50 research outputs found
On the distribution of Alfven velocity in the magnetosphere
Geomagnetic micropulsation nature related to distribution of Alfven velocity in magnetospher
Crustal evolution inferred from Apollo magnetic measurements
Magnetic field and solar wind plasma density measurements were analyzed to determine the scale size characteristics of remanent fields at the Apollo 12, 15, and 16 landing sites. Theoretical model calculations of the field-plasma interaction, involving diffusion of the remanent field into the solar plasma, were compared to the data. The information provided by all these experiments shows that remanent fields over most of the lunar surface are characterized by spatial variations as small as a few kilometers. Large regions (50 to 100 km) of the lunar crust were probably uniformly magnetized during early crustal evolution. Bombardment and subsequent gardening of the upper layers of these magnetized regions left randomly oriented, smaller scale (5 to 10 km) magnetic sources close to the surface. The larger scale size fields of magnitude approximately 0.1 gammas are measured by the orbiting subsatellite experiments and the small scale sized remanent fields of magnitude approximately 100 gammas are measured by the surface experiments
Deep electromagnetic sounding of the moon with Lunokhod 2 data
Results of electromagnetic sounding distinguished an outer high resistance shell about 200 km thick in the moon's structure. A preliminary petrological interpretation of the moon's layers indicated their origin as a consequence of differentiation of the initial peridotite material. Upon melting, 20% to 40% of the material melts and is removed to form a high resistance basaltic shell underlain by a layer of spinal peridotites enriched in divalent iron oxides and having a reduced resistance
Spectrum of turbulent Kelvin-waves cascade in superfluid helium
To explain the observed decay of superfluid turbulence at very low
temperature, it has been proposed that a cascade of Kelvin waves (analogous to
the classical Kolmogorov cascade) transfers kinetic energy to length scales
which are small enough that sound can be radiated away. We report results of
numerical simulations of the interaction of quantized vortex filaments. We
observe the development of the Kelvin-waves cascade, and compute the statistics
of the curvature, the amplitude spectrum (which we compare with competing
theories) and the fractal dimension.Comment: 32 pages, 22 figure
Results of Field and Laboratory Studies of Carriers and Vectors of Natural-Focal Infections on the Territory of the Republic of Armenia
The purpose of the study was to assess the current epizootic potential of the Transcaucasian high-mountain and Pre-Araks low-mountain natural plague foci on the territory of the Republic of Armenia using GIS technologies. Materials and methods. We used the data from an epizootiological survey, records of the abundance and species composition, spatial distribution of rodents and ectoparasites in the plague-enzootic territories of the Republic of Armenia in 2021. Results and discussion. Based on the results of the research, an electronic database of carriers and vectors of pathogens of natural-focal zoonotic infections in the plague-enzootic territories of the Republic of Armenia has been created. Applying GIS technologies, an assessment of the spatial distribution of carriers and vectors of plague has been made and areas of circulation of tularemia and leptospirosis pathogens identified. The results obtained serve as the basis for improving the efficiency of planning and carrying out preventive measures aimed at ensuring the epidemiological welfare as regards natural-focal infectious diseases in the territory of the Republic of Armenia
Renormalization group in the infinite-dimensional turbulence: third-order results
The field theoretic renormalization group is applied to the stochastic
Navier-Stokes equation with the stirring force correlator of the form
k^(4-d-2\epsilon) in the d-dimensional space, in connection with the problem of
construction of the 1/d expansion for the fully developed fluid turbulence
beyond the scope of the standard epsilon expansion. It is shown that in the
large-d limit the number of the Feynman diagrams for the Green function (linear
response function) decreases drastically, and the technique of their analytical
calculation is developed. The main ingredients of the renormalization group
approach -- the renormalization constant, beta function and the ultraviolet
correction exponent omega, are calculated to order epsilon^3 (three-loop
approximation). The two-point velocity-velocity correlation function, the
Kolmogorov constant C_K in the spectrum of turbulent energy and the
inertial-range skewness factor S are calculated in the large-d limit to third
order of the epsilon expansion. Surprisingly enough, our results for C_K are in
a reasonable agreement with the existing experimental estimates.Comment: 30 pages with EPS figure
Aim. The purpose of this research was informational content assessment of the anamnestic data in diagnosing of chronic endometritis before its histologic confirmation and possibility of the timely beginning of complex therapy of pathology.Materials and methods. To achieve the aim of the retrospective analysis of 303 case reports of patients who underwent endometrium papel biopsy as a part of examination plan before assisted reproductive treatment in 2017. A particular interest, in our case, submitted the special anamnesis including consideration of menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions, past gynecologic diseases and interventions.Results. In the analysis of the received results the most constant signs of chronic endometritis: disorders of menstrual and seсretory functions; the high index of intrauterine interventions, considerable frequency of identification of endometrium polyps and the cervical channel (40,1%), pathological cervical neoplasia (30,8%) were noted.Conclusion. Thus, anamnestic data of patients with the verified endometritis, especially extended one, with inclusion of nonconventional, but relevant at the present stage additional signs, have shown high informational content for neoadjuvant diagnosis of pathology of endometrium of inflammatory character. Only against the background of timely initiated complex therapy, numerous endometrial receptivity parameters are restored, which leads to relief of clinical symptoms and lays the foundation for the successful implementation of reproductive function