lingkungan masyarakat urban. Data yang diolah dan dianalisis dalam penulisan disertasi ini merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan dengan metode kualitatif, yaitu melalui teknik wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan terlibat. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara upacara RM yang sampai sekarang masih diselenggarakan di TMII Jakarta dengan RM di Desa Sangkrah Kecamatan Pasar KliwonSurakarta sebagai pusat budaya. Ada fleksibilitas fungsi dan makna dari nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam RM bagi golongan sukérta tersebut. Upacara RM masih diselenggarakan sampai sekarang. Artinya, upacara ini dapat diterima masyarakat pendukungnya sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman

    Peningkatan Kinerja Guru dan Hasil Belajar IPA Berbasis Inkuiri di Kelas Vb Sdn 73

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    Science learning that was taught merely as a product has resulted in low students' achievement. Therefore, a classroom action research was conducted to know the improvement of teacher's performance and students' achievement through inquiry-based science. The subject of the research was the home teacher of 5th grade SDN 73 West Pontianak in 2016/2017. Assisted by two collaborators, teacher's performance was observed and students' achievement was measured. Data was collected in four phases: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Average score of teacher's performance in planning inquiry based science was varied from 83 to 87 or very good. In conducting inquiry based science, average score varied from 50 to 90 or good. Students' achievement in science as a product showed improvement in 4 meetings. Percentage of students' mastery learning increased from 20.62 to 58.19. As a scientific attitude, in cycle 1 curiosity, logic, and responsibility increased from 0.16 to 1.02. Honesty decreased 0.09. In cycle 2, curiosity and responsibility increased from 0.01 to 0.23. Logic and honesty decreased from 0.08 to 0.12. As a process, 5 aspects of it increased in cycle 1 from 0.17 to 0.51. In cycle 2, the aspect of asking question and presenting observation data increased from 0.17 to 0.23. Aspect of observing and explaining science concept decreased from 0.09 to 0.24

    Pembangunan Ekonomi Daerah melalui Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Good Governance

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    One element of the Indonesian reform programs is to provide a greater autonomous to regional government. The Law No.32 of 2004 on Regional Government has changed centralized government system towards decentralization one by providing a real and accountable regional autonomous For this purpose, under this Law an autonomous region must have the authority and ability to manage the financial sources to adequately fund the execution of its region government. According to this Law, the implementation of the regional autonomy is designed to improve the people prosperity by taking into account the public interest and aspiration. This article examines the problems arise in regional financial management in the framework of realizing good governance. Apparently, the financial problem arises in the context of the regional government practice. The article concludes that the establishment of public sector oriented regional financial management system is to create a good governance based on three pillars: transparency, accountability and participative

    The Effect of Coumarin Derivate From the Stem Bark of Calophyllum Biflorum on the in Vivo Growth of Transplantable C3H Mammary Tumor Cells

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    Calanone, is a coumarin derivate which was isolated from the stem bark of Calophyllum biflorum.To know the effect of calanone on the in vivo growth of transplantable C3H mammary tumor cells, C3H mice were used which were divided into : one group of untreated control, one group of solvent control (injected with 0,1 mL PEG 400) and four treated groups, each of which were injected subcutaneously near the tumor with 0,1 mL of 1 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL, and 8 mg/mL of calanone in PEG 400 solvent respectively. The injections were given three times a week, for four weeks. By using Friedman test, for non parametric statistical analysis of the weekly observed tumor volume, it was shown that there was a significant decrease in the tumor growth of the group treated with calanone solution of 4 mg/mL dosage, compared to the control or other groups.&nbsp

    Human herpes simplex virus keratits: the pathogenesis revisited

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    Pendapatan Asli Daerah dari Sektor Pajak dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah

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    The regional tax was the source income the areal that important to finance the implementation of autonomy of the area. Then area must have the authority and the capacity to dig up sources of finance self, manage and used finance personally that really adequate to finance the implementation of the government. But each government stage could only collect the tax that was mainteed to authority. It's mean to avoid the existence of the overlap or the struggle for the authority in the tax collection againts the community

    Analisis Kualitas Jasa Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien RSU. Ungaran Di Kabupaten Semarang

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    The aims of this research are to know the differences of the service quality in reality and the patients-expected-service quality and to know the influences of service quality (Servqual = Scale multy item by Parasuraman ) dimensions on patients' satisfactory. Analysis Multiple regresi and hypothesis proofing are done by using difference tesing, T testing, and F testing. Independent Variables which are being used are tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurances, and empathy while for the dependent variable, we use patients' satisfactory. The result of this research shows that there is a gap. The gap appears between the patients-expected service qualities and the received service qualities. This is proved by Paired-Sample T-Test, with significance rate of each variables is 0.05 below the real tariff. The result also shows that the dimensions of service quality influence patients' satisfactory positively and significantly (Probability score from T Test and F Test are below 0.05). From this research, the researcher hopes that this can be helpful and be an information source for RSU Ungaran so that It will always try to improve its services performance so it can not only satisfy the patients but also contribute in the region's incomes