17,240 research outputs found

    Classification and area estimation of land covers in Kansas using ground-gathered and LANDSAT digital data

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    Ground-gathered data and LANDSAT multispectral scanner (MSS) digital data from 1981 were analyzed to produce a classification of Kansas land areas into specific types called land covers. The land covers included rangeland, forest, residential, commercial/industrial, and various types of water. The analysis produced two outputs: acreage estimates with measures of precision, and map-type or photo products of the classification which can be overlaid on maps at specific scales. State-level acreage estimates were obtained and substate-level land cover classification overlays and estimates were generated for selected geographical areas. These products were found to be of potential use in managing land and water resources

    Secondary literacy across the curriculum: Challenges and possibilities

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    This paper discusses the challenges and possibilities attendant upon successfully implementing literacy across the curriculum initiatives – or ‘school language policies’ as they have come to be known - particularly at the secondary or high school level. It provides a theoretical background to these issues, exploring previous academic discussions of school language policies, and highlights key areas of concern as well as opportunity with respect to school implementation of such policies. As such, it provides a necessary conceptual background to the subsequent papers in this special issue, which focus upon the Secondary Schools’ Literacy Initiative (SSLI) – a New Zealand funded programme that aims to establish cross-curricular language and literacy policies in secondary schools

    Analytic Behaviour of Competition among Three Species

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    We analyse the classical model of competition between three species studied by May and Leonard ({\it SIAM J Appl Math} \textbf{29} (1975) 243-256) with the approaches of singularity analysis and symmetry analysis to identify values of the parameters for which the system is integrable. We observe some striking relations between critical values arising from the approach of dynamical systems and the singularity and symmetry analyses.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physic

    An implicit finite difference approximation to the one-dimensional transport equation

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    The properties of an implicit three-level finite difference scheme are investigated. The modified equivalent partial differential equation is used to determine the speed and amplitude characteristics of the scheme, and these are used to determine the optimal value of the weighting between a central difference and an upwind biased difference. Results of numerical experiments that confirm that the predicted value of the weight does minimise the error are presented

    Can Long-Range Nuclear Properties Be Influenced By Short Range Interactions? A chiral dynamics estimate

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    Recent experiments and many-body calculations indicate that approximately 20\% of the nucleons in medium and heavy nuclei (A12A\geq12) are part of short-range correlated (SRC) primarily neutron-proton (npnp) pairs. We find that using chiral dynamics to account for the formation of npnp pairs due to the effects of iterated and irreducible two-pion exchange leads to values consistent with the 20\% level. We further apply chiral dynamics to study how these correlations influence the calculations of nuclear charge radii, that traditionally truncate their effect, to find that they are capable of introducing non-negligible effects.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures. This version includes many improvement

    Utilizing remote sensing of thematic mapper data to improve our understanding of estuarine processes and their influence on the productivity of estuarine-dependent fisheries

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    The land-water interface of coastal marshes may influence the production of estuarine-dependent fisheries more than the area of these marshes. To test this hypothesis, a spatial model was created to explore the dynamic relationship between marshland-water interface and level of disintegration in the decaying coastal marshes of Louisiana's Barataria, Terrebonne, and Timbalier basins. Calibrating the model with Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery, a parabolic relationship was found between land-water interface and marsh disintegration. Aggregated simulation data suggest that interface in the study area will soon reach its maximum and then decline. A statistically significant positive linear relationship was found between brown shrimp catch and total interface length over the past 28 years. This relationship suggests that shrimp yields will decline when interface declines, possibly beginning about 1995

    Utilizing remote sensing of Thematic Mapper data to improve our understanding of estuarine processes and their influence on the productivity of estuarine-dependent fisheries

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    The purpose of the project is to refine and validate a probabilistic spatial computer model through the analyses of thematic mapper imagery. The model is designed to determine how the interface between marshland and water changes as marshland is converted to water in a disintegrating marsh. Coastal marshland in Louisiana is disintegrating at the rate of approximately 40 sq mi a year, and an evaluation of the potential impact of this loss on the landings of estuarine-dependent fisheries is needed by fisheries managers. Understanding how marshland-water interface changes as coastal marshland is lost is essential to the process of evaluating fisheries effects, because several studies suggest that the production of estuarine-dependent fish and shellfish may be more closely related to the interface between marshland and water than to acreage of marshland. The need to address this practical problem has provided an opportunity to apply some scientifically interesting new techniques to the analyses of satellite imagery. Progress with the development of these techniques is the subject of this report

    Utilizing remote sensing of Thematic Mapper data to improve our understanding of estuarine processes and their influence on the productivity of estuarine-dependent fisheries

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    LANDSAT thematic mapper (TM) data are being used to refine and validate a stochastic spatial computer model to be applied to coastal resource management problems in Louisiana. Two major aspects of the research are: (1) the measurement of area of land (or emergent vegetation) and water and the length of the interface between land and water in TM imagery of selected coastal wetlands (sample marshes); and (2) the comparison of spatial patterns of land and water in the sample marshes of the imagery to that in marshes simulated by a computer model. In addition to activities in these two areas, the potential use of a published autocorrelation statistic is analyzed

    Yellowfeed production in Saskatchewan

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    Non-Peer ReviewedYellowfeed is a harvesting method where an annual cereal crop grown for forage is sprayed with glyphosate at the milk-soft dough stage and allowed to stand until dry. Once dry the crop can be cut and then immediately baled. A study was conducted at 16 site by crop combination to monitor oat and barley forage yield and quality. After the application of glyphosate, dry matter yield was maximized at 20 days and protein concentration was minimized at 25 days. ADF, NDF, and TDN did not vary after glyphosate application. Yellowfeed is a viable alternative harvesting method when annual cereals are harvested for hay