72 research outputs found

    Continuous-wave phase-sensitive parametric image amplification

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    We study experimentally parametric amplification in the continuous regime using a transverse-degenerate type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator operated below threshold. We demonstrate that this device is able to amplify either in the phase insensitive or phase sensitive way first a single mode beam, then a multimode image. Furthermore the total intensities of the amplified image projected on the signal and idler polarizations are shown to be correlated at the quantum level.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Journal of Modern Optics, Special Issue on Quantum Imagin

    Generation of two-color polarization-entangled optical beams with a self-phase-locked two-crystal Optical Parametric Oscillator

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    A new device to generate polarization-entangled light in the continuous variable regime is introduced. It consists of an Optical Parametric Oscillator with two type-II phase-matched non-linear crystals orthogonally oriented, associated with birefringent elements for adjustable linear coupling. We give in this paper a theoretical study of its classical and quantum properties. It is shown that two optical beams with adjustable frequencies and well-defined polarization can be emitted. The Stokes parameters of the two beams are entangled. The principal advantage of this setup is the possibility to directly generate polarization entangled light without the need of mixing four modes on beam splitters as required in current experimental setups. This device opens new directions for the study of light-matter interfaces and generation of multimode non-classical light and higher dimensional phase space

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of ring-shaped polariton parametric luminescence in a semiconductor microcavity

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    We present a quantum Monte Carlo study of the quantum correlations in the parametric luminescence from semiconductor microcavities in the strong exciton-photon coupling regime. As already demonstrated in recent experiments, a ring-shaped emission is obtained by applying two identical pump beams with opposite in-plane wavevectors, providing symmetrical signal and idler beams with opposite in-plane wavevectors on the ring. We study the squeezing of the signal-idler difference noise across the parametric instability threshold, accounting for the radiative and non-radiative losses, multiple scattering and static disorder. We compare the results of the complete multimode Monte Carlo simulations with a simplified linearized quantum Langevin analytical model

    Entanglement measurement of the quadrature components without the homodyne detection in the spatially multi-mode far-field

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    We consider the measuring procedure that in principle allows to avoid the homodyne detection for the simultaneous selection of both quadrature components in the far-field. The scheme is based on the use of the coherent sources of the non-classical light. The possibilities of the procedure are illustrated on the basis of the use of pixellised sources, where the phase-locked sub-Poissonian lasers or the degenerate optical parametric oscillator generating above threshold are chosen as the pixels. The theory of the pixellised source of the spatio-temporal squeezed light is elaborated as a part of this investigation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX4. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Optimum Small Optical Beam Displacement Measurement

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    We derive the quantum noise limit for the optical beam displacement of a TEM00 mode. Using a multimodal analysis, we show that the conventional split detection scheme for measuring beam displacement is non-optimal with 80% efficiency. We propose a new displacement measurement scheme that is optimal for small beam displacement. This scheme utilises a homodyne detection setup that has a TEM10 mode local oscillator. We show that although the quantum noise limit to displacement measurement can be surpassed using squeezed light in appropriate spatial modes for both schemes, the TEM10 homodyning scheme out-performs split detection for all values of squeezing.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum vacuum properties of the intersubband cavity polariton field

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    We present a quantum description of a planar microcavity photon mode strongly coupled to a semiconductor intersubband transition in presence of a two-dimensional electron gas. We show that, in this kind of system, the vacuum Rabi frequency Ω_R\Omega\_R can be a significant fraction of the intersubband transition frequency ω_12\omega\_{12}. This regime of ultra-strong light-matter coupling is enhanced for long wavelength transitions, because for a given doping density, effective mass and number of quantum wells, the ratio Ω_R/ω_12\Omega\_R/\omega\_{12} increases as the square root of the intersubband emission wavelength. We characterize the quantum properties of the ground state (a two-mode squeezed vacuum), which can be tuned {\it in-situ} by changing the value of Ω_R\Omega\_R, e.g., through an electrostatic gate. We finally point out how the tunability of the polariton quantum vacuum can be exploited to generate correlated photon pairs out of the vacuum via quantum electrodynamics phenomena reminiscent of the dynamic Casimir effect.Comment: Final version accepted in PR

    Continuous-Variable Spatial Entanglement for Bright Optical Beams

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    A light beam is said to be position squeezed if its position can be determined to an accuracy beyond the standard quantum limit. We identify the position and momentum observables for bright optical beams and show that position and momentum entanglement can be generated by interfering two position, or momentum, squeezed beams on a beam splitter. The position and momentum measurements of these beams can be performed using a homodyne detector with local oscillator of an appropriate transverse beam profile. We compare this form of spatial entanglement with split detection-based spatial entanglement.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Multimode Squeezing Properties of a Confocal Opo: Beyond the Thin Crystal Approximation

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    Up to now, transverse quantum effects (usually labelled as "quantum imaging" effects) which are generated by nonlinear devices inserted in resonant optical cavities have been calculated using the "thin crystal approximation", i.e. taking into account the effect of diffraction only inside the empty part of the cavity, and neglecting its effect in the nonlinear propagation inside the nonlinear crystal. We introduce in the present paper a theoretical method which is not restricted by this approximation. It allows us in particular to treat configurations closer to the actual experimental ones, where the crystal length is comparable to the Rayleigh length of the cavity mode. We use this method in the case of the confocal OPO, where the thin crystal approximation predicts perfect squeezing on any area of the transverse plane, whatever its size and shape. We find that there exists in this case a "coherence length" which gives the minimum size of a detector on which perfect squeezing can be observed, and which gives therefore a limit to the improvement of optical resolution that can be obtained using such devices.Comment: soumis le 04.03.2005 a PR

    Sagnac Interferometer Enhanced Particle Tracking in Optical Tweezers

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    A setup is proposed to enhance tracking of very small particles, by using optical tweezers embedded within a Sagnac interferometer. The achievable signal-to-noise ratio is shown to be enhanced over that for a standard optical tweezers setup. The enhancement factor increases asymptotically as the interferometer visibility approaches 100%, but is capped at a maximum given by the ratio of the trapping field intensity to the detector saturation threshold. For an achievable visibility of 99%, the signal-to-noise ratio is enhanced by a factor of 200, and the minimum trackable particle size is 2.4 times smaller than without the interferometer

    Nano-displacement measurements using spatially multimode squeezed light

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    We demonstrate the possibility of surpassing the quantum noise limit for simultaneous multi-axis spatial displacement measurements that have zero mean values. The requisite resources for these measurements are squeezed light beams with exotic transverse mode profiles. We show that, in principle, lossless combination of these modes can be achieved using the non-degenerate Gouy phase shift of optical resonators. When the combined squeezed beams are measured with quadrant detectors, we experimentally demonstrate a simultaneous reduction in the transverse x- and y- displacement fluctuations of 2.2 dB and 3.1 dB below the quantum noise limit.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, submitted to "Special Issue on Fluctuations & Noise in Photonics & Quantum Optics" of J. Opt.
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