486 research outputs found

    Influência do tempo, temperatura e umidade na qualidade das amostras de citometria de fluxo de bananeira.

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    A banana é uma das frutas mais consumidas no mundo, possui alto valor nutritivo e socioeconômico, pois mobiliza um grande contingente de mão-de-obra, permite retorno rápido ao produtor e é geradora de divisas (Ganga, 2002). Em 2008 o Brasil era o quarto maior produtor mundial de banana, produzindo mais de 7 milhões de toneladas de frutos por ano, em uma área de 513 mil hectares (FAO, 2010). Embora exista um número expressivo de variedades de banana no Brasil, quando se considera preferência dos consumidores, produtividade, tolerância a pragas, porte adequado, resistência à seca e ao frio, restam poucas variedades com potencial agronômico para utilização comercial. Estratégias alternativas de melhoramento genético da bananeira, fundamentadas na duplicação de cromossomos tem a função de gerar híbridos com características desejáveis pelo programa de melhoramento genético da cultura (Vakili, 1967; Stover e Buddenhagen, 1986).pdf 186

    Fortalezas del carácter y autorregulación emocional en trabajadores brasileños

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    Character strengths and emotion self-regulation are relevant psychological resources to help workers cope with current demands in the workplace. The present investigation aimed to test the association with and the predictive power of the character strengths regarding emotion self-regulation. A total of 203 participants aged 18 to 68 years answered the sociodemographic questionnaire, Character Strength Scale –Brief (CSS-Brief), and the Emotion Self-Regulation Scale –Adult (ESRS-AD). The findings indicated weak to strong associations between the CSS-Brief and ESRS-AD factors. The intrapersonal strength and the intellectual and interpersonal strengths predicted the emotion self-regulation strategies likely to be adopted by the workers. The gathered evidence suggested significant differences in the ESRS-AD and CSS-Brief regarding the participants’ sociodemographic features. These results have occurred regardless of the workers’ hierarchical level and job department.Las fortalezas del carácter y la autorregulación de las emociones son recursos psicológicos relevantes para ayudar a los trabajadores a hacer frente a las demandas actuales en trabajo. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo probar la asociación y el poder predictivo de las fortalezas del carácter con respecto a la autorregulación emocional. Un total de 203 participantes con edades entre 18 y 68 años respondieron el cuestionario sociodemográfico, la Escala de Fortaleza del Carácter -Breve (EFC-Breve) y la Escala de Autorregulación Emocional -Adulto (EARE-AD). Los resultados indicaron asociaciones de débiles a fuertes entre los factores CSS-Brief y ESRS-AD. La fortaleza intrapersonal y las fortalezas intelectuales e interpersonales predijeron las estrategias de autorregulación emocional susceptibles de ser adoptadas por los trabajadores. La evidencia recopilada sugirió diferencias significativas en ESRS-AD y CSS-Brief con respecto a las características sociodemográficas de los participantes. Estos resultados se han producido independientemente del nivel jerárquico y del departamento de trabajo de los trabajadore

    Adequação da técnica de massa específica na diferenciação de diplóides e poliplóides de Musa acuminata Cola.

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    A duplicação cromossômica de diplóides, com a produção de autotetraplóides, é uma técnica que vem sendo usada no melhoramento genético de bananeira para obtenção de triplóides secundários. Mediante cruzamento desses tetraplóides com diplóides melhorados (Silva et al., 2005). Desta forma é possível, produzir híbridos com boas características agronômicas e resistentes a pragas que podem ser recomendados como novas cultivares (Bakry et al., 2007).Vários são os fatores que podem determinar o sucesso da poliploidização em bananeira, dentre eles destaca-se o uso de técnicas práticas e seguras para identificação dos poliplóides putativos. Dentre essas, são usadas a citometria de fluxo, estudo da estrutura de estômatos e contagem de cromossomos (Ganga & Chezhiyan, 2002; Bakry et al., 2007; Dolezel, 2007).A pré-seleção de indivíduos tratados com antimitótico é uma prática, que se observou necessária para redução do número de indivíduos que necessitam ter a ploidia confirmada por citometria ou outros métodos. A pré-seleção é feita na fase de aclimatização e baseia-se em características morfológicas e ou estruturais, como espessura das folhas, uma vez que, os tetraplóides normalmente são plantas vigoras e com folhas mais espessas. Plantas com folhas mais espessas podem ser identificadas por pessoas treinadas por meio do tato. A espessura foliar pode ser medida por vários métodos e de forma indireta, com base na massa de discos foliares.O trabalho teve por objetivo estimar a espessura foliar, com base no peso de discos foliares de genótipos com diferentes ploidias.pdf 252

