1,758 research outputs found

    BCI-assisted training for upper limb motor rehabilitation: estimation of effects on individual brain connectivity and motor functions

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    The aim of the study is to quantify individual changes in scalp connectivity patterns associated to the affected hand movement in stroke patients after a 1-month training based on BCIsupported motor imagery to improve upper limb motor recovery. To perform the statistical evaluation between pre- and post-training conditions at the single subject level, a resampling approach was applied to EEG datasets acquired from 12 stroke patients during the execution of a motor task with the stroke affected hand before and after the rehabilitative intervention. Significant patterns of the network reinforced after the training were extracted and a significant correlation was found between indices related to the reinforced pattern and the clinical outcome indicated by clinical scales

    Development of a gas absorption heat pump for residential applications

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    Thermally Driven Heat Pumps represent an option to reduce the energy consumption for space heating and domestic hot water in hard-to-decarbonize buildings without impacting the electrical grid and utilizing the current and future gaseous energy vectors with high efficiency. Ariston Group and Politecnico di Milano developed a gas absorption heat pump for the residential market, exploiting design and manufacturing solutions to enable large-scale production and introducing technical features to assure high performance over the entire working range. In particular, the use of a variable restrictor setup coupled with a patented solution, called “booster”, can reduce the temperature of the generator at high load and high lift conditions, enabling the heat pump to provide the nominal capacity from -22 °C to +40 °C of outdoor air temperature, with supply temperature up to 70 °C. Moreover, coupled with a specifically designed combustion system, the heat pump can modulate at 1:6 ratio of its nominal capacity. This feature makes it possible to maintain high efficiency also at part load conditions, avoiding the on-off operation and making redundant the installation of inertial buffer. Additionally, an innovative strategy to perform the defrosting of the air-sourced heat exchanger without the need of acting on the thermodynamic cycle has been developed. This allows defrosting operations extremely fast, while offering an almost negligible effect on the heat pump performance and substantially no interruption to the heating service and contributing to the elimination of the need to install an inertial buffer. The thermodynamic core of the appliance was built targeting large scale production. It allows for high specific capacity (kg/kW) and a small footprint (m2/kW) with the ability to serve nominal capacities ranging from 8 to 15 kW based on the configurations. Laboratory test to assess the performances based on the European Standard EN 12309 returned a seasonal gas utilization efficiency on the net calorific of 1.50, a seasonal primary energy ratio of 1.27, and extremely low electrical consumption for the auxiliaries

    Bryophytes: how to conquer an alien planet and live happily (ever after)

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    There are many push and pull factors that commonly drive individuals to leave their homeland. For example, escaping competition and occupying a novel habitat undoubtedly offer the advantage of new opportunities to pilgrims, but the absence of unfavorable biotic interactions can be counterbalanced by other antagonistic abiotic forces. After all, conquering an alien planet is not now nor ever was an easy task. We cannot know how many attempts and failures have punctuated the journey that led ancestral, photosynthetic organisms to leave the aquatic world and successfully establish on dry land. However, some traits developed by the ancestors of modern bryophytes that allowed them to adapt their life cycle to such a different habitat and persist there, have been undoubtedly identified

    Eukaryotic and prokaryotic phytochelatin synthases differ less in functional terms than previously thought: a comparative analysis of Marchantia polymorpha and Geitlerinema sp. PCC 7407

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    This paper reports functional studies on the enzyme phytochelatin synthase in the liverwortMarchantia polymorphaand the cyanobacteriumGeitlerinemasp. strain PCC 7407. In vitro activity assays in control samples (cadmium-untreated) showed that phytochelatin synthase was constitutively expressed in both organisms. In the presence of 100 mu M cadmium, in both the liverwort and the cyanobacterium, the enzyme was promptly activated in vitro, and produced phytochelatins up to the oligomer PC4. Likewise,in vivoexposure to 10-36 mu M cadmium for 6-120 h induced in both organisms phytochelatin synthesis up to PC4. Furthermore, the glutathione (GSH) levels inM. polymorphawere constitutively low (compared with the average content in higher plants), but increased considerably under cadmium stress. Conversely, the GSH levels inGeitlerinemasp. PCC 7407 were constitutively high, but were halved under metal treatments. At odds with former papers, our results demonstrate that, as inM. polymorphaand other plants, the cyanobacterial phytochelatin synthase exposed to cadmium possesses manifest transpeptidasic activity, being able to synthesize phytochelatins with a degree of oligomerization higher than PC2. Therefore, prokaryotic and eukaryotic phytochelatin synthases differ less in functional terms than previously thought

