3 research outputs found

    What Competences Does the Regional Market of IT Specialists Want? Development and Approbation of Technology for Analysis of Current Vacancies in the Labor Market

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    One of the most dynamically developing industries in Russia is IT industry. The main problem of IT development is the lack of highly qualified specialists. Determining the relevant and in-demand knowledge and skills of specialists is possible on the basis of an analysis of vacancies posted on Internet job search portals. The study is aimed at development and approbation of the technology for analysis of current vacancies for IT specialists for further designing the content of additional vocational educational programs. Modern machine learning techniques such as Natural Language Processing can be used for automatic position selection based on skills in vacancies. K-means method was used in this paper for cluster analysis of hard and soft skills lists from vacancies posted on the HeadHunter website. The most popular skills have been determined such as teamwork skills, knowledge of working with databases and version control systems, as well as proficiency in English. It has been established that in 2021 the most popular programming language is JavaScript. As a result, two variants of programmer specialization were formed, hard and soft skills for each specialization were determined

    Analysis and Forecasting Students’ Academic Performance Using a Digital Educational Environment

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    Analysis and Forecasting Students’ Academic Performance Using a Digital Educational Environment The article discusses technical solutions used at Orenburg State University to organize a digital educational environment. Also, the authors have studied the academic performance of technical and humanities students during the period of face-to-face education and during the lockdown period. The analysis of academic performance shows the absence of significant deviations in one direction or another. The key internal and external factors that influence the students’ academic performance are highlighted. It can be concluded that the use of both internal and external factors gives a high accuracy in predicting the final progress of students

    On the use of cloud community access center to the software and methodical materials in schools of Orenburg region

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    In the article functional possibilities of cloud educational portal are described. Cloud educational portal includes two subsystems: virtual resource center and electronic educational methodical center. Virtual resource center provides a virtual desktop with needed software for users. Access to the resources is performed remotely via Internet. The students can use desktop computers, notebooks and smartphones. A set of methodical materials was implemented by lead teachers of Orenburg region. Materials for each school subject are structured by years of studying, sections and themesВ статье описаны функциональные возможности облачного образовательного портала, созданного на базе Оренбургского государственного университета. Разработанный портал включает в себя две подсистемы: ресурсный центр и методический электронный образовательный центр. Ресурсный центр портала предоставляет пользователю виртуальный рабочий стол с установленным программным обеспечением. Доступ осуществляется учащимися удаленно, через Интернет, с использованием компьютеров образовательных организаций (которые могут иметь устаревшую конфигурацию) или мобильных устройств (ноутбуков, планшетных компьютеров, смартфонов). Набор методических материалов разработан ведущими учителями Оренбургской области. Для каждого школьного предмета материалы структурированы по годам обучения, разделам и тема