618 research outputs found

    Interactive rhythms across species: The evolutionary biology of animal chorusing and turn-taking

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    The study of human language is progressively moving toward comparative and interactive frameworks, extending the concept of turn‐taking to animal communication. While such an endeavor will help us understand the interactive origins of language, any theoretical account for cross‐species turn‐taking should consider three key points. First, animal turn‐taking must incorporate biological studies on animal chorusing, namely how different species coordinate their signals over time. Second, while concepts employed in human communication and turn‐taking, such as intentionality, are still debated in animal behavior, lower level mechanisms with clear neurobiological bases can explain much of animal interactive behavior. Third, social behavior, interactivity, and cooperation can be orthogonal, and the alternation of animal signals need not be cooperative. Considering turn‐taking a subset of chorusing in the rhythmic dimension may avoid overinterpretation and enhance the comparability of future empirical work

    Learning together or learning alone: Investigating the role of social interaction in second language word learning

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    Anisotropic dynamics of a vicinal surface under the meandering step instability

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    We investigate the nonlinear evolution of the Bales-Zangwill instability, responsible for the meandering of atomic steps on a growing vicinal surface. We develop an asymptotic method to derive, in the continuous limit, an evolution equation for the two-dimensional step flow. The dynamics of the crystal surface is greatly influenced by the anisotropy inherent to its geometry, and is characterized by the coarsening of undulations along the step direction and by the elastic relaxation in the mean slope direction. We demonstrate, using similarity arguments, that the coalescence of meanders and the step flow follow simple scaling laws, and deduce the exponents of the characteristic length scales and height amplitude. The relevance of these results to experiments is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Atom-projected and angular momentum resolved density of states in the ONETEP code

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    Local and angular momentum projected densities of states (DOS) are invaluable sources of information that can be obtained from density functional theory calculations. In this work, we describe a theoretical framework within ONETEP's linear-scaling DFT formalism that allows the calculation of local (atom-projected) and angular momentum projected density of states l-p-DOS. We describe four different bases that can be used for projecting the DOS with angular momentum resolution and perform a set of tests to compare them. We validate the results obtained with ONETEP's l-p-DOS against the plane-wave DFT code CASTEP. Comparable results between ONETEP's and CASTEP's charge spilling parameters are observed when we use pseudo-atomic orbitals as the projection basis sets. In general, the charge spilling parameters show remarkably low values for projections using non-contracted spherical waves as the angular momentum resolved basis. We also calculate the d-band and d-band centres for Pt atoms in (1 1 1) facets of cuboctahedral Pt nanoparticles of increasing size, which is an example of l-p-DOS application commonly used as an electronic descriptor in heterogeneous catalysis. Interestingly, the different projection bases lead to similar conclusions, showing the reliability of the implemented method for such studies. The implementation of these methods in a linear-scaling framework such as ONETEP provides another tool for analysing the electronic structure of complex nanostructured materials

    Spontaneous rhythm discrimination in a mammalian vocal learner

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    Rhythm and vocal production learning are building blocks of human music and speech. Vocal learning has been hypothesized as a prerequisite for rhythmic capacities. Yet, no mammalian vocal learner but humans have shown the capacity to flexibly and spontaneously discriminate rhythmic patterns. Here we tested untrained rhythm discrimination in a mammalian vocal learning species, the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). Twenty wild-born seals were exposed to music-like playbacks of conspecific call sequences varying in basic rhythmic properties. These properties were called length, sequence regularity, and overall tempo. All three features significantly influenced seals' reaction (number of looks and their duration), demonstrating spontaneous rhythm discrimination in a vocal learning mammal. This finding supports the rhythm–vocal learning hypothesis and showcases pinnipeds as promising models for comparative research on rhythmic phylogenies