45 research outputs found

    Experimental determination of multipartite entanglement with incomplete information

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    Multipartite entanglement is very poorly understood despite all the theoretical and experimental advances of the last decades. Preparation, manipulation and identification of this resource is crucial for both practical and fundamental reasons. However, the difficulty in the practical manipulation and the complexity of the data generated by measurements on these systems increase rapidly with the number of parties. Therefore, we would like to experimentally address the problem of how much information about multipartite entanglement we can access with incomplete measurements. In particular, it was shown that some types of pure multipartite entangled states can be witnessed without measuring the correlations [M. Walter et al., Science 340, 1205 (2013)] between parties, which is strongly demanding experimentally. We explore this method using an optical setup that permits the preparation and the complete tomographic reconstruction of many inequivalent classes of three- and four-partite entangled states, and compare complete versus incomplete information. We show that the method is useful in practice, even for non-pure states or non ideal measurement conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Close to published versio

    On the quantumness of correlations in nuclear magnetic resonance

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    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was successfully employed to test several protocols and ideas in Quantum Information Science. In most of these implementations the existence of entanglement was ruled out. This fact introduced concerns and questions about the quantum nature of such bench tests. In this article we address some issues related to the non-classical aspects of NMR systems. We discuss some experiments where the quantum aspects of this system are supported by quantum correlations of separable states. Such quantumness, beyond the entanglement-separability paradigm, is revealed via a departure between the quantum and the classical versions of information theory. In this scenario, the concept of quantum discord seems to play an important role. We also present an experimental implementation of an analogous of the single-photon Mach-Zehnder interferometer employing two nuclear spins to encode the interferometric paths. This experiment illustrate how non-classical correlations of separable states may be used to simulate quantum dynamics. The results obtained are completely equivalent to the optical scenario, where entanglement (between two field modes) may be present

    The irreversibility of relativistic time-dilation

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    The fluctuation relations, which characterize irreversible processes in Nature, are among the most important results in non-equilibrium physics. In short, these relations say that it is exponentially unlikely for us to observe a time-reversed process and, thus, establish the thermodynamic arrow of time pointing from low to high entropy. On the other hand, fundamental physical theories are invariant under time-reversal symmetry. Although in Newtonian and quantum physics the emergence of irreversible processes, as well as fluctuation relations, is relatively well understood, many problems arise when relativity enters the game. In this work, by considering a specific class of spacetimes, we explore the question of how the time-dilation effect enters into the fluctuation relations. We conclude that a positive entropy production emerges as a consequence of both the special relativistic and the gravitational (enclosed in the equivalence principle) time-dilation effects.Comment: 7 page

    Experimental investigation of linear-optics-based quantum target detection

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    The development of new techniques to improve measurements is crucial for all sciences. By employing quantum systems as sensors to probe some physical property of interest allows the application of quantum resources, such as coherent superpositions and quantum correlations, to increase measurement precision. Here we experimentally investigate a scheme for quantum target detection based on linear optical measurment devices, when the object is immersed in unpolarized background light. By comparing the quantum (polarization-entangled photon pairs) and the classical (separable polarization states), we found that the quantum strategy provides us an improvement over the classical one in our experiment when the signal to noise ratio is greater than 1/40, or about 16dB of noise. This is in constrast to quantum target detection considering non-linear optical detection schemes, which have shown resilience to extreme amounts of noise. A theoretical model is developed which shows that, in this linear-optics context, the quantum strategy suffers from the contribution of multiple background photons. This effect does not appear in our classical scheme. By improving the two-photon detection electronics, it should be possible to achieve a polarization-based quantum advantage for a signal to noise ratio that is close to 1/400 for current technology.Comment: comments are welcome, submitted to PR

    Classical and quantum correlations under decoherence

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    Recently some authors have pointed out that there exist nonclassical correlations which are more general, and possibly more fundamental, than entanglement. For these general quantum correlations and their classical counterparts, under the action of decoherence, we identify three general types of dynamics that include a peculiar sudden change in their decay rates. We show that, under suitable conditions, the classical correlation is unaffected by decoherence. Such dynamic behavior suggests an operational measure of both classical and quantum correlations that can be computed without any extremization procedure.Comment: Published versio

    Sudden change in quantum and classical correlations and the Unruh effect

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    We use the Unruh effect to analyze the dynamics of classical and quantum correlations for a two-qubit system when one of them is uniformly accelerated for a finite amount of proper time. We show that the quantum correlation is completely destroyed in the limit of infinite acceleration, while the classical one remains nonzero. In particular, we show that such correlations exhibit the so-called sudden-change behavior as a function of acceleration. Eventually, we discuss how our results can be interpreted when the system lies in the vicinity of the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole.Comment: Published versio

    Quantum and classical thermal correlations in the XY spin-1/2 chain

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    We investigate pairwise quantum correlation as measured by the quantum discord as well as its classical counterpart in the thermodynamic limit of anisotropic XY spin-1/2 chains in a transverse magnetic field for both zero and finite temperatures. Analytical expressions for both classical and quantum correlations are obtained for spin pairs at any distance. In the case of zero temperature, it is shown that the quantum discord for spin pairs farther than second-neighbors is able to characterize a quantum phase transition, even though pairwise entanglement is absent for such distances. For finite temperatures, we show that quantum correlations can be increased with temperature in the presence of a magnetic field. Moreover, in the XX limit, the thermal quantum discord is found to be dominant over classical correlation while the opposite scenario takes place for the transverse field Ising model limit