17 research outputs found


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    Etiopathogenetic ulcer is of particular interest because of its great role in hereditary predisposition to formation of this pathology. The authors detail not only the risk factors but the features of the neuro-psychic sphere, the clinical picture, and endoscopic features in their interrelation with genetic predisposition to the disease.Особенности этиопатогенеза язвенной болезни представляют особый интерес ввиду большой роли наследственной предрасположенности в формировании данной патологии. Авторами детально рассмотрены не только факторы риска, но и особенности нервно-психической сферы, клинической картины и эндоскопических характеристик во взаимосвязи с генетической обусловленностью к заболеванию

    Absence of Morphotropic Phase Boundary Effects in BiFeO3-PbTiO3 Thin Films Grown via a Chemical Multilayer Deposition Method

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    Here, we report the unusual behaviour shown by the (BiFeO3)1-x-(PbTiO3)x (BF-xPT) films prepared using a multilayer deposition approach by chemical solution deposition method. Thin film samples of various compositions were prepared by depositing several bilayers of BF and PT precursors by varying the BF or PT layer thicknesses. X-ray diffraction showed that final samples of all compositions show mixing of the two compounds resulting in a single phase mixture, also confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. In contrast to bulk equilibrium compositions, our samples show a monoclinic (MA type) structure suggesting disappearance of morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) about x = 0.30 as observed in the bulk. This is accompanied by the lack of any enhancement of remnant polarization at MPB as shown by the ferroelectric measurements. Magnetic measurements show that the magnetization of the samples increases with increasing BF content. Significant magnetization of the samples indicates melting of spin spirals in the BF-xPT arising from random distribution of iron atoms across the film. Absence of Fe2+ ions in the films was corroborated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. The results illustrate that used thin film processing methodology significantly changes the structural evolution in contrast to predictions from the equilibrium phase diagram as well as modify the functional characteristics of BP-xPT system dramatically.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Особенности электрофизиологической активности коры больших полушарий мозга у детей с артрогрипозом

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    Background. Arthrogryposis is one of the most severe congenital abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system characterized by 2 or more contractures of the large joints, muscle and anterior grey column pathology. One of the main problems making selfcare limited or impossible for the patients is an absence of the active movements in the joints of the upper extremities which can be restored through autologous transplantation from the various donor areas. Processes of the rehabilitation after these operations are associated with neuronal remodeling in the central nervous system both in the spinal cord and the brain, in the cortial regions in particular.The objective is to evaluate possible reflection of arthrogryposis in the amplitude and neurodynamical characteristics of the electroencephalogram (EEG) in children.Materials and methods. Electrophysiological characteristics of the cerebral cortex in children with arthrogryposis and healthy children of the same age were examined. Such EEG characteristics as power and long-range temporal correlations (evaluation of the neuronal activity dynamics) in ranges of 4–8, 8–12, and 12–16 Hz were measured. The results were evaluated in accordance with clinical scales.Results. Data analysis has shown that children with arthrogryposis have significantly decreased EEG power in all of the studied ranges compared to healthy children. Additionally, a significant correlation between EEG power and the level of restoration of motor functions in the upper extremities after autologous transplantation of various muscle groups in the position of the biceps was observed. The obtained results reflect correlation between the electrophysiological parameters of the cerebral cortex and processes associated with arthrogryposis pathology. However, neurodynamical parameters in children with arthrogryposis are similar to those in healthy children. The results allow to state that arthrogryposis is reflected through decreased electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in 4–16 Hz range with preservation of neurodynamic characteristics typical for disease-free children.Conclusion. In this study, a significant difference in EEG power in 4–8, 8–12, and 12–16 Hz ranges between children with arthrogryposis and healthy children was demonstrated. However, there was no difference in such an important neurodynamical characteristic as longrange temporal correlations. It is possible that decreased amplitude of EEG rhythms in children with arthrogryposis is caused by their lower motor activity in general.Введение. Артрогрипоз – один из наиболее тяжелых врожденных пороков развития опорно-двигательного аппарата, характеризующийся наличием 2 и более контрактур крупных суставов, поражением мышц, а также передних рогов спинного мозга. Одной из основных проблем, обусловливающих ограничение или невозможность самообслуживания пациентов, является отсутствие активных движений в суставах верхних конечностей, которое восстанавливается путем аутотрансплантации мышц различных донорских областей. Процессы реабилитации после таких операций связаны в том числе и с нейрональными перестройками в центральной нервной системе как в спинном, так и в головном мозге, в частности в корковых его отделах.Цель исследования – оценить возможное отражение заболевания артрогрипозом у детей в амплитудных и нейродинамических показателях электроэнцефалограммы (ЭЭГ).Материалы и методы. Изучали электрофизиологические показатели активности коры головного мозга у детей с диагнозом артрогрипоза и здоровых детей сходного возраста. Оценивали такие показатели ЭЭГ, как мощность и длинновременные корреляции (метод оценки динамики нейрональной активности) в диапазонах 4–8, 8–12 и 12–16 Гц. Поражения оценивали на основе клинических шкал.Результаты. Анализ данных показал, что у детей с артрогрипозом, по сравнению с детьми без патологий, имеется достоверное снижение мощности ЭЭГ по всем исследованным частотным диапазонам. Кроме того, продемонстрирована достоверная корреляция мощности ЭЭГ со степенью восстановления двигательных функций верхних конечностей после операций по аутотрансплантации различных групп мышц в позицию двуглавой мышцы плеча. Полученные результаты отражают корреляцию электрофизиологических параметров коры головного мозга с процессами, связанными с патологией артрогрипоза. При этом нейродинамические параметры у детей с артрогрипозом не отличаются от таковых у здоровых детей. По результатам можно констатировать факт отражения заболевания артрогрипозом в снижении электрической активности коры больших полушарий головного мозга в частотном диапазоне 4–16 Гц при сохранении нейродинамических показателей, сходных с группой детей без заболевания.Заключение. В данной работе показано достоверное отличие мощности ЭЭГ в диапазонах 4–8, 8–12 и 12–16 Гц у детей с артрогрипозом и здоровых детей. Однако разницы в таком важном нейродинамическом показателе, как длинновременные корреляции, не обнаружено. Возможно, факт снижения амплитуды ритмов в ЭЭГ у больных детей объясняется их более низкой общей моторной активностью

