610 research outputs found

    Efficient engineering of multi-atom entanglement through single-photon detections

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    We propose an efficient scheme to engineer multi-atom entanglement by detecting cavity decay through single-photon detectors. In the special case of two atoms, this scheme is much more efficient than previous probabilistic schemes, and insensitive to randomness in the atom's position. More generally, the scheme can be used to prepare arbitrary superpositions of multi-atom Dicke states without the requirements of high-efficiency detection and separate addressing of different atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Anisotropic 2D diffusive expansion of ultra-cold atoms in a disordered potential

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    We study the horizontal expansion of vertically confined ultra-cold atoms in the presence of disorder. Vertical confinement allows us to realize a situation with a few coupled harmonic oscillator quantum states. The disordered potential is created by an optical speckle at an angle of 30{\deg} with respect to the horizontal plane, resulting in an effective anisotropy of the correlation lengths of a factor of 2 in that plane. We observe diffusion leading to non-Gaussian density profiles. Diffusion coefficients, extracted from the experimental results, show anisotropy and strong energy dependence, in agreement with numerical calculations

    Localization of a matter wave packet in a disordered potential

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    We theoretically study the Anderson localization of a matter wave packet in a one-dimensional disordered potential. We develop an analytical model which includes the initial phase-space density of the matter wave and the spectral broadening induced by the disorder. Our approach predicts a behavior of the localized density profile significantly more complex than a simple exponential decay. These results are confirmed by large-scale and long-time numerical calculations. They shed new light on recent experiments with ultracold atoms and may impact their analysis

    CONCUR Test-Of-Time Award 2020 Announcement

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    This short article announces the recipients of the CONCUR Test-of-Time Award 2020

    Real-Time Synthesis is Hard!

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    We study the reactive synthesis problem (RS) for specifications given in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL). RS is known to be undecidable in a very general setting, but on infinite words only; and only the very restrictive BRRS subcase is known to be decidable (see D'Souza et al. and Bouyer et al.). In this paper, we precise the decidability border of MITL synthesis. We show RS is undecidable on finite words too, and present a landscape of restrictions (both on the logic and on the possible controllers) that are still undecidable. On the positive side, we revisit BRRS and introduce an efficient on-the-fly algorithm to solve it

    Coherent Backscattering of Ultracold Atoms

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    We report on the direct observation of coherent backscattering (CBS) of ultracold atoms, in a quasi-two-dimensional configuration. Launching atoms with a well-defined momentum in a laser speckle disordered potential, we follow the progressive build up of the momentum scattering pattern, consisting of a ring associated with multiple elastic scattering, and the CBS peak in the backward direction. Monitoring the depletion of the initial momentum component and the formation of the angular ring profile allows us to determine microscopic transport quantities. The time resolved evolution of the CBS peak is studied and is found a fair agreement with predictions, at long times as well as at short times. The observation of CBS can be considered a direct signature of coherence in quantum transport of particles in disordered media. It is responsible for the so called weak localization phenomenon, which is the precursor of Anderson localization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Phases and relativity in atomic gravimetry

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    The phase observable measured by an atomic gravimeter built up on stimulated Raman transitions is discussed in a fully relativistic context. It is written in terms of laser phases which are invariant under relativistic gauge transformations. The dephasing is the sum of light and atomic contributions which are connected to one another through their interplay with conservation laws at the interaction vertices. In the case of a closed geometry, a compact form of the dephasing is written in terms of a Legendre transform of the laser phases. These general expressions are illustrated by discussing two techniques used for compensating the Doppler shift, one corresponding to chirped frequencies and the other one to ramped variations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Compositional Verification and Optimization of Interactive Markov Chains

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    Interactive Markov chains (IMC) are compositional behavioural models extending labelled transition systems and continuous-time Markov chains. We provide a framework and algorithms for compositional verification and optimization of IMC with respect to time-bounded properties. Firstly, we give a specification formalism for IMC. Secondly, given a time-bounded property, an IMC component and the assumption that its unknown environment satisfies a given specification, we synthesize a scheduler for the component optimizing the probability that the property is satisfied in any such environment
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