40 research outputs found

    Persepsi Rumah Tangga terhadap Pelayanan Pdam dan Willingness To Pay (Wtp) Pengguna Air Pdam (Kasus di Desatirtonormolo Kecamatan Kasihan Kabupaten Bantul)

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis persepsi rumah tangga terhadap kualitas air PDAM digunakan rumah tangga, frekuensi layanan yang diinginkan rumah tangga terhadap pelayanan PDAM dan willingness to pay (WTP) terhadap pelayanan air PDAM yang diinginkan rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah survei dengan wawancara. Jumlah responden sebesar 78 rumah tangga. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, uji crosstab dan regresi linier berganda.Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kualitas air PDAM Kabupaten Bantul memiliki kualitas air sangat baik pada parameter rasa, sedangkan parameter lainnya bernilai cukup baik. Frekuensi layanan air PDAM Kabupaten Bantul memiliki penilaian sangat pada parameter kemudahan pemasangan air, sedangkan parameter lainnya bernilai cukup baik. Berdasarkan analisis regresi linier berganda variabel independen (pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, pengeluaran, dan jumlah anggota keluarga) dan konstanta regresi mempunyai angka signifikansi di atas 0,05 sehingga variabel tersebut sebenarnya tidak mempengaruhi willingness to pay (WTP). Terdapat faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi willingness to pay (WTP) selain faktor yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    Changes of Soil Aggregate on Degraded Jasinga Ultisols by Soil Tillage and Organic Matter Practices

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    Soil aggregate is soil characteristics which is sensitive to change due to soil tillage. Organic matter practices and soil tillage difference have an important role in determining the quality and quantity of soil aggregate. The objective of this research is to study the quality changes of soil aggregation on Ultisols Jasinga degraded by various soil tillage and organic matter practices. This research was carried out at Jasinga Village, Jasinga Sub District, Bogor District in 2003 planting season (PS). The randomized block design with three replications was used. The Main plot was artificial desurfacing which consisted of three treatments, i.e: non-artificial desurfacing, 5 cm depth of artificial desurfacing, and10 cm depth of artificial desurfacing, whereas sub plot treatments were soil tillage and soil rehabilitation with Mucuna sp. (tillage+Mucuna sp.), no soil tillage and without rehabilitation (no tillage without Mucuna sp.), soil tillage without rehabilitation (tillage without Mucuna sp.), and no soil tillage with rehabilitation (no tillage+Mucuna sp.). The result of this research showed that periodic application of fresh organic matters was able to maintain the quality of macroaggregate on eroded soil (0.36-15.47 cm). Minimum soil tillage application and continuos organic matter practices (>21 t ha-1 year-1) are soil conservation technique that has been able to maintain soil aggregate, even without rehabilitation with Mucuna sp. Various organic matters (Mucuna sp., plant waste, and flemingia) are needed to be applied periodically to maintain the quality of soil aggregate

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Land Use Issues Related to the Use of Bioenergy in Indonesia

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    Biofuel use is intended to address the ever-increasing demand for and scarcer supply of fossil fuels. The recent Indonesia government policy of imposing 10% mixing of biodiesel into petroleum-based diesel affirms the more important biofuel role in the near future. Palm oil, methane from palm oil mill effluent (POME) and animal wastes are the most prospective agricultural-based biofuels. The production and use of palm oil is interlinked with land use and land use change (LULUC), while the use of methane from POME and animal wastes can contribute in reducing emissions. The current European Union (EU) and the potential United States (US) markets are imposing biodiesels' green house gas (GHG) emission reduction standards (ERS) of 35% and 20%, respectively relative to the emissions of petroleum-based diesel based on using the lifecycle analysis (LCA). EU market will increase the ERS to 50% starting1 January 2017, which make it more challenging to reach. Despite controversies in the methods and assumptions of GHG emission reduction assessment using LCA, the probability of passing ERS increases as the development of oil palm plantation avoid as much as possible the use of peatland and natural forests. At present, there is no national ERS for bioenergy, but Indonesia should be cautious with the rapid expansion of oil palm plantation on existing agricultural lands, as it threatens food security. Focusing more on increasing palm oil yield, reducing pressure on existing agricultural lands for oil palm expansion and prioritizing the development on low carbon stock lands such as grass- and shrublands on mineral soils will be the way forward in addressing land scarcity, food security, GHG emissions and other environmental problems. Other forms of bioenergy source, such as biochar, promise to a lesser extent GHGemission reduction, and its versatility also requires consideration of its use as a soil ameliorant

    Skarifikasi dengan Perendaman Air Panas dan Air Kelapa Muda terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Saga (Adenanthera Pavonina L.)

