908 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Parametric Sample Selection Models of Married Women for Non-participation by Mle : Case Study the Mpfs-1994

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    Models with sample-selection biases are widely used in various fields of economics such as labour economics (see Maddala, Amemiya, and Mroz). The models are usually estimated by Heckman's two-step estimator. However, Heckman's two-step estimator often performs poorly (see Wales and Woodland, Nelson, Paarsch, and Nawata). The data used in this study originated from the survey was conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board of Malaysia under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia, called the Malaysian Population and Family Survey 1994 (MPFS, 1994). The survey was conducted through a questionnaire, were randomly and specifically for married women. The data set focus on married women which provides information on wages, educational attainment, household composition and other socioeconomic characteristic. The Original sample data based on Mroz (1987), there are 4444 records married women. It is necessary to use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the models in such cases. For solving uncertainty data of a parametric sample selection model, in this paper needs to consider the models estimation using fuzzy modeling approach, called Fuzzy Parametric Sample Selection Model (FPSSM). Fuzzy Parametric sample selection model (FPSSM) is builds as a hybrid to the conventional parametric sample selection model. Finally, the result showed, FPSSM by Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) estimates of the mean, Standard Deviation (SD)

    The Potential of White Muscovy as Parent Stock for the Production of Broiler Ducks

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    In rural areas, male muscovy was commonly crossed with layer ducks for the production of mule ducks to be sold as broiler ducks. However, their population was very few with various plumage colors, and with very low egg production. Muscovy can be used as the male parent stock in a commercial production of mule ducks, but it was preferable if they have white plumage for better carcass performance and with higher egg production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the characteristics of a muscovy population whether they were suitable as the foundation stock for a selection program to improve egg production. Groups of 125 female and 51 male of local white muscovy were used in this study. They were kept under close confinements and fed according their nutrition requirements. Measurements were taken on body weight at first laying, weight of first egg, 6 month egg production, and morphological characteristics. Results showed that the average body weight at first laying was 1805.41±89.31 grams with a variation of 4.95%. The average first egg weight was 58.23±2.33 grams with a variation of 4%, and the average 6 month production was 22.52±6.38% with a variation of 28.31%. With such large variations, the population was appropriate to be used as the foundation stock for a selection to improve egg production

    The Management of Process of the Budget Area

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    The budget area, of the Technical University of Manabí, has an organizational structure that is not coupled with the planning, because it has an organizational complexity according to its technical-administrative dimension, although it complies with all the organizational processes that involve the execution of the institutional budget taking into account the importance of human, material and technological resources, there are links in the budget execution program that are still weak. The research deals with the need to manage the budgetary processes, according to the activities that are planned within the Budget Area, with the objective of fulfilling the institution's priorities and strategies through the amounts assigned to its income and expenses, knowing that the budget planning and execution process is a fundamental tool to fulfill the mission and vision of Higher Education Institutions. The objective of the research is to look for alternatives that allow to solve the insufficiencies that exist in the management of the budgetary processes that affect the development of the activity, difficulties that appear both in income and in expenses; having as a result of these problems: rejections in the budgetary modifications, delays in the execution of the payment processes, actions that are fundamental for the execution of the institutional budget, which may affect the vision of the university

    Analisis Cemaran Logam Berat Merkuri pada Air dan Udang di Sungai Mandor Kecamatan Mandor Kabupaten Landak

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    Background : Mercury used in gold mining activities in the water of Mandor river in Mandor Disrict of LandakRegency may couse environmental pollution in form of the degradation of water quality and pollution to thebiota, one of them was shrimp. The shrimp living in Mandor river was predicted to be polluted with mercury, andif it was consumed, it may cause health disorders for people, especially those living near the river. This researchhad the objectives of finding out the water Hg content and shrimp Hg content in the Mandor river and finding outthe correlation of water Hg content to shrimp Hg content.Methode : This research was an observing research with the cross-sectional design. The sample collection pointswere at five points with 30 water sample and 30 shrimp samples. The used statistical test was the product mommetcorrelation test.Result : The average of water Hg content was as much as 2,15 ppb ang the average shrimp Hg content was as muchas 0,18 mg/kg. From the test result, the differences in water Hg content showed that there were differences of waterHg content in each research location (p value = 0,001); for shrimp Hg content, there were no different of resultsamong research location except in Kunyit Village and Kopiang Village that showed differences. From the resultsof correlation test, it was found that there was a correlation between water Hg content to shrimp Hg content ( pvalue = 0,047; r = 0,366). The regression result showed the regression coefficient value as much as 0,134 (p value= 0,47); the highest the water Hg content in Mandor river, therefore, the shrimp Hg content will also increase, andwater Hg content influenced on the existence of shrimp Hg content as much as 10,3%. The analysis result ofmercury pollution in Mandor River show that the downstream area has a higher Hg content compared to theupstream area, and the shrimp Hg content increases especially in Mandor Village.Keyword : Hg water, Hg shrimp, Mandor River, Landak Regenc

    Pengaruh Kontak Kulit ke Kulit Segera terhadap Keyakinan Ibu Menyusui Paska Bedah Sesar

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    Terdapat beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan dalam menyusui. Kontak kulit ke kulit segera setelah bayi lahir merupakan faktor kunci dalam proses laktasi. Proses ini sangat tergantung dari keyakinan ibu dalam menyusui bayinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kontak kulit ke kulit segera terhadap keyakinan ibu menyusui paska bedah sesar. Penelitian quasi eksperiment posttest only design with control groups ini dilakukan pada 52 ibu dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi masing-masing 26 ibu secara consecutive sampling di kota Langsa-Aceh. Pengambilan data menggunakan instrumen Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form. Hasil uji statistik indenpendent t test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nilai rerata keyakinan ibu menyusui pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (59,00±6,54; 49,62±7,78; p=0,001). Kontak kulit ke kulit dapat meningkatkan keyakinan ibu menyusui yang dapat memengaruhi proses laktasi