1,019 research outputs found

    Implementasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan untuk Mengidentifikasi Pola Desain Produk Berdasarkan Preferensi Pelanggan Menggunakan Kansei Engineering System

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    Kansei Engineering System (KES) is of technologies in ergonomics that support human-centered design. In Japanese, Kansei means customers’ taste to a certain product. The research aims to apply KES Type II (a more recent development of KES)with artificial neural network (back propagation model) and traingdx learning algorithm to identify product design that fits best with customers’ taste/preferences.The model developed is able to generate a design for steering wheel with various atributes; namely shape of button, number of spokes, material of spokes, texture of grip, style of grip, and color. These atributes are results from 16 pairs of Kansei words which is reduced into five main factors; namely aestethics, emotional evaluation, color, texture, and product reliability

    Financial Disclosure Based on Web-ICT Determinants: Its Implications for Local Government Financial Performance in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of local government characteristic and accountability performance on the financial disclosure based on WEB-ICT and how it's implications for local government financial performance as a response to the public information disclosure requirements. Using 307 regencies and cities local government in Indonesia as samples based on purposive sampling and analyze by SEM-PLS technique. The result shows that local government characteristic and accountability of local government performance has a positive influence on financial disclosure based on web-ICT. It indicates that local governments with better performance accountability levels and have greater or more mature characteristics will disclose wider financial information through the website. These findings are consistent with the signaling theory which states that organizations tend to provide a signal in the form of information disclosure to stakeholders to describe positive conditions. This study also found that financial disclosure based on web-ICT has a negative influence on local government financial performance, public sector characteristics that are nonprofit oriented cause disclosure of financial information does not encourage the financial performance of local government. Unlike the private sector, the disclosure of information encourages better corporate financial performance

    Ibm Industri Genteng Di Desa Nyitdah

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    Desa Nyitdah terletak di kecamatan Kediri, Tabanan dan juga dekat dengan objek wisata Tanah Lot. Dari Denpasar, dapat ditempuh dalam 45 menit perjalanan. Desa ini dikenal dengan gentengnya. Kecamatan Kediri sejak turun temurun sudah memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata alternative dan genteng khas Desa Pejaten danDesa Nyitdah juga telah dikenal sampai masyarakat luar Bali. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah Bapak Ketut Darka selaku pemilik UD BS Super dengan Bapak Nyoman Subagia selaku pemilik UD Dwik Super. Kedua mitra berasal dari banjar Suda Kawan, Desa Nyitdah, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan.  Berdasarkan diskusi dengan kedua mitra kegiatan yaitu I Ketut Darka dan I Nyoman Subagia, Kedua mitra tidak mengetahui dengan pasti jumlah keuntungan atau kerugian yang mereka peroleh, karena mereka menggunakan manajemen keuangan tradisional yang tidak pernah mencatat jumlah pemasukan maupun pengeluran yang diperoleh. Berdasarkan permasalahan utama mitra maka kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah membantu penambahan pendapatan dari mitra, dengan meningkatkan kapasitas produksi melalui penambahan alat cetak genteng. Meningkatkan tingkat kerapian dari produk genteng yang dihasilkan oleh kedua mitra. Membantu dalam hal proses pengeringan genteng dengan memberikan alas untuk mengeringkan genteng. Dapat meningkatkan harga produksi dengan menghasilkan produk genteng yang lebih menarik. Salah satu caranya dengan memberikan pewarnaan pada genteng. Pelatihan Manajemen Keuangan. Pelatihan manajemen keuangan bertujuan agar kedua mitra memiliki pengelolaan financial yang lebih baik. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini diharapkan kedua mitra mengetahui kondisi untung rugi dari USAha mereka. Pelatihan dan bantuan website pemasaran sehingga mitra tidak hanya berfokus pada menunggu pemesanan oleh pelanggan, namun juga secara proaktif melakukan pemasaran melalui website

    Eksplorasi Perubahan Fisik, dan Gejolak Emosional pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Terminal yang Menjalani Hemodialisis (Pendekatan Kualitatif)

