41 research outputs found

    Dimensionamento di paratie ancorate soggette a eventi sismici intensi

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    In questa nota sono presentate alcune considerazioni riguardanti il dimensionamento sismico delle paratie con ancoraggi a bulbo iniettato, basate sui risultati di una serie di analisi numeriche di tipo statico e dinamico. Questi risultati evidenziano che il comportamento sismico delle opere in esame è notevolmente influenzato dall’interazione fra i bulbi di ancoraggio e il terreno circostante, che risulta a sua volta interessato dal campo di accelerazioni generato dall’evento sismico. Risulta conveniente riguardare, in via semplificata, il comportamento sismico delle opere in esame come una successione di attivazioni istantanee di meccanismi plastici prodotti dalla mobilitazione della resistenza del sistema ad opera delle azioni sismiche. Per le paratie ancorate è possibile distinguere tra meccanismi plastici locali, che prevedono il raggiungimento della capacità degli ancoraggi, e meccanismi globali. Nell’articolo si mostra come il comportamento derivante dall’attivazione di meccanismi locali sia più immediatamente prevedibile e sostanzialmente da preferire; si illustrano inoltre le conseguenze di questa osservazione ai fini della progettazione delle opere di sostegno in esame

    Molecular size distribution of immunoreactive trypsin and renal tubular dysfunction: role in trypsin plasma-urine transfer

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    In order to investigate the role of circulating free trypsinogen and renal tubular dysfunction in affecting trypsin plasma-urine transfer, serum immunoreactive trypsin (IRT), its urinary output, IRT molecular size distribution, filtrable immunoreactive trypsin, gamma-glutamyltransferase and alpha-glucosidase outputs were studied in 6 control subjects, 9 patients with pancreatic cancer and 15 with chronic pancreatitis. The majority of immunoreactivity was always eluted at a molecular weight of about 24,000 and might therefore be considered as free trypsinogen. Variable amounts of IRT at higher molecular weights, possibly represented by trypsin-inhibitor complexes, were also detected. Increasing IRT levels were generally accounted for by free trypsinogen, regardless of the nature of the disease. Unlike serum free trypsinogen levels, renal tubular damage, evaluated by means of the excretion of two high-molecular weight urinary enzymes, seems to play a prominent role in explaining trypsin plasma-urine transfer

    Molecular size distribution of immunoreactive trypsin and renal tubular dysfunction: role in trypsin plasma-urine transfer.

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    In order to investigate the role of circulating free trypsinogen and renal tubular dysfunction in affecting trypsin plasma-urine transfer, serum immunoreactive trypsin (IRT), its urinary output, IRT molecular size distribution, filtrable immunoreactive trypsin, gamma-glutamyltransferase and alpha-glucosidase outputs were studied in 6 control subjects, 9 patients with pancreatic cancer and 15 with chronic pancreatitis. The majority of immunoreactivity was always eluted at a molecular weight of about 24,000 and might therefore be considered as free trypsinogen. Variable amounts of IRT at higher molecular weights, possibly represented by trypsin-inhibitor complexes, were also detected. Increasing IRT levels were generally accounted for by free trypsinogen, regardless of the nature of the disease. Unlike serum free trypsinogen levels, renal tubular damage, evaluated by means of the excretion of two high-molecular weight urinary enzymes, seems to play a prominent role in explaining trypsin plasma-urine transfer