    Surgical Management of Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: A Systematic Review and Guideline from the European Pediatric Surgeons' Association Evidence and Guideline Committee

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    Introduction: Inguinal hernia repair represents the most common operation in childhood; however, consensus about the optimal management is lacking. Hence, recommendations for clinical practice are needed. This study assesses the available evidence and compiles recommendations on pediatric inguinal hernia. / Materials and Methods: The European Pediatric Surgeons' Association Evidence and Guideline Committee addressed six questions on pediatric inguinal hernia repair with the following topics: (1) open versus laparoscopic repair, (2) extraperitoneal versus transperitoneal repair, (3) contralateral exploration, (4) surgical timing, (5) anesthesia technique in preterm infants, and (6) operation urgency in girls with irreducible ovarian hernia. Systematic literature searches were performed using PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase (Ovid), and The Cochrane Library. Reviews and meta-analyses were conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement. / Results: Seventy-two out of 5,173 articles were included, 27 in the meta-analyses. Laparoscopic repair shortens bilateral operation time compared with open repair. In preterm infants, hernia repair after neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)/hospital discharge is associated with less respiratory difficulties and recurrences, regional anesthesia is associated with a decrease of postoperative apnea and pain. The review regarding operation urgency for irreducible ovarian hernia gained insufficient evidence of low quality. / Conclusion: Laparoscopic repair may be beneficial for children with bilateral hernia and preterm infants may benefit using regional anesthesia and postponing surgery. However, no definite superiority was found and available evidence was of moderate-to-low quality. Evidence for other topics was less conclusive. For the optimal management of inguinal hernia repair, a tailored approach is recommended taking into account the local facilities, resources, and expertise of the medical team involved

    Chemotherapy-Response Monitoring of Breast Cancer Patients Using Quantitative Ultrasound-Based Intra-Tumour Heterogeneities

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Anti-cancer therapies including chemotherapy aim to induce tumour cell death. Cell death introduces alterations in cell morphology and tissue micro-structures that cause measurable changes in tissue echogenicity. This study investigated the effectiveness of quantitative ultrasound (QUS) parametric imaging to characterize intra-tumour heterogeneity and monitor the pathological response of breast cancer to chemotherapy in a large cohort of patients (n = 100). Results demonstrated that QUS imaging can non-invasively monitor pathological response and outcome of breast cancer patients to chemotherapy early following treatment initiation. Specifically, QUS biomarkers quantifying spatial heterogeneities in size, concentration and spacing of acoustic scatterers could predict treatment responses of patients with cross-validated accuracies of 82 ± 0.7%, 86 ± 0.7% and 85 ± 0.9% and areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.75 ± 0.1, 0.80 ± 0.1 and 0.89 ± 0.1 at 1, 4 and 8 weeks after the start of treatment, respectively. The patients classified as responders and non-responders using QUS biomarkers demonstrated significantly different survivals, in good agreement with clinical and pathological endpoints. The results form a basis for using early predictive information on survival-linked patient response to facilitate adapting standard anti-cancer treatments on an individual patient basis

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) up-regulates adrenomedullin expression in human tumor cell lines during oxygen deprivation: a possible promotion mechanism of carcinogenesis

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    Little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control adrenomedullin (AM) production in human cancers. We demonstrate here that the expression of AM mRNA in a variety of human tumor cell lines is highly induced in a time-dependent manner by reduced oxygen tension (1% O2) or exposure to hypoxia mimetics such as desferrioxamine mesylate (DFX) or CoCl2. This AM expression seems to be under hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) transcriptional regulation, since HIF-1alpha and HIF-1beta knockout mouse cell lines had an ablated or greatly reduced hypoxia AM mRNA induction. Similarly, inhibition or enhancement of HIF-1 activity in human tumor cells showed an analogous modulation of AM mRNA. Under hypoxic conditions, immunohistochemical analysis of tumor cell lines revealed elevated levels of AM and HIF-1alpha as compared with normoxia, and we also found an increase of immunoreactive AM in the conditioned medium of tumor cells analyzed by RIA. AM mRNA stabilization was shown to be partially responsible for the hypoxic up-regulated expression of AM. In addition, we have identified several putative hypoxia response elements (HREs) in the human AM gene, and reporter studies with selected HREs were capable of enhancing luciferase expression after exposure to DFX. Furthermore, transient coexpression of HIF-1alpha resulted in an augmented transactivation of the reporter gene after DFX treatment. Given that most solid human tumors have focal hypoxic areas and that AM functions as a mitogen, angiogenic factor, and apoptosis-survival factor, our findings implicate the HIF-1/AM link as a possible promotion mechanism of carcinogenesis
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