13 research outputs found

    In vitro effect of hyperthermic Ag and Au Fe₃O₄ nanoparticles in cancer cells

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the anti-cancer efficacy of hyperthermic Ag and Au Fe3O4 core nanoparticles via cytotoxicity study (MTT assay) and the underlying molecular mechanism of action (changes in gene expression via quantitive real time PCR (qRT-PCR). METHODS: HEK293, HCT116, 4T1 and HUH7 human cell lines and 4T1 musculus mammary gland cell line were incubated with Fe3O4 core Ag(Au) shell nanoparticles (NPs) prior to a hyperthermia session. MTT assay was performed to estimate the cytotoxic effects of these NPs. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis followed so as to quantify mRNA fold change of hsp-70, p53, bcl-2 and casp-3 via qRT-PCR. RESULTS: Fe3O4 core Au shell (concentrations of 400 and 600μg/mL) produced the greatest reduction of viability on HCT116 and 4T1 cells while Fe3O4 core Ag shell (200, 400 and 600μg/mL) reduce viability on HUH7 cells. Hsp-70, p53 and casp-3 were up-regulated while bcl-2 was downregulated in most cases. CONCLUSIONS: Fe3O4 core Ag (Au) shell induced apoptosis on cancer cells (HCT116 and HUH7) via the p53/bcl-2/casp-3 pathway. 4T1 cells also underwent apoptosis via a p53-independent pathway

    Influence of the mold inhibitor on productivity and functional activity of broiler chicken’s liver

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    During the experiment broiler chickens were the object of the research. The purpose of the study was to study the effect of different doses of the Oxy-Nile mold inhibitor in rations with an increased content of B1 aflatoxin on the utility-beneficial qualities and functional activity of the liver of broiler chickens. In the course of the experiment, it was established that to optimize utility indicators and functional activity of the liver in the feed of broiler chickens with a tolerant concentration of B1 aflatoxin , it is recommended to include the Oxy-Nile mold inhibitor in the amount of 600 g / t of feed

    Multifunctional magneto-plasmonic fe3o4/au nanocomposites: Approaching magnetophoretically-enhanced photothermal therapy.

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    Magneto-plasmonic nanocomposites can possess properties inherent to both individual components (iron oxide and gold nanoparticles) and are reported to demonstrate high potential in targeted drug delivery and therapy. Herein, we report on Fe O /Au magneto-plasmonic nanocomposites (MPNC) synthesized with the use of amino acid tryptophan via chemical and photochemical reduction of Au ions in the presence of nanosized magnetite. The magnetic field (MF) induced aggregation was accompanied by an increase in the absorption in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region, which was demonstrated to provide an enhanced photothermal (PT) effect under NIR laser irradiation (at 808 nm). A possibility for therapeutic application of the MPNC was illustrated using cancer cells in vitro. Cultured HeLa cells were treated by MPNC in the presence of MF and without it, following laser irradiation and imaging using confocal laser scanning microscopy. After scanning laser irradiation of the MPNC/MF treated cells, a formation and rise of photothermally-induced microbubbles on the cell surfaces was observed, leading to a damage of the cell membrane and cell destruction. We conclude that the synthesized magneto-plasmonic Fe O /Au nanosystems exhibit magnetic field-induced reversible aggregation accompanied by an increase in NIR absorption, allowing for an opportunity to magnetophoretically control and locally enhance a NIR light-induced thermal effect, which holds high promise for the application in photothermal therapy. 3 4 3

    R&D and Experimental Programs to support the ASTRID Core Assessment in Severe Accidents Conditions

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    International audienceThe ASTRID reactor (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) is a technological prototype designed by the CEA with its industrial partners, with very high levels of requirements. Innovative options have been integrated to enhance the safety, to reduce the capital cost and improve the efficiency, reliability and operability, making the Generation IV SFR an attractive option for electricity production. In the ASTRID project, the safety objectives are first to prevent the core melting, in particular by the development of an innovative core with heterogeneous pins and complementary safety prevention devices (named CFV core), and second, to enhance the reactor resistance to severe accident by design. In order to minimize the mechanical energy releases in severe accident conditions and to mitigate the consequences of hypothetical core melting situations, specific dispositions or mitigation devices are added to the core and to the reactor.It is also required to provide a robust safety demonstration (with high level of confidence). In particular assessed codes must be used.To meet these ASTRID objectives, a large RandD program was launched in the Severe Accident domain, with a large number of partners, and in particular JAEA. This RandD program covers the approach to define the mitigation devices, the methodology to study the hypothetical severe accident situations, the development and adaptation of simulation tools, and, despite an already large existing experimental database, a complementary experimental program to reduce uncertainties.To extend the CABRI and SCARABEE in-pile test programs carried-out by CEA/IPSN at Cadarache, France, jointly funded by CEA/IPSN and Japan, with homogeneous fuel pins as used in Phenix or SuperPhenix reactors, a feasibility study is underway for running a complementary program in the Impulse Graphite Reactor (IGR) operated by IAE-NNC, with heterogeneous fuel pins. For the feasibility study, this program, named SAIGA standing for Severe Accident In-Pile experiments for Generation IV reactor and ASTRID project', is supposed to be composed of i) an unprotected loss of coolant flow test (an Instantaneous Total flow Blockage) in a heterogeneous fuel-pin sub-assembly, and ii) of power excursion tests on a single heterogeneous fuel-pin. SAIGA feasibility is studied in cooperation with NNC-RK.For studying the Fuel-Coolant Interaction, and developing mitigation devices, including in-core mitigation devices, CEA is designing a dedicated PLINUS-2 platform for out-of-pile experiments with large masses of UO2 and Sodium coolant. This paper will present-the innovative ASTRID CFV core with mitigation devices,-the associated RandD related to the SFR Severe Accident issue including othe CFV core behavior in Severe Accident Situations, the CABRI, SCARABEE programs and SAIGA program feasibility,oThe Corium Relocation out of the core through dedicated Ducts, the EAGLE1et2 programs managed by JAEA and carried-out by NNC-RK, and the PLINIUS-2 test program,oThe Fuel Coolant Interaction and the associated PLINIUS-2 test program