89,207 research outputs found

    Heisenberg equation for a nonrelativistic particle on a hypersurface: from the centripetal force to a curvature induced force

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    In classical mechanics, a nonrelativistic particle constrained on an N1N-1 curved hypersurface embedded in NN flat space experiences the centripetal force only. In quantum mechanics, the situation is totally different for the presence of the geometric potential. We demonstrate that the motion of the quantum particle is "driven" by not only the the centripetal force, but also a curvature induced force proportional to the Laplacian of the mean curvature, which is fundamental in the interface physics, causing curvature driven interface evolution.Comment: 4 page

    The centripetal force law and the equation of motion for a particle on a curved hypersurface

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    It is pointed out that the current form of extrinsic equation of motion for a particle constrained to remain on a hypersurface is in fact a half-finished version for it is established without regard to the fact that the particle can never depart from the geodesics on the surface. Once the fact be taken into consideration, the equation takes that same form as that for centripetal force law, provided that the symbols are re-interpreted so that the law is applicable for higher dimensions. The controversial issue of constructing operator forms of these equations is addressed, and our studies show the quantization of constrained system based on the extrinsic equation of motion is favorable.Comment: 5 pages, major revisio

    Sound radiation in turbulent channel flows

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    Lighthill’s acoustic analogy is formulated for turbulent channel flow with pressure as the acoustic variable, and integrated over the channel width to produce a two-dimensional inhomogeneous wave equation. The equivalent sources consist of a dipole distribution related to the sum of the viscous shear stresses on the two walls, together with monopole and quadrupole distributions related to the unsteady turbulent dissipation and Reynolds stresses respectively. Using a rigid-boundary Green function, an expression is found for the power spectrum of the far-field pressure radiated per unit channel area. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent plane Poiseuille and Couette flow have been performed in large computational domains in order to obtain good resolution of the low-wavenumber source behaviour. Analysis of the DNS databases for all sound radiation sources shows that their wavenumber–frequency spectra have non-zero limits at low wavenumber. The sound power per unit channel area radiated by the dipole distribution is proportional to Mach number squared, while the monopole and quadrupole contributions are proportional to the fourth power of Mach number. Below a particular Mach number determined by the frequency and radiation direction, the dipole radiation due to the wall shear stress dominates the far field. The quadrupole takes over at Mach numbers above about 0.1, while the monopole is always the smallest term. The resultant acoustic field at any point in the channel consists of a statistically diffuse assembly of plane waves, with spectrum limited by damping to a value that is independent of Mach number in the low-M limit

    Efficient solutions of self-consistent mean field equations for dewetting and electrostatics in nonuniform liquids

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    We use a new configuration-based version of linear response theory to efficiently solve self-consistent mean field equations relating an effective single particle potential to the induced density. The versatility and accuracy of the method is illustrated by applications to dewetting of a hard sphere solute in a Lennard-Jones fluid, the interplay between local hydrogen bond structure and electrostatics for water confined between two hydrophobic walls, and to ion pairing in ionic solutions. Simulation time has been reduced by more than an order of magnitude over previous methods.Comment: Supplementary material included at end of main pape

    Effects of disorder on quantum fluctuations and superfluid density of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a two-dimensional optical lattice

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    We investigate a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a 2D optical lattice in the presence of weak disorder within the framework of the Bogoliubov theory. In particular, we analyze the combined effects of disorder and an optical lattice on quantum fluctuations and superfluid density of the BEC system. Accordingly, the analytical expressions of the ground state energy and quantum depletion of the system are obtained. Our results show that the lattice still induces a characteristic 3D to 1D crossover in the behavior of quantum fluctuations, despite the presence of weak disorder. Furthermore, we use the linear response theory to calculate the normal fluid density of the condensate induced by disorder. Our results in the 3D regime show that the combined presence of disorder and lattice induce a normal fluid density that asymptotically approaches 4/3 of the corresponding condensate depletion. Conditions for possible experimental realization of our scenario are also proposed.Comment: 8 pages, 0 figure. To appear in Physical Review

    Fluctuations of the vacuum energy density of quantum fields in curved spacetime via generalized zeta functions

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    For quantum fields on a curved spacetime with an Euclidean section, we derive a general expression for the stress energy tensor two-point function in terms of the effective action. The renormalized two-point function is given in terms of the second variation of the Mellin transform of the trace of the heat kernel for the quantum fields. For systems for which a spectral decomposition of the wave opearator is possible, we give an exact expression for this two-point function. Explicit examples of the variance to the mean ratio Δ=(2)/(2)\Delta' = (-^2)/(^2) of the vacuum energy density ρ\rho of a massless scalar field are computed for the spatial topologies of Rd×S1R^d\times S^1 and S3S^3, with results of Δ(Rd×S1)=(d+1)(d+2)/2\Delta'(R^d\times S^1) =(d+1)(d+2)/2, and Δ(S3)=111\Delta'(S^3) = 111 respectively. The large variance signifies the importance of quantum fluctuations and has important implications for the validity of semiclassical gravity theories at sub-Planckian scales. The method presented here can facilitate the calculation of stress-energy fluctuations for quantum fields useful for the analysis of fluctuation effects and critical phenomena in problems ranging from atom optics and mesoscopic physics to early universe and black hole physics.Comment: Uses revte

    Noise kernel for a quantum field in Schwarzschild spacetime under the Gaussian approximation

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    A method is given to compute an approximation to the noise kernel, defined as the symmetrized connected 2-point function of the stress tensor, for the conformally invariant scalar field in any spacetime conformal to an ultra-static spacetime for the case in which the field is in a thermal state at an arbitrary temperature. The most useful applications of the method are flat space where the approximation is exact and Schwarzschild spacetime where the approximation is better than it is in most other spacetimes. The two points are assumed to be separated in a timelike or spacelike direction. The method involves the use of a Gaussian approximation which is of the same type as that used by Page to compute an approximate form of the stress tensor for this field in Schwarzschild spacetime. All components of the noise kernel have been computed exactly for hot flat space and one component is explicitly displayed. Several components have also been computed for Schwarzschild spacetime and again one component is explicitly displayed.Comment: 34 pages, no figures. Substantial revisions in Secs. I, IV, and V; minor revisions elsewhere; new results include computation of the exact noise kernel for hot flat space and an approximate computation of the noise kernel for a thermal state at an arbitrary temperature in Schwarzschild spacetime when the points are split in the time directio

    Entanglement creation between two causally-disconnected objects

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    We study the full entanglement dynamics of two uniformly accelerated Unruh-DeWitt detectors with no direct interaction in between but each coupled to a common quantum field and moving back-to-back in the field vacuum. For two detectors initially prepared in a separable state our exact results show that quantum entanglement between the detectors can be created by the quantum field under some specific circumstances, though each detector never enters the other's light cone in this setup. In the weak coupling limit, this entanglement creation can occur only if the initial moment is placed early enough and the proper acceleration of the detectors is not too large or too small compared to the natural frequency of the detectors. Once entanglement is created it lasts only a finite duration, and always disappears at late times. Prior result by Reznik derived using the time-dependent perturbation theory with extended integration domain is shown to be a limiting case of our exact solutions at some specific moment. In the strong coupling and high acceleration regime, vacuum fluctuations experienced by each detector locally always dominate over the cross correlations between the detectors, so entanglement between the detectors will never be generated.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; added Ref.[7] and related discussion