2,470 research outputs found

    Relativistic effects in the solar EOS

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    We study the sensitivity of the sound speed to relativistic corrections of the equation of state (EOS) in the standard solar model by means of a helioseismic forward analysis. We use the latest GOLF/SOHO data for ℓ=0,1,2,3\ell = 0,1,2,3 modes to confirm that the inclusion of the relativistic corrections to the adiabatic exponent Γ1\Gamma_1 computed from both OPAL and MHD EOS leads to a more reliable theoretical modelling of the innermost layers of the Sun.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, aa.cls, to appear on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    An effective action for asymptotically safe gravity

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    Asymptotically safe theories of gravitation have received great attention in recent times. In this framework an effective action embodying the basic features of the renormalized flow around the non-gaussian fixed point is derived and its implications for the early universe are discussed. In particular, a "landscape" of a countably infinite number of cosmological inflationary solutions characterized by an unstable de Sitter phase lasting for a large enough number of e-folds is found.Comment: 5 pages, to appear as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    A Class of Renormalization Group Invariant Scalar Field Cosmologies

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    We present a class of scalar field cosmologies with a dynamically evolving Newton parameter GG and cosmological term Λ\Lambda. In particular, we discuss a class of solutions which are consistent with a renormalization group scaling for GG and Λ\Lambda near a fixed point. Moreover, we propose a modified action for gravity which includes the effective running of GG and Λ\Lambda near the fixed point. A proper understanding of the associated variational problem is obtained upon considering the four-dimensional gradient of the Newton parameter.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex4, no figures, to appear on GR

    Seismology of Procyon A: determination of mode frequencies, amplitudes, lifetimes, and granulation noise

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    The F5 IV-V star Procyon A (aCMi) was observed in January 2001 by means of the high resolution spectrograph SARG operating with the TNG 3.5m Italian telescope (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo) at Canary Islands, exploiting the iodine cell technique. The time-series of about 950 spectra carried out during 6 observation nights and a preliminary data analysis were presented in Claudi et al. 2005. These measurements showed a significant excess of power between 0.5 and 1.5 mHz, with ~ 1 m/s peak amplitude. Here we present a more detailed analysis of the time-series, based on both radial velocity and line equivalent width analyses. From the power spectrum we found a typical p-mode frequency comb-like structure, identified with a good margin of certainty 11 frequencies in the interval 0.5-1400 mHz of modes with l=0,1,2 and 7< n < 22, and determined large and small frequency separations, Dn = 55.90 \pm 0.08 muHz and dnu_02=7.1 \pm 1.3 muHz, respectively. The mean amplitude per mode (l=0,1) at peak power results to be 0.45 \pm 0.07 m/s, twice larger than the solar one, and the mode lifetime 2 \pm 0.4 d, that indicates a non-coherent, stochastic source of mode excitation. Line equivalent width measurements do not show a significant excess of power in the examined spectral region but allowed us to infer an upper limit to the granulation noise.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Flow Equations for U_k and Z_k

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    By considering the gradient expansion for the wilsonian effective action S_k of a single component scalar field theory truncated to the first two terms, the potential U_k and the kinetic term Z_k, I show that the recent claim that different expansion of the fluctuation determinant give rise to different renormalization group equations for Z_k is incorrect. The correct procedure to derive this equation is presented and the set of coupled differential equations for U_k and Z_k is definitely established.Comment: 5 page

    The MEV project: design and testing of a new high-resolution telescope for Muography of Etna Volcano

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    The MEV project aims at developing a muon telescope expressly designed for the muography of Etna Volcano. In particular, one of the active craters in the summit area of the volcano would be a suitable target for this experiment. A muon tracking telescope with high imaging resolution was built and tested during 2017. The telescope is a tracker based on extruded scintillating bars with WLS fibres and featuring an innovative read-out architecture. It is composed of three XY planes with a sensitive area of \SI{1}{m^2}; the angular resolution does not exceeds \SI{0.4}{\milli\steradian} and the total angular aperture is about ±\pm\SI{45}{\degree}. A special effort concerned the design of mechanics and electronics in order to meet the requirements of a detector capable to work in a hostile environment such as the top of a tall volcano, at a far distance from any facility. The test phase started in January 2017 and ended successfully at the end of July 2017. An extinct volcanic crater (the Monti Rossi, in the village of Nicolosi, about 15km from Catania) is the target of the measurement. The detector acquired data for about 120 days and the preliminary results are reported in this work
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