1,573 research outputs found

    Theory of Interplay of Nuclear Magnetism and Superconductivity in AuIn2

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    The recently reported coexistence of a magnetic order, with the critical temperature T_M=35 \mu*K, and superconductivity, with the critical temperature T_S=207 m*K, in AuIn_2 is studied theoretically. It is shown that superconducting (S) electrons and localized nuclear magnetic moments (LM's) interact dominantly via the contact hyperfine (EX) interaction, giving rise to a spiral (or domain-like) magnetic order in superconducting phase. The electromagnetic interaction between LM's and S electrons is small compared to the EX one giving minor contribution to the formation of the oscillatory magnetic order. In clean samples (l>\xi_0) of AuIn2_2 the oscillatory magnetic order should produce a line of nodes in the quasiparticle spectrum of S electrons giving rise to the power law behavior. The critical field H_c(T=0) in the coexistence phase is reduced by factor two with respect to its bare value.Comment: 4 pages with 2 PS figures, RevTeX, submitted to Physical Review B - Rapid Communication

    Many-body position operator in lattice fermionic systems with periodic boundary conditions

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    A total position operator XX in the position representation is derived for lattice fermionic systems with periodic boundary conditions. The operator is shown to be Hermitian, the generator of translations in momentum space, and its time derivative is shown to correspond to the total current operator in a periodic system. The operator is such that its moments can be calculated up to any order. To demonstrate its utility finite size scaling is applied to the Brinkman-Rice transition as well as metallic and insulating Gutzwiller wavefunctions.Comment: to appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General (reference will be added later

    A priori Wannier functions from modified Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham equations

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    The Hartree-Fock equations are modified to directly yield Wannier functions following a proposal of Shukla et al. [Chem. Phys. Lett. 262, 213-218 (1996)]. This approach circumvents the a posteriori application of the Wannier transformation to Bloch functions. I give a novel and rigorous derivation of the relevant equations by introducing an orthogonalizing potential to ensure the orthogonality among the resulting functions. The properties of these, so-called a priori Wannier functions, are analyzed and the relation of the modified Hartree-Fock equations to the conventional, Bloch-function-based equations is elucidated. It is pointed out that the modified equations offer a different route to maximally localized Wannier functions. Their computational solution is found to involve an effort that is comparable to the effort for the solution of the conventional equations. Above all, I show how a priori Wannier functions can be obtained by a modification of the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX4, revise

    Electronic Structure of Three-Dimensional Superlattices Subject to Tilted Magnetic Fields

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    Full quantum-mechanical description of electrons moving in 3D structures with unidirectional periodic modulation subject to tilted magnetic fields requires an extensive numerical calculation. To understand magneto-oscillations in such systems it is in many cases sufficient to use the quasi-classical approach, in which the zero-magnetic-field Fermi surface is considered as a magnetic-field-independent rigid body in k-space and periods of oscillations are related to extremal cross-sections of the Fermi surface cut by planes perpendicular to the magnetic-field direction. We point out cases where the quasi-classical treatment fails and propose a simple tight-binding fully-quantum-mechanical model of the superlattice electronic structure.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic susceptibility of insulators from first principles

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    We present an {\it ab initio} approach for the computation of the magnetic susceptibility χ\chi of insulators. The approach is applied to compute χ\chi in diamond and in solid neon using density functional theory in the local density approximation, obtaining good agreement with experimental data. In solid neon, we predict an observable dependence of χ\chi upon pressure.Comment: Revtex, to appear in Physical Review Lette

    Quantum kinetic theory of shift current electron pumping in semiconductors

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    We develop a theory of laser beam generation of shift currents in non-centrosymmetric semiconductors. The currents originate when the excited electrons transfer between different bands or scatter inside these bands, and asymmetrically shift their centers of mass in elementary cells. Quantum kinetic equations for hot-carrier distributions and expressions for the induced currents are derived by nonequilibrium Green functions. In applications, we simplify the approach to the Boltzmann limit and use it to model laser-excited GaAs in the presence of LO phonon scattering. The shift currents are calculated in a steady-state regime.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures (Latex

    Absence of Meissner State and Robust Ferromagnetism in the Superconducting State of UCoGe: Possible Evidence of Spontaneous Vortex State

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    We report ac magnetic susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements on the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe (with superconducting and Curie temperatures of TSC0.5T_{{\rm SC}} \sim 0.5~K and TCurie2.5T_{{\rm Curie}} \sim 2.5~K, respectively). In the normal, ferromagnetic state (TSC<T<TCurieT_{{\rm SC}} < T < T_{{\rm Curie}}), the magnetization curve exhibits a hysteresis loop similar to that of a regular itinerant ferromagnet. Upon lowering the temperature below TSCT_{{\rm SC}}, the spontaneous magnetization is unchanged, but the hysteresis is markedly enhanced. Even deeply inside the superconducting state, ferromagnetism is not completely shielded, and there is no Meissner region, a magnetic field region of H<Hc1H < H_{\rm c1} (a lower critical field). From these results, we suggest that UCoGe is the first material in which ferromagnetism robustly survives in the superconducting state and a spontaneous vortex state without the Meissner state is realized.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Magnetoresistance and electronic structure of asymmetric GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum wells in the in-plane/tilted magnetic field

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    Bilayer two-dimensional electron systems formed by a thin barrier in the GaAs buffer of a standard heterostructure were investigated by magnetotransport measurements. In magnetic fields oriented parallel to the electron layers, the magnetoresistance exhibits an oscillation associated with the depopulation of the higher occupied subband and the field-induced transition into a decoupled bilayer. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in slightly tilted magnetic fields allow to reconstruct the evolution of the electron concentration in the individual subbands as a function of the in-plane magnetic field. The characteristics of the system derived experimentally are in quantitative agreement with numerical self-consistent-field calculations of the electronic structure.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Reminder Care System: An Activity-Aware Cross-Device Recommendation System

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    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects large numbers of elderly people worldwide and represents a significant social and economic burden on society, particularly in relation to the need for long term care facilities. These costs can be reduced by enabling people with AD to live independently at home for a longer time. The use of recommendation systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) in the context of smart homes can contribute to this goal. In this paper, we present the Reminder Care System (RCS), a research prototype of a recommendation system for the IoT for elderly people with cognitive disabilities. RCS exploits daily activities that are captured and learned from IoT devices to provide personalised recommendations. The experimental results indicate that RCS can inform the development of real-world IoT applications