2,957 research outputs found

    Welfare recipiency, job separation outcomes, and postseparation earnings: insight from linked personnel and state administrative data

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    This paper uses a unique personnel data set and state administrative data to follow welfare and nonwelfare hires who separate from similar jobs with the same firm. Welfare hires are more likely to separate from their job and are more likely to be on welfare after separation compared with similarly low-skilled nonwelfare hires. Those not returning to welfare, however, are no more or less likely to have moved on to a lower- or higher-paying job than nonwelfare hires.

    Job separation behavior of welfare recipients: results from a unique case study

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    This paper uses a unique personnel data set to explore job separation behavior among welfare hires. Our results indicate that welfare hires are no less stable than similar nonwelfare hires; however, time until separation does differ across welfare status by reason for separation. We also found that the presence of a mentoring program will increase time until separation for both welfare and nonwelfare hires.

    Response to Den Herder-Thomas and Ryan

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    Response to Tirosh-Samuelson

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    Habitat of Red-Backed Vole

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    These data are a part of a study of small mammal populations at Cedar Creek Forest, Anoka County, Minnesota. The live-trapping area of 5.0 acres, with 81 traps spaced 52 feet apart, was in a tamarack-white cedar bog. The study extended over a period of 7 years (1949-1955). Trapping periods of five days (four nights) extended from early May to the first part of October. In all, there were 14,580 trap-nights. A total of 428 voles were marked and weighed; data on 25 dead unmarked individuals are also included. A frequency index was calculated for each station. This index was arrived at by multiplying the number of individuals caught at a station by the number of years they occurred at that station. These indices were grouped and represented on a map. Clethrionomys occupied mostly the white cedar area with sparse to medium cover. Within this area their distribution was most closely correlated with the presence of stumps, rotting logs and root systems in loose forest litter and sphagnum

    A Mid-Continent Irruption of Canada Lynx, 1962-63

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    There was a mid-continent irruption of the Canada lynx (Felis lynx) population and subsequent extensive movement into non-lynx habitats during the years 1962-1963. Lynx were found in the prairie provinces of Canada and the prairie areas of Minnesota, and North and South Dakota. They were also found in urban areas such as Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota: Winnipeg, Manitoba: and Calgary, Saskatchewan, Canada. Causes for the irruption remain unknown but speculations include primarily a change in snowshoe hare population, disease, extensive forest fires and extensive spraying. Unusual behavior seemed to be most often reflected by a lack of fear

    Light Microscopy of Periphrtal Nerve Adequately Fixed for Electron Microscopy

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    Electron microscopy has settled prior controversies regarding the relationship of axon, myelin and Schwann cell bat doubt remains about the correct interpretation of the classic binding sheaths. Perineurium is customarily interpreted to be flattened fibroblasts but recent evidence suggests attenuated Schwann cells. This study attempts to reinterpret the morphology of peripheral nerve known to be fixed adequately for fine structure. Special emphasis is plaoed on the binding sheaths, especially perineurium. Forty white rats were perfused with buffered aldehydes. Sural and sciatic nerves were removed. Smaller nerves were obtained with orbital contents and the loose oonneotive tissue of spleen and pancreas. These were prepared for light microscopy with the least possible change of routine techniques. Selective chromatic stains were modified to demon, strate nerve morphology. In this study perineurium is distinguished from epineurium and endoneurlum because its boundary membranes stain with the periodic acid. Schiff (PAS) method and counterstains. Additional stains also show perineurium as a distinct morphological layer that is complete and organised. Blood vessels are surrounded by perineurium in their longitudinal course within this sheath. All nerve branches acquire a perineural covering from a parent nerve by a process of gradual partitioning. Perineurium is demonstrable as a specialised layer. It resembles Schwann cells by reason of its boundary membranes and wrap-around ten. dencies. This suggests nearectodermal rather than mesodermal origin. Tissue space with its contained connective tissues exists both inside and outside of perineurium

    The Use of Stress Management in Combination with Parent Training: An Intervention Study with Parents of Preschool Children

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    Many preschool children exhibit a number of problematic, acting-out behaviors. Parents of preschoolers exhibiting behavior problems often experience a great deal of stress associated with these problem behaviors. Consistently robust improvements have been found in the use of stress management for adult stress, pain, and medical wellbeing. Likewise, studies have shown parent training decreases the severity of child behavior problems. However, only a few studies have examined effects of parent training on both child behavior and parent stress. Some studies have found that parents who complete parent training also report lowered stress levels commensurate with improvement of child behavior. It is unclear, though, whether adding stress management would provide additional benefits to parents and their children. The purpose of this study was to look at effects of providing both parent training and stress management training to parents of preschoolers, and to look at the effects of providing treatment in a different order to two groups of parents. Parent volunteers completed seven weeks of parent training and four weeks of stress management training, with half of the parents receiving stress management first and half receiving parent training first. It was found that overall improvements in measures of parent stress and chi Id behavior were not significantly different between the two groups. Improvement in child behavior was attributed to parent training; improvement in parent stress was attributed to both parent training and stress management training, with larger improvements in parent-related stress generally attributed to stress management training and larger improvements in child-related stress attributed to parent training. However, child behavior temporarily worsened while parents received stress management training. Stress management did not enhance effects of parent training, but parents were better off on measures of stress and parenting efficacy after receiving both training components than they were after receiving only one treatment component. Parents felt more effective as parents after treatment and rated the overall treatment package highly; however, parents who received their prefened treatment first were slightly more satisfied than parents receiving prefened treatment second. Teachers reported general improvement in children whose parents received treatment and those whose parents did not receive treatment


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    Loan records and lender credit risk classifications are used to examine agricultural credit risk migration. The results include estimates of the likelihood of borrowers transitioning among five credit risk tiers. The paper also examines factors that influence or predict credit risk migration and its impact on loan pricing.credit risk, agricultural lending, credit risk migration, credit quality, Agricultural Finance,