88,750 research outputs found

    Analysis on the evolution and governance of the biotechnology industry of China

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    The past twenty years have witnessed the high-speed growth of China’s biotechnology industry, and this presents an excellent opportunity to examine the changes that have taken place, especially, to carry out overall evaluation and governance analysis from the perspective of technology policies. Although China’s biotechnology industry has achieved tremendous extension both in scale and structure, the strengths it gained from basic research have been significantly weakened by commercialization. This has resulted in the comparatively limited scale of the whole industry, innovation-lacking products, poor output from research and development and scarcity of industrial resources. A large range of literature regarding China’s biotechnology industry attributes these outcomes to vague and even inappropriate governance, findings supported mainly by analyses based on the linear model of impact of government policies on industrial development. In these analyses, government, enterprises and companies as well as R&D organizations are either put on the opposite poles or in a straight line. After examining the nature of China’s biotechnology industry, and in particular the dynamic procedures in research and development, the authors of this paper argue that besides government, enterprises and R&D organizations, a diverse array of factors should be taken into account as we tackle issues emerging in understanding the development of China’s biotechnology industry. Furthermore, these factors, human or nonhuman, should not be arranged as opposing poles or linearly connected points on a straight line. They are in fact all knitted in networks and act as both knitters and knots. China’s biotechnology industry gains its strength to develop and evolve from these networks, thus its governance must be aimed at improving their stability and quality. Although the main disciplinary perspectives of this research are historical and sociological (including identification of the three development stages of biotechnology in China since 1978 to present days), a large number of concepts and ideas from management studies as well as an interdisciplinary approach are also incorporated into the analysis. The main model used in this research is Actor Network Theory, which is employed as a basic theoretical frame. From this starting point the authors attempt to make a closer examination of China’s biotechnology industry both at the level of technology research and development and at the level of commercialization. The modeling process in this research can be regarded as an attempt to explore the social construction of China’s biotechnology industry. The paper reveals how China’s biotechnology industry develops in the form of networks within the country’s social context and what kinds of relationships exist among the relevant factors; therefore, providing guiding insights for improving the governance of China’s biotechnology industry both in policy and management

    Geometric quantum gates robust against stochastic control errors

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    We analyze a scheme for quantum computation where quantum gates can be continuously changed from standard dynamic gates to purely geometric ones. These gates are enacted by controlling a set of parameters that are subject to unwanted stochastic fluctuations. This kind of noise results in a departure from the ideal case that can be quantified by a gate fidelity. We find that the maximum of this fidelity corresponds to quantum gates with a vanishing dynamical phase.Comment: 4 pager

    Interdecadal variability of winter precipitation in Southeast China

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    Interdecadal variability of observed winter precipitation in Southeast China (1961–2010) is characterized by the first empirical orthogonal function of the three-monthly Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) subjected to a 9-year running mean. For interdecadal time scales the dominating spatial modes represent monopole features involving the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. Dynamic composite analysis (based on NCEP/NCAR reanalyzes) reveals the following results: (1) Interdecadal SPI-variations show a trend from a dryer state in the 1970s via an increase during the 1980s towards stabilization on wetter conditions commencing with the 1990s. (2) Increasing wetness in Southeast China is attributed to an abnormal anticyclone over south Japan, with northward transport of warm and humid air from the tropical Pacific to South China. (3) In mid-to-high latitudes the weakened southward flow of polar airmasses induces low-level warming over Eurasia due to stronger AO by warmer zonal temperature advection. This indicates that AO is attributed to the Southeast China precipitation increase influenced by circulation anomalies over the mid-to-high latitudes. (4) The abnormal moisture transport along the southwestern boundary of the abnormal anticyclone over south Japan is related to anomalous south-easterlies modulated by the SST anomalies over Western Pacific Ocean; a positive (negative) SST anomaly will strengthen (weaken) warm and humid air transport, leading to abundant (reduced) precipitation in Southeast China. That is both AO and SST anomalies determine the nonlinear trend observed in winter precipitation over Southeast China

    Dynamic microscopic structures and dielectric response in the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition for BaTiO3 studied by first-principles molecular dynamics simulation

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    The dynamic structures of the cubic and tetragonal phase in BaTiO3 and its dielectric response above the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition temperature (Tp) are studied by first-principles molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. It's shown that the phase transition is due to the condensation of one of the transverse correlations. Calculation of the phonon properties for both the cubic and tetragonal phase shows a saturation of the soft mode frequency near 60 cm-1 near Tp and advocates its order-disorder nature. Our first-principles calculation leads directly to a two modes feature of the dielectric function above Tp [Phys. Rev. B 28, 6097 (1983)], which well explains the long time controversies between experiments and theories

    Secure Communications in Millimeter Wave Ad Hoc Networks

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    Wireless networks with directional antennas, like millimeter wave (mmWave) networks, have enhanced security. For a large-scale mmWave ad hoc network in which eavesdroppers are randomly located, however, eavesdroppers can still intercept the confidential messages, since they may reside in the signal beam. This paper explores the potential of physical layer security in mmWave ad hoc networks. Specifically, we characterize the impact of mmWave channel characteristics, random blockages, and antenna gains on the secrecy performance. For the special case of uniform linear array (ULA), a tractable approach is proposed to evaluate the average achievable secrecy rate. We also characterize the impact of artificial noise in such networks. Our results reveal that in the low transmit power regime, the use of low mmWave frequency achieves better secrecy performance, and when increasing transmit power, a transition from low mmWave frequency to high mmWave frequency is demanded for obtaining a higher secrecy rate. More antennas at the transmitting nodes are needed to decrease the antenna gain obtained by the eavesdroppers when using ULA. Eavesdroppers can intercept more information by using a wide beam pattern. Furthermore, the use of artificial noise may be ineffective forenhancing the secrecy rate

    Content Placement in Cache-Enabled Sub-6 GHz and Millimeter-Wave Multi-Antenna Dense Small Cell Networks

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    This paper studies the performance of cacheenabled dense small cell networks consisting of multi-antenna sub-6 GHz and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) base stations. Different from the existing works which only consider a single antenna at each base station, the optimal content placement is unknown when the base stations have multiple antennas. We first derive the successful content delivery probability by accounting for the key channel features at sub-6 GHz and mm-wave frequencies. The maximization of the successful content delivery probability is a challenging problem. To tackle it, we first propose a constrained cross-entropy algorithm which achieves the near-optimal solution with moderate complexity. We then develop another simple yet effective heuristic probabilistic content placement scheme, termed two-stair algorithm, which strikes a balance between caching the most popular contents and achieving content diversity. Numerical results demonstrate the superior performance of the constrained cross-entropy method and that the two-stair algorithm yields significantly better performance than only caching the most popular contents. The comparisons between the sub-6 GHz and mm-wave systems reveal an interesting tradeoff between caching capacity and density for the mm-wave system to achieve similar performance as the sub-6 GHz system
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