17,528 research outputs found

    Dynamical aspects of inextensible chains

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    In the present work the dynamics of a continuous inextensible chain is studied. The chain is regarded as a system of small particles subjected to constraints on their reciprocal distances. It is proposed a treatment of systems of this kind based on a set Langevin equations in which the noise is characterized by a non-gaussian probability distribution. The method is explained in the case of a freely hinged chain. In particular, the generating functional of the correlation functions of the relevant degrees of freedom which describe the conformations of this chain is derived. It is shown that in the continuous limit this generating functional coincides with a model of an inextensible chain previously discussed by one of the authors of this work. Next, the approach developed here is applied to a inextensible chain, called the freely jointed bar chain, in which the basic units are small extended objects. The generating functional of the freely jointed bar chain is constructed. It is shown that it differs profoundly from that of the freely hinged chain. Despite the differences, it is verified that in the continuous limit both generating functionals coincide as it is expected.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX 2e + various packages, 3 figures. The title has been changed and three references have been added. A large part of the manuscript has been rewritten to improve readability. Chapter 4 has been added. It contains the construction of the generating functional without the shish-kebab approximation and a new derivation of the continuous limit of the freely jointed bar chai

    Large N and double scaling limits in two dimensions

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    Recently, the author has constructed a series of four dimensional non-critical string theories with eight supercharges, dual to theories of light electric and magnetic charges, for which exact formulas for the central charge of the space-time supersymmetry algebra as a function of the world-sheet couplings were obtained. The basic idea was to generalize the old matrix model approach, replacing the simple matrix integrals by the four dimensional matrix path integrals of N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, and the Kazakov critical points by the Argyres-Douglas critical points. In the present paper, we study qualitatively similar toy path integrals corresponding to the two dimensional N=2 supersymmetric non-linear sigma model with target space CP^n and twisted mass terms. This theory has some very strong similarities with N=2 super Yang-Mills, including the presence of critical points in the vicinity of which the large n expansion is IR divergent. The model being exactly solvable at large n, we can study non-BPS observables and give full proofs that double scaling limits exist and correspond to universal continuum limits. A complete characterization of the double scaled theories is given. We find evidence for dimensional transmutation of the string coupling in some non-critical string theories. We also identify en passant some non-BPS particles that become massless at the singularities in addition to the usual BPS states.Comment: 38 pages, including an introductory section that makes the paper self-contained, two figures and one appendix; v2: typos correcte

    On the critical slowing down exponents of mode coupling theory

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    A method is provided to compute the parameter exponent λ\lambda yielding the dynamic exponents of critical slowing down in mode coupling theory. It is independent from the dynamic approach and based on the formulation of an effective static field theory. Expressions of λ\lambda in terms of third order coefficients of the action expansion or, equivalently, in term of six point cumulants are provided. Applications are reported to a number of mean-field models: with hard and soft variables and both fully-connected and dilute interactions. Comparisons with existing results for Potts glass model, ROM, hard and soft-spin Sherrington-Kirkpatrick and p-spin models are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Bosonic Field Propagators on Algebraic Curves

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    In this paper we investigate massless scalar field theory on non-degenerate algebraic curves. The propagator is written in terms of the parameters appearing in the polynomial defining the curve. This provides an alternative to the language of theta functions. The main result is a derivation of the third kind differential normalized in such a way that its periods around the homology cycles are purely imaginary. All the physical correlation functions of the scalar fields can be expressed in terms of this object. This paper contains a detailed analysis of the techniques necessary to study field theories on algebraic curves. A simple expression of the scalar field propagator is found in a particular case in which the algebraic curves have ZnZ_n internal symmetry and one of the fields is located at a branch point.Comment: 26 pages, TeX + harvma

    High-order myopic coronagraphic phase diversity (COFFEE) for wave-front control in high-contrast imaging systems

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    The estimation and compensation of quasi-static aberrations is mandatory to reach the ultimate performance of high-contrast imaging systems. COFFEE is a focal plane wave-front sensing method that consists in the extension of phase diversity to high-contrast imaging systems. Based on a Bayesian approach, it estimates the quasi-static aberrations from two focal plane images recorded from the scientific camera itself. In this paper, we present COFFEE's extension which allows an estimation of low and high order aberrations with nanometric precision for any coronagraphic device. The performance is evaluated by realistic simulations, performed in the SPHERE instrument framework. We develop a myopic estimation that allows us to take into account an imperfect knowledge on the used diversity phase. Lastly, we evaluate COFFEE's performance in a compensation process, to optimize the contrast on the detector, and show it allows one to reach the 10^-6 contrast required by SPHERE at a few resolution elements from the star. Notably, we present a non-linear energy minimization method which can be used to reach very high contrast levels (better than 10^-7 in a SPHERE-like context)Comment: Accepted in Optics Expres