1,355 research outputs found

    Study of the topological Hall effect on simple models

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    Recently, a chirality-driven contribution to the anomalous Hall effect has been found that is induced by the Berry phase and does not directly involve spin-orbit coupling. In this paper, we will investigate this effect numerically in a two-dimensional electron gas with a simple magnetic texture model. Both the adiabatic and non-adiabatic regimes are studied, including the effect of disorder. By studying the transition between both regimes the discussion about the correct adiabaticity criterium in the diffusive limit is clarified.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revtex

    Single-valley high-mobility (110) AlAs quantum wells with anisotropic mass

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    We studied a doping series of (110)-oriented AlAs quantum wells (QWs) and observed transport evidence of single anisotropic-mass valley occupancy for the electrons in a 150 \AA wide QW. Our calculations of strain and quantum confinement for these samples predict single anisotropic-mass valley occupancy for well widths WW greater than 53 \AA. Below this, double-valley occupation is predicted such that the longitudinal mass axes are collinear. We observed mobility anisotropy in the electronic transport along the crystallographic directions in the ratio of 2.8, attributed to the mass anisotropy as well as anisotropic scattering of the electrons in the X-valley of AlAs

    Measuring carrier density in parallel conduction layers of quantum Hall systems

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    An experimental analysis for two parallel conducting layers determines the full resistivity tensor of the parallel layer, at magnetic fields where the other layer is in the quantum Hall regime. In heterostructures which exhibit parallel conduction in the modulation-doped layer, this analysis quantitatively determines the charge density in the doping layer and can be used to estimate the mobility. To illustrate one application, experimental data show magnetic freeze-out of parallel conduction in a modulation doped heterojunction. As another example, the carrier density of a minimally populated second subband in a two-subband quantum well is determined. A simple formula is derived that can estimate the carrier density in a highly resistive parallel layer from a single Hall measurement of the total system.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Mesoscopic magnetoelectric effect in chaotic quantum dots

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    The magnitude of the inverse Faraday effect (IFE), a static magnetization due to an ac electric field, can be strongly increased in a mesoscopic sample, sensitive to time-reversal symmetry (TRS) breaking. Random rectification of ac voltages leads to a magnetization flux, which can be detected by an asymmetry of Hall resistances in a multi-terminal setup. In the absence of applied magnetic field through a chaotic quantum dot the IFE scale, quadratic in voltage, is found as an analytic function of the ac frequency, screening, and coupling to the contacts and floating probes, and numerically it does not show any effect of spin-orbit interaction. Our results qualitatively agree with a recent experiment on TRS-breaking in a six-terminal Hall cross.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures; v2-published version, small change

    X-ray photoemission characterization of La_{0.67}(Ca_{x}Sr_{1-x})_{0.33}MnO_{3} films

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    The Curie temperature and x-ray photoemission spectra of thin films of La_{0.67}(Ca_{x}Sr_{1-x})_{0.33}MnO_{3} (LCSMO) have been studied as a function of the Ca/Sr ratio. The films were grown by off-axis cosputtering from individual targets of La_{0.67}Ca_{0.33}MnO_{3} (LCMO) and La_{0.67}Sr_{0.33}MnO_{3} (LSMO) onto (100) oriented NdGaO_{3} substrates. The films grow with a (100) orientation, with no other orientations observed by x-ray diffraction. For the alloy mixtures, the Curie temperature, T_C, varies slowly as the Ca/Sr is decreased, remaining \approx 300 K, while for the LCMO and LSMO films T_C is 260 and 330 K, respectively. The Mn-O valence structure is composed of two dominant peaks, whose positions undergo a change as the Ca fraction is decreased. The core lines behave as linear combinations of lines from pure LCMO and LSMO.Comment: 3 pages, 5 eps figures. To be published in Journal of Applied Physics (Proceedings of MMM'98

    Different effects of Ni and Co substitution on the transport properties of BaFe2As2

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    We report resistivity and Hall effect results on Ba(Fe1-xNix)2As2 and compare them with those in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2. The Hall number RH is negative for all x values from 0.01 to 0.14, which indicates that electron carriers dominate the transport both in the magnetic and paramagnetic regime. We analyse the data in the framework of a two-band model. Without any assumption on the number of carriers, we show that the electron resistivity can be estimated with good accuracy in the low temperature paramagnetic range. Although the phase diagrams of the two families are very similar with respect to the extra electrons added in the system, we find that the transport properties differ in several aspects. First, we evidence that the contribution of holes to the transport is more important for Ni doping than for Co doping. Secondly, Ni behaves as a stronger scatterer for the electrons, as the increase of the residual electron resistivity rho/x is about four times larger for Ni than for Co in the most doped samples.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Mg-Ni-H films as selective coatings: tunable reflectance by layered hydrogenation

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    Unlike other switchable mirrors, Mg2NiHx films show large changes in reflection that yield very low reflectance (high absorptance) at different hydrogen contents, far before reaching the semiconducting state. The resulting reflectance patterns are of interference origin, due to a self-organized layered hydrogenation mechanism that starts at the substrate interface, and can therefore be tuned by varying the film thickness. This tunability, together with the high absorptance contrast observed between the solar and the thermal energies, strongly suggests the use of these films in smart coatings for solar applications.Comment: Three two-column pages with 3 figures embedded; RevTE

    Hole and Electron Contributions to the Transport Properties of Ba(Fe_(1-x)Ru_x)_2As_2 Single Crystals

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    We report a systematic study of structural and transport properties in single crystals of Ba(Fe_(1-x)Ru_x)_2As_2 for x ranging from 0 to 0.5. The isovalent substitution of Fe by Ru leads to an increase of the a parameter and a decrease of the c parameter, resulting in a strong increase of the AsFeAs angle and a decrease of the As height above the Fe planes. Upon Ru substitution, the magnetic order is progressively suppressed and superconductivity emerges for x > 0.15, with an optimal Tc ~ 20K at x = 0.35 and coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity between these two Ru contents. Moreover, the Hall coefficient RH which is always negative and decreases with temperature in BaFe2As2, is found to increase here with decreasing T and even change sign for x > 0.15. For x_Ru = 0.35, photo-emission studies have shown that the number of holes and electrons are similar with n_e = n_h ~ 0.11, that is twice larger than found in BaFe2As2 [1]. Using this estimate, we find that the transport properties of Ba(Fe_0.65Ru_0.35)_2As_2 can be accounted for by the conventional multiband description for a compensated semi-metal. In particular, our results show that the mobility of holes is strongly enhanced upon Ru addition and overcomes that of electrons at low temperature when x_Ru > 0.15.Comment: new version with minor correction

    Characterization of transport and magnetic properties in thin film La(0.67)(Ca(x)Sr(1-x))(0.33)MnO(3) mixtures

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    We have grown thin films of (100) oriented La_{0.67}(Ca_{x}Sr_{1-x})_{0.33}MnO_{3} on (100) NdGaO_{3} substrates by off-axis sputtering. We have looked at the changes in the resistivity and magnetoresistance of the samples as the Ca/Sr ratio was varied. We find that as the calcium fraction is decreased, the lattice match to the substrate decreases, and the films become more disordered, as observed in transport measurements and the variation in Curie and peak resistance temperatures. We find a correlation between the temperature independent and T^2 terms to the low temperature resistivity. The room temperature magnetoresistance exhibits a maximum as the peak temperature is increased by the substitution of Sr for Ca, and a change in the field dependence to the resistivity at room temperature is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 eps figures, to be published in Journal of Applied Physic