7 research outputs found

    Partial and multiple correlations between Thysanoptera species and abiotic factors

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    The work presents the role of the abiotic factors in the development of the thrips populations in the mountainous meadows. We have calculated the correlation coefficients between thrips numerical abundance obtained throughout three years, and two main weather factors. 93 correlation coefficients higher than 0.5 were obtained in the case of the correlation between the abundance of 12 Thrips species and air relative humidity; 218 in the case of correlation abundance - air temperature; 411 in the case of multiple correlation coefficients. Taeniothrips picipes, Frankliniella intonsa, Aeolothrips intermedius, Thrips pelikani and Chirothrips manicatus had the highest number of significant values of multiple correlation coefficients

    Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom, 1895), a very sensitive bioindicator of air pollution

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    The LIFE 02ENV/RO/000461AIR-AWARE project is partly dedicated to research on the flora and invertebrate fauna of downtown Bucharest (Romania). In this area, products of local industrial pollution, heavy metals, SO2 and powders in suspension exceed standard levels. The pilot zone is represented by two public parks in downtown Bucharest. Thysanopterological samples were collected from the herbaceous layer, on both weeds and ornamentals, following a transect approach. The preliminary results revealed a biodiversity that decreased from the park centres, which suffered the least air pollution, towards the edges of the parks, which were the most polluted. The dominant species was Frankliniella intonsa , which had high values for structural and functional indices, as well as morphological changes in body size, colour and antennae, all due to the air pollution. F. intonsa could be considered to be a very sensitive bioindicator of environmental pollution. Future analysis, however, may reveal whether Bagnalliella yuccae, F. intonsa or Haplothrips niger are more sensitive bioindicators for air pollution

    The state of knowledge of thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) of the Carpathian mountains

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    An overview is given on the thrips fauna from the Polish, Slovak and Romanian part of the Carpathians, a mountain chain in Central Europe. Records on the Thysanoptera of the Carpathians date back to 1902. A total of 205 thrips species have hitherto been recorded from this large part (79,1%) of the Carpathians. Endemics are Aeolothrips verbasci, Hoplothrips absimilis and Oxythrips tatricus. Apterothrips secticornis is the only glacial relict with boreoalpine distribution