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    Introduction: Patients with terminal kidney failure report limitations and physical changes, psychological functions, weaknesses that have a negative effect on health status and a decrease in survival. Progress in dialysis technology and disease management still raises many complaints both physically and psychologically by increasing the mortality rate of patients undergoing hemodialysis. In 2008, there were about 1.75 million patients worldwide who regularly received kidney replacement therapy in the form of dialysis, about 1.55 (89%) million underwent hemodialysis (HD) and around 197,000 (11%) used peritoneal dialysis ( PD) Purpose: This study is to explore the experience of hemodialysis patients with physical changes and emotional turmoil. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to reveal broadly and deeply about the causes and things that influence the occurrence of something. Method: exploration is carried out with the aim of digging deeper into the existing elements to obtain specific information that influences the pattern of life behavior of patients from aspects of sexuality. Results: The results of the study found two categories of themes, namely: (1) Physical changes and physical complaints: black facial skin, damaged teeth, thin body, weak body, and fatigue quickly. (2) Feeling and emotional turmoil is felt: not accepting and fearing death, feeling helpless and useless, apologizing and suggesting that the couple remarry. Conclusion: the exploration experience of physical changes and emotional turmoil of hemodialysis patients is influenced by physical, physiological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects as well as values, cultures that exist in the lives of participants

    Pengaruh Direct Instruction Berbantuan Strategi Modeling The Way terhadap Respon dan Hasil Belajar Materi Hidrokarbon

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    This aims of this study were to determine whether there was a significant different of student achievement, determine how much influence of direct instruction models assisted by modelling the way strategy toward student achievement, determine the correlation between response and student achievement of experiment class and control class. This study used quasy experimental research with pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. The sample of this research were X B as experimental class which taught using direct instruction models through modelling the way strategy and X C as control class wich taught using conventional method. Achievement test, questionnaire response, observasion sheet and interview guidelines ware used as the research instrument. According to independent-t test toward student achievement data, there was no significant difference of student achievement between those clasess (Asym.sig.(2-tailed) of 0,342). Learning using direct instruction models through modelling the way strategy gave 14,80% effect on improving student achievemen influenced by teacher. According to Person Correlation, there was no correlation between response and student achievement of control class (Sig.(2-tailed) of 0,306). According to Kendall\u27s Correlation, there was no correlation between response and student achievement of experiment class (Sig.(2-tailed) of 0.398)

    Pengaruh Model Guided Discovery terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Siswa pada Materi Koloid SMA

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    This research aims to know differences in student's understanding of concept on material coloid, between students who are taught by using guided discovery and conventional models and the influence of this model to understanding the concept. Sample was choosen by purposive sampling technique, XI IPA 1 as the experiment class and XI IPA 2 as control class. The research form used was quasi experimental and the research design that used is a non equivalent control group design. The tool for collecting data is cognitive test and observation paper. The result of the U-Mann Whitney we can show the differences understanding of concept between students who are taught by using guided discovery and conventional models with average value of cognitive test in 77,07 and 63,25. The guided discovery model is also an impact of 43,45% of the student's understanding of the concept

    Deskripsi Pemekaran Wilayah Kecamatan Air Hitam

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    This research aims examine about division of Air Hitam subdistrict in West Lampung regency. This research used descriptive method, object this research division of Air Hitam subdistrict. Informer this research 6 officers and 10 head village in Air Hitam subdistrict. Collection data by observation, stuctured interview and documentation. Analysis data based table and percentage. Results showed (1) Air Hitam subdistrict area qualified division subdistricts with a total area 185.48 km² and be 76.23 km ², (2) population Air Hitam subdistrict qualified division subdistrict with before population 47.356 be 11.016,( 3 ) range control and accessibility Air Hitam subdistrict with long distance before 82,5 km be 39.4 km, ( 4 ) state of community economic Air Hitam subdistrict most farmers coffee with agricultural land before 9.838 Ha be 490 Ha, ( 5 ) overall facilities at Air Hitam subdistrict was good enough.Penelitian ini mengkaji pemekaran Kecamatan Air Hitam Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, Objek penelitian ini pemekaran wilayah Kecamatan Air Hitam. Informan 6 aparatur Kecamatan Air Hitam dan 10 kepala desa di Kecamatan Air Hitam. Pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data berdasarkan tabel dan persentase. Hasil penelitian (1) luas wilayah Kecamatan Air Hitam memenuhi syarat pemekaran kecamatan dengan luas wilayah awal 185,48 Km² menjadi 76,23 Km² (2) jumlah penduduk Kecamatan Air Hitam memenuhi syarat pembentukan kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk awal 47.356 jiwa menjadi 11.016 jiwa (3) rentang kendali dan aksesbilitas Kecamatan Air Hitam dari jarak kecamatan lama 82,5 Km menjadi 39,4 Km. (4) keadaan ekonomi Kecamatan Air Hitam sebagian besar petani kopi dengan luas lahan pertanian sebelum pemekaran 9.838 Ha menjadi 490 Ha (5) secara keseluruhan sarana Kecamatan Air Hitam cukup baik
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