3,957 research outputs found

    Dynamics of gap solitons in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate on a three-dimensional optical lattice

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    We suggest and study the stable disk- and cigar-shaped gap solitons of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate of 52^{52}Cr atoms localized in the lowest band gap by three optical-lattice (OL) potentials along orthogonal directions. The one-dimensional version of these solitons of experimental interest confined by an OL along the dipole moment direction and harmonic traps in transverse directions is also considered. Important dynamics of (i) breathing oscillation of a gap soliton upon perturbation and (ii) dragging of a gap soliton by a moving lattice along axial zz direction demonstrates the stability of gap solitons. A movie clip of dragging of three-dimensional gap soliton is included.Comment: To see the dragging movie clip please download sourc

    Symbiotic gap and semi-gap solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Using the variational approximation and numerical simulations, we study one-dimensional gap solitons in a binary Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in an optical-lattice potential. We consider the case of inter-species repulsion, while the intra-species interaction may be either repulsive or attractive. Several types of gap solitons are found: symmetric or asymmetric; unsplit or split, if centers of the components coincide or separate; intra-gap (with both chemical potentials falling into a single bandgap) or inter-gap, otherwise. In the case of the intra-species attraction, a smooth transition takes place between solitons in the semi-infinite gap, the ones in the first finite bandgap, and semi-gap solitons (with one component in a bandgap and the other in the semi-infinite gap).Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    Matter-wave localization in a random potential

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    By numerical and variational solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we studied the localization of a noninteracting and weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a disordered cold atom lattice and a speckle potential. In the case of a single BEC fragment, the variational analysis produced good results. For a weakly disordered potential, the localized BECs are found to have an exponential tail as in weak Anderson localization. We also investigated the expansion of a noninteracting BEC in these potential. We find that the BEC will be locked in an appropriate localized state after an initial expansion and will execute breathing oscillation around a mean shape when a BEC at equilibrium in a harmonic trap is suddenly released into a disorder potential

    Matter-wave vortices in cigar-shaped and toroidal waveguides

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    We study vortical states in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) filling a cigar-shaped trap. An effective one-dimensional (1D) nonpolynomial Schroedinger equation (NPSE) is derived in this setting, for the models with both repulsive and attractive inter-atomic interactions. Analytical formulas for the density profiles are obtained from the NPSE in the case of self-repulsion within the Thomas-Fermi approximation, and in the case of the self-attraction as exact solutions (bright solitons). A crucially important ingredient of the analysis is the comparison of these predictions with direct numerical solutions for the vortex states in the underlying 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE). The comparison demonstrates that the NPSE provides for a very accurate approximation, in all the cases, including the prediction of the stability of the bright solitons and collapse threshold for them. In addition to the straight cigar-shaped trap, we also consider a torus-shaped configuration. In that case, we find a threshold for the transition from the axially uniform state, with the transverse intrinsic vorticity, to a symmetry-breaking pattern, due to the instability in the self-attractive BEC filling the circular trap.Comment: 6 pages, Physical Review A, in pres

    Two phase transitions in (s+id)-wave Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductivity

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    We establish universal behavior in temperature dependencies of some observables in (s+id)(s+id)-wave BCS superconductivity in the presence of a weak ss wave. There also could appear a second second-order phase transition. As temperature is lowered past the usual critical temperature TcT_c, a less ordered superconducting phase is created in dd wave, which changes to a more ordered phase in (s+id)(s+id) wave at Tc1T_{c1} (<Tc< T_c). The presence of two phase transitions manifest in two jumps in specific heat at TcT_c and Tc1T_{c1}. The temperature dependencies of susceptibility, penetration depth, and thermal conductivity also confirm the new phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, 5 post-script figures

