772 research outputs found

    Core excitation in Ozone localized to one of two symmetry-equivalent chemical bonds - molecular alignment through vibronic coupling

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    Core excitation from terminal oxygen OT_T in O3_3 is shown to be an excitation from a localized core orbital to a localized valence orbital. The valence orbital is localized to one of the two equivalent chemical bonds. We experimentally demonstrate this with the Auger Doppler effect which is observable when O3_3 is core-excited to the highly dissociative OT_{T}1s−1^{-1}7a11_1^1 state. Auger electrons emitted from the atomic oxygen fragment carry information about the molecular orientation relative to the electromagnetic field vector at the moment of excitation. The data together with analytical functions for the electron-peak profiles give clear evidence that the preferred molecular orientation for excitation only depends on the orientation of one bond, not on the total molecular orientation. The localization of the valence orbital "7a1_1" is caused by mixing of the valence orbital "5b2_2" through vibronic coupling of anti-symmetric stretching mode with b2_2-symmetry. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first discussion of the localization of a core excitation of O3_3. This result explains the success of the widely used assumption of localized core excitation in adsorbates and large molecules

    Redução da viabilidade de esporângios de Plasmopara viticola por bactérias nativas do filoplano da videira.

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    Resumo: O míldio é uma das principais doenças da videira, capaz de causar danos significativos à cultura e aumentar os custos de produção. Seu controle demanda o uso intensivo de agrotóxicos, cujos resíduos são indesejáveis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o potencial uso de bactérias do filoplano em reduzir a viabilidade de esporângios de Plasmopara viticola. Foram testados trinta e cinco isolados bacterianos obtidos do filoplano de videira. Os testes de antagonismo foram feitos em lâminas de microscopia e em discos de folha, adicionando-se 50 microL de uma suspensão bacteriana e 50 microL de uma suspensão de esporângios. Nos testes em lâmina de microscopia, vinte e nove isolados inibiram a germinação dos esporângios de Plasmopara viticola. Destes, os isolados 1, 37 e 12 se destacaram, por serem capazes de inibir também a liberação de zoósporos. Em discos de folha, o isolado 1 foi o único capaz de inibir a liberação dos zoósporos, significativamente em relação à testemunha. Nesta condição, não houve a germinação dos esporângios, apenas a liberação de zoósporos. Abstract: The downy mildew is one of the main grapevine diseases, able to cause significant damage to the crop and increase production costs. It?s control demand intensive use of pesticides, which residues are undesirable. This study aimed to investigate the potential of phylloplane bacteria in reducing the viability of sporangia of Plasmopara viticola. Thirty-five bacterial isolates from phylloplane of grapevine were tested. The antagonism tests were conducted on microscopy glass blades and on leaf discs, adding microL of a bacterial suspension and 50 microL of a suspension of sporangia. Twenty-nine isolates inhibited the germination of the sporangia of Plasmopara viticola in tests conducted on glass blades. Of these, isolates 1, 37 and 12 were able to inhibit the release of zoospores. In the leaf discs test, the isolate 1 was the single able to inhibit the release of zoospores, significant compared to the control. In this condition, there wasn?t germination of sporangia, only zoospores release

    Vibrational corrections to hyperpolarizabilities of the O3, SO2, N2O and CO2 molecules: A comparison between variational and perturbation methods

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    AbstractIn this work we reported results of vibrational corrections to the first and second hyperpolarizabilities of the O3, SO2, N2O and CO2 molecules at the CCSD level through the BKPT method of Bishop and Kirtman and also using a variational approximation proposed in a previous work. Comparison between results obtained by both methods shows that the performance of BKPT is different for the systems studied here. Practically the same results are obtained for sulfur dioxide while ozone is the system for which there is greater discrepancy between the results obtained by the two procedures

    Ripening curves estimated for 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grape in the northwest region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

