4,185 research outputs found

    Universality of the Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot out of Equilibrium

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    We study the Kondo effect in a quantum dot driven out of equilibrium by an external ac field. The Kondo effect can be probed by measuring the dc current induced by an auxiliary dc bias VdcV_{dc} applied across the dot. In the absence of ac perturbation, the corresponding differential conductance G(Vdc)G(V_{dc}) is known to exhibit a sharp peak at Vdc=0V_{dc}=0, which is the manifestation of the Kondo effect. In the equilibrium, there exists only one energy scale, the Kondo temperature TKT_K, which controls all the low-energy physics of the system; GG is some universal function of eVdc/TKeV_{dc}/T_K. We demonstrate that the dot out of equilibrium is also characterized by a universal behavior: conductance GG depends on the ac field only through two dimensionless parameters, which are the frequency ω\omega and the amplitude of the ac perturbation, both divided by TKT_K. We find analytically the large- and small-frequency asymptotes of the universal dependence of GG on these parameters. The obtained results allow us to predict the behavior of the conductance in the crossover regime ωTK\hbar\omega\sim T_K.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Towards a unitary Dalitz plot analysis of three-body hadronic B decays

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    A unitary model of the final state kaon pion interaction amplitudes in the B --> K pi pi decays is constructed. The weak decay penguin amplitudes, derived in QCD factorization, are supplemented by phenomenological contributions. The strange kaon- pion scalar and vector form factors are used to calculate the kaon pion effective mass and helicity angle distributions, branching ratios, CP asymmetries and the phase difference between the B0 and anti B0 decay amplitudes to K*(892) pi. The fit on the phenomenological parameters leads to a good agreement with the experimental data, particularly for the B --> K*(892) pi decays. However, our predicted B+- --> K*0(1430) pi+-, K*0(1430)--> K+-pi-+ branching fraction is smaller than the results of the Belle and BaBar collaborations, obtained from isobar model analyses. A new parameterization of the S-wave kaon- pion effective mass distribution, which can be used in future experimental Dalitz plot analyses, is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, contribution to Proc. Int. Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP2009), July 16-22, 2009, Krakow, Poland, PoS(HEP2009)20

    Final state interactions and CP violation in B decays to three pseudoscalars

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    We study CP violation and final state interactions between pions and kaons in B+, B-, B0 and bar B0 decays into K pi pi. The weak transition amplitudes consist of two terms: the first part is derived in QCD factorization approach and the second one is a phenomenological long-distance charming penguin contribution. The final state K pi interactions in S- and P-waves are described by strange scalar and vector form factors, respectively. These are determined using a unitary coupled channel model together with chiral symmetry and asymptotic QCD constraints. The final state interactions are dominated by presence of the scalar K*0(1430) and the vector K*(892) resonances. We show that additional charming penguin amplitudes are needed to reproduce the latest experimental K pi effective mass and helicity angle distributions, branching fractions and asymmetries obtained by Belle and BaBar collaborations.Comment: Talk given at XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron 2009), Nov. 29 - Dec. 4 2009, Florida State Universit

    CP violation and final state interactions in B --> K pi pi decays

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    Effects of CP violation and of final state interactions between pairs of pseudoscalar mesons are studied in three-body B+, B-, B0 and antiB0 decays into K pi pi. An alternative approach to the isobar model for three-body B decays is proposed. It is based on the QCD factorization approximation and the knowledge of the meson-meson form factors. Some phenomenological charming penguin amplitudes are needed to describe the branching fractions, direct CP asymmetries of the quasi-two-body B --> K*(892) pi and B --> K0*(1430) pi decays as well as the K pi effective mass and the helicity angle distributions. The experimental branching fractions for the B --> K0*(1430) pi decay, obtained by the Belle and BaBar collaborations using the isobar model, are larger than our predictions by about 52 per cent.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics HEP 2007, Manchester (England), July 19-25, 200

    On knottings in the physical Hilbert space of LQG as given by the EPRL model

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    We consider the EPRL spin foam amplitude for arbitrary embedded two-complexes. Choosing a definition of the face- and edge amplitudes which lead to spin foam amplitudes invariant under trivial subdivisions, we investigate invariance properties of the amplitude under consistent deformations, which are deformations of the embedded two-complex where faces are allowed to pass through each other in a controlled way. Using this surprising invariance, we are able to show that in the physical Hilbert space as defined by the sum over all spin foams contains no knotting classes of graphs anymore.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Griffiths phase in diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We study the effects of disorder in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic transition in a diluted magnetic semiconductor in the strongly localized regime. We derive an effective polaron Hamiltonian, which leads to the Griffiths phase above the ferromagnetic transition point. The Griffiths-McCoy effects yield non-perturbative contributions to the dynamic susceptibility. We explicitly derive the long-time susceptibility, which has a pseudo-scaling form, with the dynamic critical exponent being expressed through the percolation indices.Comment: 4 pages, final version as publishe

    B decays into pion-pion-kaon and into kaon-antikaon-kaon: long distance and final-state effects

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    The interplay of strong and weak decay amplitudes for B -> pion-pion-kaon and B -> kaon-antikaon-kaon, with the pion-pion and kaon-antikaon pairs interacting in isospin-0 S-wave, is analyzed for pion-pion effective mass from threshold to 1.2 GeV. To improve agreement with experiment of a factorization approach with some QCD corrections, addition of long-distance contributions, called charming penguins is necessary.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, invited talk at the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (APFB05), Nakhon Ratchassima, Thailand, July 26-30, 2005, to be published by the Scientific World Publishing C

    Coherency of the superconducting state: the muon spin rotation and ARPES studies of (BiPb)_2(SrLa)_2CuO_{6+\delta}

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    The superfluid density \rho_s in underdoped (T_c\simeq23K), optimally doped (T_c\simeq35K) and overdoped (T_c\simeq29K) single crystalline (BiPb)_2(SrLa)_2CuO_{6+\delta} samples was studied by means of muon-spin rotation (\muSR). By combining the \muSR data with the results of ARPES measurements on similar samples [Nature 457, 296 (2009)] good self-consistent agreement is obtained between two techniques concerning the temperature and the doping evolution of \rho_s.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures