8 research outputs found

    Traffic-induced vibrations and rubber granulate binder course

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    In some urban areas, such as those near historical sites, is extremely felt the disturb to people and buildings due to traffic vibrations. The paper deals with a study protocol finalized to design an high performance flexible pavement with anti-vibration properties to be used in the over mentioned situations. The influence of a selected percentage of the crumb rubber on the behaviour of a binder course asphalt concrete versus traffic vibrations has been investigated in laboratory as well as on field, in comparison with a traditional pavement having the binder course without crumb rubber, by the use of both traditional and innovative methodologies and devices. The results achieved show a better performance in reduction of traffic vibration and mechanical behaviour of the asphalt mix with granulated crumb rubber compared to the traditional binder course

    Conglomerato bituminoso con granulato di gomma per pavimentazioni stradali anti-vibranti

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    La progettazione delle moderne sovrastrutture stradali non pu\uf2 pi\uf9 prescindere dal considerare l\u2019ambiente circostante come elemento primario. Lo sforzo dei progettisti e dei gestori di infrastrutture stradali \ue8 sempre pi\uf9 orientato verso la individuazione di adeguati criteri progettuali e di tecnologie costruttive che possano garantire la mitigazione dei fenomeni indesiderati e/o nocivi prodotti dal traffico quali le vibrazioni