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    Abstract – The objective of this work was to determine and evaluate the performance of regression models, to estimate the ripening curves of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grape for the winter harvest in the northwestern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. 'Cabernet Sauvignon' plants were grafted onto the 'IAC 766 Campinas' rootstock. The ripening curves were fitted to linear, quadratic, power, logarithmic, and exponential regression models using 2017 data, while the performance of the models was evaluated using 2018 data. As a function of accumulated degree days, the quadratic model for soluble solid content allows to determine the ripening curve of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grape in the studied region. Resumo – O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar e avaliar o desempenho de modelos de regressão, para estimar curvas de maturação de uvas 'Cabernet Sauvignon' para a colheita de inverno na região noroeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As plantas de 'Cabernet Sauvignon' foram enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto 'IAC 766 Campinas'. As curvas de maturação foram ajustadas a modelos de regressão linear, quadrática, potencial, logarítmica e exponencial, tendo-se utilizado dados de 2017, enquanto o desempenho dos modelos foi avaliado com dados de 2018. Em função dos graus-dia acumulados, o modelo quadrático do conteúdo de sólidos solúveis permite determinar a curva de maturação de uvas 'Cabernet Sauvignon' na região estudada

    A Embrapa Uva e Vinho presente na viticultura tropical.

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    Quando falamos sobre a vitivinicultura nacional, é impossível não lembrar de regiões tradicionais de cultivo, como é o caso em especial da Serra Gaúcha. Esta ainda permanece como a principal região produtora de uvas para processamento no Brasil, onde também está localizada a sede da Embrapa Uva e Vinho. Mas a expansão deste "Brasil vitivinícola" requer que nossa atuação aconteça em todo o Brasil. Assim, para dinamizar a pesquisa desde 1993 a Unidade conta com uma estrutura física de apoio atualmente denominada Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical, em Jales, localizada no noroeste paulista. A Estação foi criada a partir da demanda do setor produtivo vitícola da região e viabilizada com o apoio da Prefeitura Municipal de Jales, o Ministério da Agricultura e a Associação dos Viticultores da Região de Jales.bitstream/item/200765/1/13064-2011-p.4.pd

    Aspectos fitossanitários da viticultura na região Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento e uma avaliação do perfil do produtor de uva de mesa da região de Jales, identificando os problemas fitossanitários enfrentados, bem como as tecnologias adotadas para o controle de pragas que ocorrem na cultura da videira dessa região.bitstream/item/84830/1/cot136.pd

    Persistence of hyperprolactinemia after treatment of primary hypothyroidism and withdrawal of long term use of estrogen: are the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons permanently lesioned?

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    Long term use of high doses of estrogen and the presence of chronic hyperprolactinemia may, at least in the rat, provoke lesions in the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons responsible for the control of prolactin (Prl) secretion. This occurrence, which is not yet well documented in humans, may have taken place in a patient on chronic oral hormonal contraceptive (OC) treatment who was seen for primary hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemia and a pituitary mass. After thyroid hormone replacement, OC withdrawn and bromocriptine treatment, this patient could not maintain normal Prl levels, unless continuously treated with a dopaminergic agonist even when MRI was indicative of a normal situation. Function of TIDA neurons was investigated by TRH test (200 microg IV) performed before and after treatment with 25 mg carbidopa plus 250 mg L-dopa every 4 hours for one day. Basal TSH was normal (3.9 microU/mL) whereas basal Prl was high (67.5 ng/mL); both TSH and Prl levels appropriately increased after TRH: peaks 31.8 microU/mL and 157.8 ng/mL, respectively. After treatment with carbidopa/L-dopa, basal TSH (1.6 microU/mL) and Prl (34 ng/mL) decreased and the response to TRH was partially blocked (10.3 microU/mL and 61 ng/mL, respectively). In spite of a normal response, we discuss the possibility that the persistence of hyperprolactinemia is due to lesion of the TIDA neurons produced by the long term use of high doses of estrogens and by the presence of chronic hyperprolactinemia
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