60 research outputs found

    Interferência na qualidade dos frutos de morangueiro ocasionada pelo uso de agentes de controle biológico de doenças

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    The strawberry is a fruit of great market acceptance and it is much appreciated throughout the world, besides being very important for small farmers, generating employment and income. Nevertheless, this crop is affected by various diseases that require control, so that producers eventually use chemical fungicides, which, besides contaminating soil and water, eventually contaminate the fruit. In an attempt to reduce the amount of pesticides used in the strawberry crop, a lot of research on biological control of diseases has been done. However, the biological control of diseases in strawberries should not interfere negatively in fruit quality. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the acidity, pH and total soluble solids (ºBrix) of strawberries treated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces boulardii and Bacillus cereus, agents used in the biological control of diseases. None of the treatments affected the pH and total titratable acidity; however, S. cerevisiae increased the content of total soluble solids, improving the quality of strawberries.O morango é um fruto de grande aceitação e muito apreciado por todo o mundo, além de ser de grande importância para pequenos agricultores, gerando trabalho e renda. Porém, essa cultura é atacada por diversas doenças, o que faz seu controle necessário, de modo que os produtores recorrem ao uso de fungicidas químicos, os quais, além de contaminarem o solo e a água, acabam por contaminar os frutos. Na tentativa de se reduzir a carga de agrotóxicos utilizados no cultivo do morangueiro, tem-se pesquisado o controle biológico de doenças. No entanto, o controle biológico de doenças no morangueiro não deve interferir de maneira negativa na qualidade dos frutos. Dessa maneira, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a acidez, o pH e os sólidos solúveis totais (ºBrix) em frutos de morangueiros tratados com Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces boulardii e Bacillus cereus, agentes utilizados no controle biológico de doenças. Nenhum dos tratamentos interferiu no pH e na acidez titulável total; porém, S. cerevisiae proporcionou aumento do teor de sólidos solúveis totais, melhorando sua qualidade

    Observations and modeling of a hydrothermal plume in Yellowstone Lake

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 20XX. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 46(12), (2019): 6435-6442, doi:10.1029/2019GL082523.Acoustic Doppler current profiler and conductivity‐temperature‐depth data acquired in Yellowstone Lake reveal the presence of a buoyant plume above the “Deep Hole” hydrothermal system, located southeast of Stevenson Island. Distributed venting in the ~200 × 200‐m hydrothermal field creates a plume with vertical velocities of ~10 cm/s in the mid‐water column. Salinity profiles indicate that during the period of strong summer stratification the plume rises to a neutral buoyancy horizon at ~45‐m depth, corresponding to a ~70‐m rise height, where it generates an anomaly of ~5% (−0.0014 psu) relative to background lake water. We simulate the plume with a numerical model and find that a heat flux of 28 MW reproduces the salinity and vertical velocity observations, corresponding to a mass flux of 1.4 × 103 kg/s. When observational uncertainties are considered, the heat flux could range between 20 to 50 MW.The authors thank Yellowstone National Park Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, The Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, and Paul Fucile for logistical support. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation grants EAR‐1516361 to R. S., EAR‐1514865 to K. L., and EAR‐1515283 to R. H. and J. F. All work in Yellowstone National Park was completed under an authorized Yellowstone research permit (YELL‐2018‐SCI‐7018). CTD and ADCP profiles reported in this paper are available through the Marine Geoscience Data System (doi:10.1594/IEDA/324713 and doi:10.1594/IEDA/324712, accessed last on 17 April 2019, respectively).2019-11-0