2,125 research outputs found

    Is G a conversion factor or a fundamental unit?

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    By using fundamental units c, h, G as conversion factors one can easily transform the dimensions of all observables. In particular one can make them all ``geometrical'', or dimensionless. However this has no impact on the fact that there are three fundamental units, G being one of them. Only experiment can tell us whether G is basically fundamental.Comment: 2 page

    The cosmological 7Li problem from a nuclear physics perspective

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    The primordial abundance of 7Li as predicted by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) is more than a factor 2 larger than what has been observed in metal-poor halo stars. Herein, we analyze the possibility that this discrepancy originates from incorrect assumptions about the nuclear reaction cross sections relevant for BBN. To do this, we introduce an efficient method to calculate the changes in the 7Li abundance produced by arbitrary (temperature dependent) modifications of the nuclear reaction rates. Then, considering that 7Li is mainly produced from 7Be via the electron capture process 7Be + e -> 7Li + nu_e, we assess the impact of the various channels of 7Be destruction. Differently from previous analysis, we consider the role of unknown resonances by using a complete formalism which takes into account the effect of Coulomb and centrifugal barrier penetration and that does not rely on the use of the narrow-resonance approximation. As a result of this, the possibility of a nuclear physics solution to the 7Li problem is significantly suppressed. Given the present experimental and theoretical constraints, it is unlikely that the 7Be + n destruction rate is underestimated by the 2.5 factor required to solve the problem. We exclude, moreover, that resonant destruction in the channels 7Be + t and 7Be + 3He can explain the 7Li puzzle. New unknown resonances in 7Be + d and 7Be + alpha could potentially produce significant effects. Recent experimental results have ruled out such a possibility for 7Be+d. On the other hand, for the 7Be + alpha channel very favorable conditions are required. The possible existence of a partially suitable resonant level in 11C is studied in the framework of a coupled-channel model and the possibility of a direct measurement is considered.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in JCA

    Gribov horizon and non-perturbative BRST symmetry in the maximal Abelian gauge

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    The non-perturbative nilpotent exact BRST symmetry of the Gribov-Zwanziger action in the Landau gauge constructed in [ arXiv:1506.06995 [hep-th]] is generalized to the case of Euclidean Yang-Mills theories quantized in the maximal Abelian gauge. The resulting diagonal gluon propagator is evaluating in dimensions D=4,3,2. In D=4,3 a decoupling type behavior is found in the infrared region, while in D=2 a scaling type behavior emerges.Comment: Reviewed version with a new section and new references adde

    Mantle geoneutrinos in KamLAND and Borexino

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    The KamLAND and Borexino experiments have observed, each at ~4 sigma level, signals of electron antineutrinos produced in the decay chains of thorium and uranium in the Earth's crust and mantle (Th and U geoneutrinos). Various pieces of geochemical and geophysical information allow an estimation of the crustal geoneutrino flux components with relatively small uncertainties. The mantle component may then be inferred by subtracting the estimated crustal flux from the measured total flux. To this purpose, we analyze in detail the experimental Th and U geoneutrino event rates in KamLAND and Borexino, including neutrino oscillation effects. We estimate the crustal flux at the two detector sites, using state-of-the-art information about the Th and U distribution on global and local scales. We find that crust-subtracted signals show hints of a residual mantle component, emerging at ~2.4 sigma level by combining the KamLAND and Borexino data. The inferred mantle flux slightly favors scenarios with relatively high Th and U abundances, within +-1 sigma uncertainties comparable to the spread of predictions from recent mantle models.Comment: Slight changes and improvements in the text & figures. Results unchanged. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A non-perturbative study of matter field propagators in Euclidean Yang-Mills theory in linear covariant, Curci-Ferrari and maximal Abelian gauges

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    In this work, we study the propagators of matter fields within the framework of the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger theory, which takes into account the effects of the Gribov copies in the gauge-fixing quantization procedure of Yang-Mills theory. In full analogy with the pure gluon sector of the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger action, a non-local long-range term in the inverse of the Faddeev-Popov operator is added in the matter sector. Making use of the recent BRST invariant formulation of the Gribov-Zwanziger framework achieved in [Capri et al 2016], the propagators of scalar and quark fields in the adjoint and fundamental representations of the gauge group are worked out explicitly in the linear covariant, Curci-Ferrari and maximal Abelian gauges. Whenever lattice data are available, our results exhibit good qualitative agreement.Comment: 27 pages, no figures; V2, minor modifications, to appear in EPJ
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