17 research outputs found


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    In any branch of modern economy the most important factor of production is work. In the last decades work specializes in the health care sphere more and more. The role of laboratory assistants, technicians, technologists, engineers, economists, managers and financiers considerably increases in medical institutions. Features of work in health care are connected with specifics of made «product». So, despite rapid development of new technologies in medicine, replacement of work with the capital here is possible only in limited limits. It is a classical example of branch where work, i.e. «the human capital» and the capital material act rather as complements, than substitutes. For this reason the most important strategic component of development of health care is optimization of management by personnel resources

    Current State of the Issue of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Rostov Region

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    Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is registered in various geographical regions of the Russian Federation and occupies one of the leading positions among natural-focal human diseases in Russia. The aim of the study was to assess the epidemiological situation on HFRS in the Rostov Region. Materials and methods. Laboratory diagnostics of field material (samples from wild rodents) for the presence of antigens of HFRS pathogens and screening of blood sera from donors, residents of the region, for the presence of class G antibodies to viruses that cause HFRS were carried out by enzyme immunoassay during 2020 and 2021. Results and discussion. Hantavirus antigens were identified in five administrative districts of the Region in 2020, infection with HFRS virus in small mouse-like rodents was 7.1 %. In 2021, spontaneous infection of carriers was detected in 2.8 % of the samples, found in four districts of the Region. The presence of the virus markers was recorded in populations of five species of mouse-like rodents: house mouse, wood mouse, common vole, small wood mouse, yellow-bellied mouse. Among healthy population, class G antibodies were registered in 6.8 % in the surveyed territories in 2020, and 4.5 % in 2021. Detection of virus markers in carriers and the presence of a natural immune layer of the population as regards HFRS agents suggest the existence of a natural HFRS focus in the Rostov Region


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    Purpose – to evaluate the efficiency and rationale for a mandatory ultrasound examination of patients with synovial cysts of the hand and wrist joint.Material and methods. The authors performed examination and following treatment of 274 patients with synovial cysts of the hand from 2005 till 2017. The diagnostics was performed basing on clinical and medical history data, roentgenology findings, ultrasonographic data, intraoperative diagnostics and postoperative histological studies. When needed MRT was performed in 35 (12.8%) patients and CT scans in 7 (2.6%) patients. In the presence of clinical signs of lesions in the forearm nerves the examination algorithm was supplemented by electroneuromyography in 17 (6.2%) patients.Results. The ultrasound tests for examination of soft tissues tumors included were characterized by sensitivity of 97.4%, specificity — 99.1% and diagnostic efficiency — 0.96%.Conclusion. Ultrasonographic examination in cases of synovial cysts of the hand and wrist joint allows to perform topical diagnostics, to identify secondary alterations in adjacent anatomical structures and to determine the cause for secondary clinical semiology


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    Aim. Study the effect of antibacterial preparations on biofilms of Vibrio cholerae El Tor. Materials and methods. Sensitivity of V. cholerae El Tor (6 strains) to various concentrations of antibacterial preparations (doxycycline, tetracycline, levomycetin, rifampicin, gentamycin, ceftazidime) was determined (MD 4.2.2495-09). Transmission electron microscopy was used for visualization of the effect of preparations on biofilms. Results. The values of minimal inhibiting concentrations of antibacterial preparations against biofilms have increased by 5 - 100 times compared with plankton cultures. Certain smoothing of strands between the bacterial cell and substrate, alteration of vibrios’ form, reduction of electron density of the matrix with an increase of its transparency were observed during electron-microscopy of the effect of antibacterial preparations on the biofilm. Conclusion. Study of the effect of antibacterial preparations on biofilms could increase effectiveness of rational antibiotics therapy of infections by selection of preparations that disrupt functioning of microbial communities

    Spatial Visualization of Data on the Antibiotic Resistance of Vibrio cholerae Strains Isolated in Russia

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    Aim. The aim was to develop an integrated online and updated geographic information system (GIS) for the systematiza tion and analysis of information on V. cholerae El Tor antibiotic resistance.Material and methods. The method of serial dilutions in a dense nutrient medium (MUK 4.2.2495-09) was used to determine the sensitivity/resistance to 22 antibacterial preparations of V. cholerae O1 El Tor strains isolated from people and from aquatic environmental objects in Russia in 2005–2016. The development of the Internet version of the GIS was carried out using programming languages HTML, JavaScript and PHP and cartographic data obtained from the corporation Rostelecom (Russia) and the community OpenStreetMap.Results. A comparative analysis of the antibiotic resistance of the strains by regions of the Russian Federation and by isolation time showed an increase of strains resistant to streptomycin, ampicillin, rifampicin and furazolidone, the appearance of cultures resistant to nalidixic acid and ceftriaxone, reduced resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole in 2012–2016 compared to 2005–2009. In the Stavropol Krai, the isolated V. cholerae O1 El Tor were characterized by resistance to furazolidone (33.3%) and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (100%); in the Primorsky Krai — to ampicillin, streptomycin, rifampicin (7%), furazolidone (43%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (100%); in the Irkutsk region and Kalmykia, to ampicillin (8.3% and 11%), furazolidone and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (11% and 89%).Conclusion. The GIS developed allows to collect and analyze information on the antibiotic resistance of V. cholerae O1 El Tor, and to select the strains for given properties


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    The paper presents the study of the possibility of wasteless co-processing of electric fur-nace and ladle furnace slag. The work demonstrates that such processing allows to obtain two commercial products, pig iron and Portland cement clinker