18,698 research outputs found

    Locally accurate MPS approximations for ground states of one-dimensional gapped local Hamiltonians

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    A key feature of ground states of gapped local 1D Hamiltonians is their relatively low entanglement --- they are well approximated by matrix product states (MPS) with bond dimension scaling polynomially in the length NN of the chain, while general states require a bond dimension scaling exponentially. We show that the bond dimension of these MPS approximations can be improved to a constant, independent of the chain length, if we relax our notion of approximation to be more local: for all length-kk segments of the chain, the reduced density matrices of our approximations are ϵ\epsilon-close to those of the exact state. If the state is a ground state of a gapped local Hamiltonian, the bond dimension of the approximation scales like (k/ϵ)1+o(1)(k/\epsilon)^{1+o(1)}, and at the expense of worse but still poly(k,1/ϵ)\text{poly}(k,1/\epsilon) scaling of the bond dimension, we give an alternate construction with the additional features that it can be generated by a constant-depth quantum circuit with nearest-neighbor gates, and that it applies generally for any state with exponentially decaying correlations. For a completely general state, we give an approximation with bond dimension exp(O(k/ϵ))\exp(O(k/\epsilon)), which is exponentially worse, but still independent of NN. Then, we consider the prospect of designing an algorithm to find a local approximation for ground states of gapped local 1D Hamiltonians. When the Hamiltonian is translationally invariant, we show that the ability to find O(1)O(1)-accurate local approximations to the ground state in T(N)T(N) time implies the ability to estimate the ground state energy to O(1)O(1) precision in O(T(N)log(N))O(T(N)\log(N)) time.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. v2: Theorem 1 extended to include construction for general states; Lemma 7 & Theorem 2 slightly improved; figures added; lemmas rearranged for clarity; typos fixed. v3: Reformatted & additional references inserte

    The q-gradient method for global optimization

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    The q-gradient is an extension of the classical gradient vector based on the concept of Jackson's derivative. Here we introduce a preliminary version of the q-gradient method for unconstrained global optimization. The main idea behind our approach is the use of the negative of the q-gradient of the objective function as the search direction. In this sense, the method here proposed is a generalization of the well-known steepest descent method. The use of Jackson's derivative has shown to be an effective mechanism for escaping from local minima. The q-gradient method is complemented with strategies to generate the parameter q and to compute the step length in a way that the search process gradually shifts from global in the beginning to almost local search in the end. For testing this new approach, we considered six commonly used test functions and compared our results with three Genetic Algorithms (GAs) considered effective in optimizing multidimensional unimodal and multimodal functions. For the multimodal test functions, the q-gradient method outperformed the GAs, reaching the minimum with a better accuracy and with less function evaluations.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Witnessed Entanglement

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    We present a new measure of entanglement for mixed states. It can be approximately computable for every state and can be used to quantify all different types of multipartite entanglement. We show that it satisfies the usual properties of a good entanglement quantifier and derive relations between it and other entanglement measures.Comment: Revised version. 7 pages and one figur

    Phantom cosmologies and fermions

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    Form invariance transformations can be used for constructing phantom cosmologies starting with conventional cosmological models. In this work we reconsider the scalar field case and extend the discussion to fermionic fields, where the "phantomization" process exhibits a new class of possible accelerated regimes. As an application we analyze the cosmological constant group for a fermionic seed fluid.Comment: 5 pages, version which was accepted for publication in CQ