250 research outputs found

    Imaging-based Parametric Resonance in an Optical Dipole Atom Trap

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    We report sensitive detection of parametric resonances in a high-density sample of ultracold 87Rb^{87}Rb atoms confined to a far-off-resonance optical dipole trap. Fluorescence imaging of the expanded ultracold atom cloud after a period of parametric excitation shows significant modification of the atomic spatial distribution and has high sensitivity compared with traditional measurements of parametrically-driven trap loss. Using this approach, a significant shift of the parametric resonance frequency is observed, and attributed to the anharmonic shape of the dipole trap potential

    Vibration control of the beam of the future linear collider

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    This paper proposes a new approach for beam stabilization of the future Compact LInear Collider (CLIC). The method attempts to increase the efficiency of traditional methods. It is composed of a hybrid adaptive filtering algorithm that uses both feedback and adaptive control. The scheme uses an estimate of the prediction error to update the adaptive filter's parameters. The strategy of this method is described considering the process environment. The method efficiency is evaluated, and it is demonstrated that it provides high damping, fast vibration suppression, good robustness and easy realization thanks to the simplicity of the computations

    Reaction kinetics of the formation of intermetallic Fe – Zn during hot - dip galvanizing of steel

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    This review article mainly describes the composition of intermetallic Fe - Zn, i.e. zeta (ζ), delta (δ1k + δ1p), gamma1 (Γ1) and gamma (Γ) on galvanized steel during low temperature galvanization (t ~ 450 °C). It gives detailed the formation, growth of individual phases during galvanization and their interaction. In terms of the kinetics, the formation of the coating is defined by a parabolic kinetic equation of the growth of different intermetallic phases under ideal conditions. From the available literature the rate constants of the formation of individual intermetallic phases and also for the total coating are cited. The composition of the intermetallic phases, iron content, crystal structure, and group symmetry in which the surface of galvanized steel forms

    The Influence of External Climate on Church Internal Microclimate

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    This paper deals with monitoring microclimate in the area of church and describes influence of exterior microclimate to interior microclimate, changes during one year. The basic parameters of the interior space (temperature, relative humidity, dew point and specific air humidity) were monitored in the long-term in the selected sacral building. These parameters were monitored at the same time as monitoring the surroundings in the exterior. The long-term monitoring of the internal microclimate of ossuary showed significant instability of the interior environment during the annual cycle, where the appropriate limits of humidity of the environment (excessive moisture in the spring and over-drying in the winter) are significantly exceeded. The microclimate behavior of ossuary is also different in different height levels, where the lower space acts as a pool with heavy cold air and vice versa, the space under the vault is moistened with vapor. The fact that under no circumstances of the exterior climate in winter is the temperature of the interior below freezing point is specific. The negative phenomenon of the internal environment of ossuary is the fact that in certain periods optimal conditions are created for condensation of water on the surfaces of walls and interior equipment of ossuary and also for the creation of ideal conditions for the formation and development of mold. Monitoring of the internal microclimate of ossuary during everyday operation has become the basis for the subsequent design of the reconstruction of the building. The remediation proposal must address several issues at once. It has to solve the issue of reducing moisture in the peripheral and inner walls of the building, restoring original materials while maximizing their preservation, stabilizing the internal microclimate in terms of humidity, creating optimum conditions for the natural drying of residual structural moisture and, last but not least, ensuring the mode of future operation with minimal effect on changes in the internal microclimate. Due to the historical value of the building and its layout, it is possible to use forced air treatment only to a limited extent, and great emphasis must be placed on addressing this issue by using the natural physical properties of air and phenomena involving its natural flow and controlled temperature exchange between spaces


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    Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas penjualan sagu melalui merek. Sagu merupakan salah satu hasil alam yang masih menjadi salah satu makanan khas maluku khususnya pada Negeri Administratif Mahu. sagu juga juga dapat di produksi menjadi sagu lempeng, sagu porna, dan papeda. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas melalui penggunaan kemasan dan lebel. Metode yang di gunakan yaitu metode observasi partisipatif terhadap objek yang sedang di amati di mana penulis terlibat secara langsung dalam desain kemasan dan lebel untuk produk sagu. Hasil penelitian ini, penulis dapat membuat desain lebel dan kemasan dengan berbagai kreatifitas yang menarik bagi yang melihatnya. Penulis juga menggunakan bahasa yang menarik untuk penamaan lebel agar konsumen dapat lebIh mudah mengingatkan Negeri penghasilan sagu tersebut, misalnya; SAMAHU, ORISAMU, SAMAMA, BESAMU dan SAKAMAHU

    Effect of chemical composition of steel on the structure of hot – dip galvanized coating

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    This article describes the effect of the content of conventional steel impurity elements on the thickness and composition of the zinc layer. This article is focused primarily on low-temperature, batch hot-dip galvanizing; however, the continuous coating process is also mentioned. The main discussion covers galvanizing from pure zinc melt, and only touches on galvanizing from melts with the usual amounts of aluminium (0,2 wt. %). Silicon, phosphorus, aluminium and sulfur may have an especially negative effect on the mechanical properties of the coating and its final appearance. The content of ballast carbon and manganese has a rather limited effect on composition and coating thickness

    Description of structure of Fe-Zn intermetalic compounds present in hot-dip galvanized coatings on steel

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    The article is describing formation, composition, morphology and crystallographic characteristics of intermetalic compounds Fe - Zn present in the coating formed during the process of low-temperature hot-dip galvanizing of carbon steels. In mutual confrontation we introduce older bibliography and results of latest modern researches based on combination of most precise analytical methods
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