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    Saga (Adenanthera pavonina) has an orthodox seeds, that could be stored up to 8 months. The seeds have a hard structure, which was covered by wax on the seeds coat. The research aims was to determine the effect of scarification by immersion the seed in to hot water, with initial temperature of 100oC continued by immertion to young coconut water, that gives the best effect on germination, average days to germinate, and the germinating power of saga seeds. This research was conducted at Greenhouse in Integrated Field Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, University of Lampung, on May 2016. Randomize complete design in 5 treat-ments was applied as research design. The treatments consisted of scarification by immersion to hot water temperature of 100° C, continued by immersion to fresh water temperatur (24oC) for 24 hours; immertion to hot water temperature of 100° C continued to young coconut water for 6 hours; 12 hours; 18 hour; 24 hours. Bartlett examination was used to analyze data homogenity. Analysis of variance was applied to figur out the effect of treatments given. The results showed none of the treatments with young coconut water was increasing germination of saga seed

    Analisis Kendala Pelaksanaan Praktikum Biologi Di SMA Negeri Se-kota Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala dalam pelaksanaan praktikum Biologi di SMA Negeri se kota Palangkaraya. Metode yang digunakan adalah gabungan antara metode kualitatif dan metode kuantatif (mixedmethod). Kendala pelaksanaan praktikum biologi yang ditemukan, yaitu (1) fasilitas laboratorium tidak lengkap, banyak peralatan yang rusak, bahan yang kadaluwarsa, laboratorium digunakan juga untuk kegiatan selain praktikum dan ada alat/bahan yang tersedia tapi tidak pernah digunakan sebagaimana fungsinya (2) dukungan sekolah terhadap kegiatan praktikum masih bersifat dukungan moril dan dukungan pendanaan kerjasama dengan komite sekolah masih belum mencukupi kebutuhan pelaksanaan praktikum, sehingga seringkali guru dan siswa secara swadaya membawa sendiri kekurangan bahan yang diperlukan (3) pengelolaan laboratorium biologi ditugaskan pada salah satu guru biologi dan tidak ada sekolah yang memiliki laboran serta teknisi laboratorium, pengelola laboratorium tidak pernah mengikuti pelatihan manajemen laboratorium dan kegiatan sejenisnya (4) pada tahap pelaksanaan mobilitas siswa yang cukup tinggi dalam kegiatan praktikum memerlukan perhatian lebih dari guru (5) tidak ada jadwal khusus untuk kegiatan praktikum (6) Kesulitan siswa dalam pelaksanaan praktikum adalah kurang menguasai konsep yang dipraktikumkan, kurang terampil dalam menggunakan alat praktikum karena memang kurang terbiasa, sulit bekerjasama dalam kelompok dan kurang berminat membuat laporan praktikum

    The Use of Mineral and Organic Soil Conditioner to Improve Soil Quality of Typic Kanhapludults Tamanbogo, Lampung

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    As soil conditioner, there are many functions of organic matter that would not be replaced by mineral material. Therefore, mineral soil conditioner is better focused on increasing quality of organic soil conditioner. The objective of the research was to obtain the effectiveness of soil conditioner formula (organic matter and zeolit) and its application technique (dose and phase application) in improving soil quality. The research was conducted at KP Tamanbogo, Lampung for three seasons (2006/2007). The experiment employed a split plot design with three reflications. Application techniques of soil conditioner (dose and phase aplication) as main plots and three types formula of soil conditioner as sub plots. Corn was used as test crop. Parameters observed were plant growth and production, and changes in soil properties. The results showed that soil conditioner that applied on Typic kanhapludults could significantly increased corn growth and yield. Soil conditioner with higher organic matter proportion has better effect on corn growth and yield as well as on physical soil properties, which indicated by soil permeability and aggregate stability. The addition of 20% of zeolit in soil conditioner formula increased soil microorganism activities, but the additional up to 30% decrease microorganism activities. The changes of organic matter and zeolit proportion in soil conditioner has significantly effect on soil pH and N content, but has no significantly effect on P, K content, and CEC. Compared to innitial soil condition, application of soil conditioner could increase CEC from <4 cmolc kg-1 to 5.85 cmolc kg-1 respectively. Soil conditioner was better to be applied periodically but must be done every season. For degraded soil such as at KP. Tamanbogo, soil conditioner was applied with 10 t ha-1 dose for innitial rehabilitation process, hereinafter with 5 t ha-1 annual crop season dose