5 research outputs found

    Патоморфоз заболеваний бронхолегочной системы у работающих в контакте с аэрозолями цветных металлов

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    Etiopathogenic features and diagnostic criteria of occupational diseases studying in workers engaged in colored metallurgy have been given in the paper. Polyvalent sensitization to metal allergens (nickel, chrome, beryllium, manganese) was found. A toxic effect of nickel on DNA was shown that could be used as a biomarker of exposure for biological monitoring in colored metallurgy workers. Biochemical investigations determined the main pathogenic mechanisms underlying pathomorphology of bronchopulmonary diseases caused by the exposure of colored metals, such as activation of lipid peroxidation, "proteolysis – antiproteolysis" imbalance, growing significance of infection. This is the first study demonstrating clinical and biochemical parallels between characteristics of development and course of respiratory pathology caused by the exposure of colored metals. Infectious, inflammatory, toxico-allergic, and destructive processes predominated in this pathology. Preventive and rehabilitation strategies have been developed.В статье представлены результаты изучения этиопатогенетических особенностей формирования профессиональных, производственно обусловленных заболеваний у работающих в цветной металлургии, определены критерии их диагностики. Выявлена поливалентная сенсибилизация к основным металлам-аллергенам (никель, хром, марганец, бериллий). Установлено токсическое влияние никеля на ДНК, что может служить биомаркером экспозиции и использоваться для биологического мониторинга у работающих в цветной металлургии.Результаты биохимических исследований определили основные патогенетические механизмы, лежащие в основе патоморфоза бронхолегочной патологии при воздействии аэрозолей цветных металлов: активация перекисного окисления липидов и дисбаланс в системе "протеолиз-антипротеолиз", возрастание роли инфекционного фактора. Впервые выявлены клинико-биохимические параллели между особенностями формирования и течением бронхолегочной патологии, сформировавшейся под воздействием аэрозоля цветных металлов с преобладанием инфекционно-воспалительного, токсико-аллергического, воспалительно-деструктивного компонентов, и биохимическим профилем организма. Разработаны методы профилактики и реабилитации

    Experience of application of specialized food product of dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition in case of inflammatory diseases of gastrointestinal tract

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    Introduction. In almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the inflammatory process plays an important pathogenetic role and affects the course of the disease and the determination of treatment tactics. The most physiological way to prevent and treat inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, of course, is dietary nutrition.Purpose: To study the anti- inflammatory effect of a specialized product specialized therapeutic and dietary prophylaxis nutrition «Vegetable soup with oatmeal herbs» based on a study of clinical and laboratory parameters and dynamics of inflammatory markers.Materials and methods. An open single-center prospective observational study was conducted in parallel groups. The main group and the comparison group were 14 and 10 patients with gastrointestinal diseases, respectively. Only patients of the main group received a specialized product «Vegetable Soup with herbs and oatmeal». All participants were assessed the dynamics of clinical blood analysis indicators (hemoglobin, white blood cells, red blood cells, leukocyte formula indicators) and the dynamics of proteinogram indicators (total protein and protein fractions-albumins and globulins) and C-reactive protein (CRP).Results. The anti-inflammatory effect after administration of the specialized product occurs in 14 days and is expressed in a reliable reduction of leukocytosis, blood sedimentation rate (BSR), CRP. After 2 months after the start of the product intake, the BSR values decreased significantly by 35%, the CRP by 51% from the baseline and the leukocyte content decreased by 14.5%. Against the background of a dietotherapy in 14 days levels α1-глобулина, α2-глобулина and γ-globulin began to decrease, and in 2 months level a1-globulins decreased by 40% of initial level to the reference values. The level of α2-globulins and γ-globulin also decreased significantly, while the albumin concentration in the blood increased significantly. In the comparison group, changes in these parameters did not reach a reliable degree of significance.Conclusions: the specialized product «Vegetable Soup with herbs and oatmeal» has an anti-inflammatory effect, characterized by a decrease in anti-inflammatory laboratory parameters, which manifests itself after 14 days of administration, can be recommended for inclusion in the diets of patients with gastrointestinal diseases during exacerbation and during remissions as well