    Chicken-Pox: «Growing» Up Infection

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    Chicken pox in the Russian Federation in recent years has maintained a consistently high level of rating in the structure of infectious diseases and the magnitude of economic damage from infectious diseases.Purpose: was to assess the epidemiological features of chicken pox in adults over 18 years in the Voronezh region.Methods. Materials the study was of the form of Federal state statistical supervision over 2006 – 2017 years. The method of retrospective epidemiological analysis was used. Statistical data processing was performed using Microsoft Excel.Results. In recent years, in the Voronezh region there has been an increase in the incidence and hospitalization of adults diagnosed with varicella. In persons older than 18 years, more severe course and complications were observed. Cases of varicella were reported as an infection related to medical care. The sources of infection for nosocomial cases were pregnant women and healthcare professional.Conclusions. In order to prevent introduction and spread of chicken pox in medical organizations of the region it is necessary to consider the immunization of contingents at risk. It requires the introduction of a permanent statistical monitoring of individuals with a diagnosis of «Shingles»

    Pertussis in the Voronezh Region: Epidemiology and Vaccination

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    Relevance. In recent years, the increase in the incidence of pertussis has been observed in many countries despite high vaccination coverage of the child population.Purpose: was to study the epidemiological features of whooping cough in the Voronezh region for the period from 2008 to 2018 years.Methods. The research material was data the annual form No. 2, 5, 6 of Rosstat for 2008 through 2018. Statistical data processing was performed using Microsoft Excel 2007.Results. The epidemiological features of pertussis in the Voronezh region for the period from 2008 to 2018 have been studied. Despite the high coverage of preventive vaccinations in children of the first years of life, in recent years, the incidence of pertussis increased the average Russian rates by 3,5 times. In the age structure of the diseased there was a tendency to increase the proportion of schoolchildren and adults. Analysis of the reports showed that half of the cases were vaccinated at the prescribed age, but the interval after vaccination before the illness was an average of 9 years.Conclusions. In recent years, there has been a tendency to an increase in the incidence of whooping cough in the Voronezh region. The incidence of vaccinated indicates the natural extinction of post-vaccination immunity to school age and requires a decision on the introduction of revaccination of schoolchildren with actual acellular vaccines

    Variants of myocardial perfusion at rest, and their clinical assessment in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease

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    In patients with isolated arterial hypertension (AH) (n = 50), isolated coronary heart disease (CHD) (n = 16), and combination of AH and CHD (n = 43), myocardial perfusion at rest, and its correlation with myocardial function was investigated. The variants of myocardial perfusion (norm, diffuse unhomogeneity, local abnormalities) were nosology-independent. Local perfusion defects were assosiated with left ventricular hypertrophy (myocardial mass no less than 200 g), diastolic dysfunction, and prevailing hemodynamic load. Myocardial perfusion at rest was defined mostly by the level of myocardial stress, with left ventricular myocardial mass and dyastolic function acting as leading factors

    Characteristics of electrophysiological activity of the cerebral cortex in children with arthrogryposis

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    Background. Arthrogryposis is one of the most severe congenital abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system characterized by 2 or more contractures of the large joints, muscle and anterior grey column pathology. One of the main problems making selfcare limited or impossible for the patients is an absence of the active movements in the joints of the upper extremities which can be restored through autologous transplantation from the various donor areas. Processes of the rehabilitation after these operations are associated with neuronal remodeling in the central nervous system both in the spinal cord and the brain, in the cortial regions in particular.The objective is to evaluate possible reflection of arthrogryposis in the amplitude and neurodynamical characteristics of the electroencephalogram (EEG) in children.Materials and methods. Electrophysiological characteristics of the cerebral cortex in children with arthrogryposis and healthy children of the same age were examined. Such EEG characteristics as power and long-range temporal correlations (evaluation of the neuronal activity dynamics) in ranges of 4–8, 8–12, and 12–16 Hz were measured. The results were evaluated in accordance with clinical scales.Results. Data analysis has shown that children with arthrogryposis have significantly decreased EEG power in all of the studied ranges compared to healthy children. Additionally, a significant correlation between EEG power and the level of restoration of motor functions in the upper extremities after autologous transplantation of various muscle groups in the position of the biceps was observed. The obtained results reflect correlation between the electrophysiological parameters of the cerebral cortex and processes associated with arthrogryposis pathology. However, neurodynamical parameters in children with arthrogryposis are similar to those in healthy children. The results allow to state that arthrogryposis is reflected through decreased electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in 4–16 Hz range with preservation of neurodynamic characteristics typical for disease-free children.Conclusion. In this study, a significant difference in EEG power in 4–8, 8–12, and 12–16 Hz ranges between children with arthrogryposis and healthy children was demonstrated. However, there was no difference in such an important neurodynamical characteristic as longrange temporal correlations. It is possible that decreased amplitude of EEG rhythms in children with arthrogryposis is caused by their lower motor activity in general