27 research outputs found

    Эффективность действия препаратов ФОС и фитоверм против иксодовых клещей

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    The purpose of the research is studying the efficacy of FOS and Fitoverm drugs against ixodid ticks.Materials and methods. The study objects were ixodid tick species Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930), Dermacentor reticulatus (Hermann, 1804) and D. marginatus (Schulzer, 1776) in the imago stage. Ticks were collected in the environment of the Altai plains and mountains from vegetation to the flag under the methodology. The efficacy of drug acaricidal activity was assessed according to the methodological guide. In the laboratory, the ticks were placed in a chamber at a temperature of 7 оC. The effect of drugs was assessed by observation every hour for 2-3 days. Live ticks (20 individuals) were contacted with the drug by immersion three times in the working solution in a permeable fabric container. Neostomosan was used as control. Further tests of FOS and Fitoverm were carried out in the field environment. Briz 25% e.c. was used as control. The plots on which the number of Ixodes had previously been recorded was treated using a sprayer on June 1-2 in the morning. The number of live ticks in the plots was counted 1-2 days after the treatment. The biochemical composition of grass stand on various treated grounds was studied according to standard methods. The results were processed statistically.Results and discussion. The Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture has developed a series of environmentally friendly drugs based on natural biologically active substances that have shown high efficacy against Ixodes. These are FOS and Fitoverm, which provided a 100% lethal effect against Ixodes in working concentrations of 3–4% and 0.1–0.3% under laboratory conditions. Treatment with Fitoverm 0.3%, FOS 3% and synthetic industrial drug Briz 25% of e.c. 0.75% of grass stand at the stage of grazing for cattle in pasture conditions statistically significantly reduces the number of ticks by 71–79%.Цель исследований – изучить эффективность препаратов ФОС и фитоверм против иксодовых клещей.Материалы и методы. Объектами исследований были иксодовые клещи Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930), Dermacentor reticulatus (Hermann, 1804), D. marginatus (Schulzer, 1776) в стадии имаго. Клещей собирали в условиях равнинного и горного Алтая с растительности на флаг в соответствии с методикой. Эффективность действия акарицидных препаратов оценивали по методическому руководству. В лаборатории клещей помещали в камеру при температуре 7 оС. Действие препаратов оценивали путём почасового наблюдения в течение 2-3-х суток. Контакт живых клещей (по 20 особей) с препаратом осуществляли методом трёхкратного погружения в рабочий раствор в проницаемой матерчатой ёмкости. За эталон принимали неостомозан. Дальнейшие испытания препаратов ФОС и фитоверм проводили в полевых условиях. В качестве эталона взяли препарат Бриз 25% э. к. Обработку делянок, на которых предварительно учитывали численность клещей Ixodes, проводили 1-2 июня в утренние часы из опрыскивателя. Численность живых клещей на делянках подсчитывали по истечении 1-2-х суток после обработки. Биохимический состав травостоя на различных фонах обработки изучали согласно стандартным методикам. Полученные результаты обрабатывали статистически.Результаты и обсуждение. Во НИИ садоводства Сибири разработана серия экологически безопасных препаратов на основе природных БАВ, показавших высокую эффективность против клещей Ixodes. Это препараты ФОС и фитоверм, которые в рабочих концентрациях 3–4% и 0,1–0,3% обеспечили 100%-ный летальный эффект против клещей Ixodes в условиях лаборатории. Обработка травостоя в стадии стравливания на корм крупному рогатому скоту в условиях пастбища фитовермом 0,3%, ФОС 3%, синтетическим промышленным препаратом Бриз 25% э.к. 0,75% статистически достоверно способствует уменьшению численности клещей на 71–79%

    Synthesis of Lithium Phosphorus Oxynitride (LiPON) Thin Films by Li3 PO4 Anodic Evaporation in Nitrogen Plasma of a Low-Pressure Arc Discharge

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    Thin amorphous films of LiPON solid electrolyte were prepared by anodic evaporation of lithium orthophosphate Li3 PO4 in an arc discharge with a self-heating hollow cathode at a nitrogen pressure of 1 Pa. Distribution of the arc current between two electrodes having an anode potential provided independent control of the evaporation rate of Li3 PO4 and the density of nitrogen plasma. Stabilization of the evaporation rate was achieved using a crucible with multi-aperture cover having floating potential. The existence of a threshold value of discharge current (40 A) has been established, which, upon reaching ionic conductivity over 10−8 S/cm, appears in the films. Probe diagnostics of discharge plasma were carried out. It has been shown that heating the films during deposition by plasma radiation to a temperature of 200◦ C is not an impediment to achieving high ionic conductivity of the films. Dense uniform films of LiPON thickness 1 µm with ionic conductivity up to 1 × 10−6 S/cm at a deposition rate of 4 nm/min are obtained. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: The studies of the coatings were carried out with the financial support of Russian Federation represented by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project No. 075-15-2021-1348) within the framework of event No. 1.1.12

    Impact Factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?

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    A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between citing and cited documents, the deceptive display of three decimals that belies the real precision, and the absence of confidence intervals. These are minor issues that are easily amended and should be corrected, but more substantive improvements are needed. There are indications that the scientific community seeks and needs better certification of journal procedures to improve the quality of published science. Comprehensive certification of editorial and review procedures could help ensure adequate procedures to detect duplicate and fraudulent submissions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    The efficacy of FOS and Fitoverm drugs against Ixodes ticks

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    The purpose of the research is studying the efficacy of FOS and Fitoverm drugs against ixodid ticks.Materials and methods. The study objects were ixodid tick species Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930), Dermacentor reticulatus (Hermann, 1804) and D. marginatus (Schulzer, 1776) in the imago stage. Ticks were collected in the environment of the Altai plains and mountains from vegetation to the flag under the methodology. The efficacy of drug acaricidal activity was assessed according to the methodological guide. In the laboratory, the ticks were placed in a chamber at a temperature of 7 оC. The effect of drugs was assessed by observation every hour for 2-3 days. Live ticks (20 individuals) were contacted with the drug by immersion three times in the working solution in a permeable fabric container. Neostomosan was used as control. Further tests of FOS and Fitoverm were carried out in the field environment. Briz 25% e.c. was used as control. The plots on which the number of Ixodes had previously been recorded was treated using a sprayer on June 1-2 in the morning. The number of live ticks in the plots was counted 1-2 days after the treatment. The biochemical composition of grass stand on various treated grounds was studied according to standard methods. The results were processed statistically.Results and discussion. The Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture has developed a series of environmentally friendly drugs based on natural biologically active substances that have shown high efficacy against Ixodes. These are FOS and Fitoverm, which provided a 100% lethal effect against Ixodes in working concentrations of 3–4% and 0.1–0.3% under laboratory conditions. Treatment with Fitoverm 0.3%, FOS 3% and synthetic industrial drug Briz 25% of e.c. 0.75% of grass stand at the stage of grazing for cattle in pasture conditions statistically significantly reduces the number of ticks by 71–79%