    Miscibility in a degenerate fermionic mixture induced by linear coupling

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    We consider a one-dimensional mean-field-hydrodynamic model of a two-component degenerate Fermi gas in an external trap, each component representing a spin state of the same atom. We demonstrate that the interconversion between them (linear coupling), imposed by a resonant electromagnetic wave, transforms the immiscible binary gas into a miscible state, if the coupling constant, κ\kappa , exceeds a critical value, κcr \kappa _{\mathrm{cr}}. The effect is predicted in a variational approximation, and confirmed by numerical solutions. Unlike the recently studied model of a binary BEC with the linear coupling, the components in the immiscible phase of the binary fermion mixture never fill two separated domains with a wall between them, but rather form anti-locked (π\pi -phase-shifted) density waves. Another difference from the bosonic mixture is spontaneous breaking of symmetry between the two components in terms of numbers of atoms in them, N1N_{1} and N2N_{2}. The latter effect is characterized by the parameter ν(N1N2)/(N1+N2)\nu \equiv (N_{1}-N_{2})/(N_{1}+N_{2}) (only N1+N2N_{1}+N_{2} is a conserved quantity), the onset of miscibility at κκcr\kappa \geq \kappa_{\mathrm{cr}} meaning a transition to ν0\nu \equiv 0. At κ<κcr\kappa <\kappa_{\mathrm{cr}}, ν\nu features damped oscillations as a function of κ\kappa . We also briefly consider an asymmetric model, with a chemical-potential difference between the two components.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, PRA (in press

    Free expansion of fermionic dark solitons in a boson-fermion mixture

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    We use a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model to study the formation of fermionic dark solitons in a trapped degenerate fermi gas mixed with a Bose-Einstein condensate in a harmonic as well as a periodic optical-lattice potential. The dark soliton with a "notch" in the probability density with a zero at the minimum is simulated numerically as a nonlinear continuation of the first vibrational excitation of the linear mean-field-hydrodynamic equations, as suggested recently for pure bosons. We study the free expansion of these dark solitons as well as the consequent increase in the size of their central notch and discuss the possibility of experimental observation of the notch after free expansion.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking of Bose-Fermi mixtures in double-well potentials

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    We study the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of a superfluid Bose-Fermi (BF) mixture in a double-well potential (DWP). The mixture is described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) for the bosons, coupled to an equation for the order parameter of the Fermi superfluid, which is derived from the respective density functional in the unitarity limit (a similar model applies to the BCS regime too). Straightforward SSB in the degenerate Fermi gas loaded into a DWP is impossible, as it requires an attractive self-interaction, while the intrinsic nonlinearity in the Fermi gas is repulsive. Nonetheless, we demonstrate that the symmetry breaking is possible in the mixture with attraction between fermions and bosons, like 40K and 87Rb. Numerical results are represented by dependencies of asymmetry parameters for both components on particle numbers of the mixture, N_F and N_B, and by phase diagrams in the (N_F,N_B) plane, which displays regions of symmetric and asymmetric ground states. The dynamical picture of the SSB, induced by a gradual transformation of the single-well potential into the DWP, is reported too. An analytical approximation is proposed for the case when GPE for the boson wave function may be treated by means of the Thomas-Fermi (TF) approximation. Under a special linear relation between N_F and N_B, the TF approximation allows us to reduce the model to a single equation for the fermionic function, which includes competing repulsive and attractive nonlinear terms. The latter one directly displays the mechanism of the generation of the effective attraction in the Fermi superfluid, mediated by the bosonic component of the mixture.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. A (2010)

    Dimensional versus cut-off renormalization and the nucleon-nucleon interaction

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    The role of dimensional regularization is discussed and compared with that of cut-off regularization in some quantum mechanical problems with ultraviolet divergence in two and three dimensions with special emphasis on the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Both types of renormalizations are performed for attractive divergent one- and two-term separable potentials, a divergent tensor potential, and the sum of a delta function and its derivatives. We allow energy-dependent couplings, and determine the form that these couplings should take if equivalence between the two regularization schemes is to be enforced. We also perform renormalization of an attractive separable potential superposed on an analytic divergent potential.Comment: 19 pages + one postscript figur