    Phosphorus and metal removal combined with lipid production by the green microalga Desmodesmus sp.: An integrated approach

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    This work focused on the potential of Desmodesmus sp. to be employed for wastewater 15 bioremediation and biodiesel production. The green microalga was grown in a culture medium with a phosphorus (P) content of 4.55 mg L-1 16 simulating an industrial effluent; it was also exposed to a bimetal solution of copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) for 2 days. P removal was between 94 and 100%. After 2 days of exposure to metals, 94% of Cu and 85% of Ni were removed by Desmodesmus sp. Adsorption tests showed that the green microalga was able to remove up to 90% of Cu and 43% of Ni in less than 30 minutes. The presence of metals decreased the lipid yield, but biodiesel quality from the biomass obtained from metal exposed samples was higher than that grown without metals. This result revealed that this technology could offer a new alternative solution to environmental pollution and carbon-neutral fuel generation

    Tools for in vitro propagation/synchronization of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha and application of a validated HPLC-ESI-MS-MS method for glutathione and phytochelatin analysis

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    Bryophytes, due to their poikilohydric nature and peculiar traits, are useful and versatile organisms for studies on metal accumulation and detoxification in plants. Among bryophytes, the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha is an excellent candidate as a model organism, having a key role in plant evolutionary history. In particular, M. polymorpha axenic cultivation of gametophytes offers several advantages, such as fast growth, easy propagation and high efficiency of crossing. Thus, the main purpose of this work was to promote and validate experimental procedures useful in the establishment of a standardized set-up of M. polymorpha gametophytes, as well as to study cadmium detoxification processes in terms of thiol-peptide production, detection and characterisation by HPLC-mass spectrometry. The results show how variations in the composition of the Murashige and Skoog medium impact the growth rate or development of this liverwort, and what levels of glutathione and phytochelatins are produced by gametophytes to counteract cadmium stress

    A novel approach to measure brain-to-brain spatial and temporal alignment during positive empathy

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    : Empathy is defined as the ability to vicariously experience others' suffering (vicarious pain) or feeling their joy (vicarious reward). While most neuroimaging studies have focused on vicarious pain and describe similar neural responses during the observed and the personal negative affective involvement, only initial evidence has been reported for the neural responses to others' rewards and positive empathy. Here, we propose a novel approach, based on the simultaneous recording of multi-subject EEG signals and exploiting the wavelet coherence decomposition to measure the temporal alignment between ERPs in a dyad of interacting subjects. We used the Third-Party Punishment (TPP) paradigm to elicit the personal and vicarious experiences. During a positive experience, we observed the simultaneous presence in both agents of the Late Positive Potential (LPP), an ERP component related to emotion processing, as well as the existence of an inter-subject ERPs synchronization in the related time window. Moreover, the amplitude of the LPP synchronization was modulated by the presence of a human-agent. Finally, the localized brain circuits subtending the ERP-synchronization correspond to key-regions of personal and vicarious reward. Our findings suggest that the temporal and spatial ERPs alignment might be a novel and direct proxy measure of empathy

    Retaining unlogged patches in Mediterranean oak forests may preserve threatened forest macrolichens

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    Forest management practices may heavily impact epiphytic (tree inhabiting) organisms. Retaining tree patches and buffer strips in logged stands may contribute to preserve ecosystem functioning and the vitality of epiphytic organisms in managed forests. To test these statements, the threatened forest macrolichen Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. was used as a model species, since it is a “flag” indicator species of forest ecosystems with long ecological continuity. To this purpose, photosynthetic performances, thallus anatomy and water holding capacity (WHC) of samples of L. pulmonaria were investigated in a logged mixed oak forest (Tuscany, Italy), confronting lichen thalli from retained- forest patches and retained-isolated trees, 18 months after logging. Compared with those of retained-forest patches, thalli on the trunks of retained- isolated trees were thinner and showed lower vitality (as indicated by the potential quantum yield of primary photochemistry – FV/FM and the index of overall photosynthetic performance – PIABS), as well as lower water holding capacity. In contrast, thalli from forest patches had performances comparable to those of healthy samples from unlogged forests

    Multiple-Brain connectivity during third party punishment: an EEG hyperscanning study

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    Compassion is a particular form of empathic reaction to harm that befalls others and is accompanied by a desire to alleviate their suffering. This altruistic behavior is often manifested through altruistic punishment, wherein individuals penalize a deprecated human's actions, even if they are directed toward strangers. By adopting a dual approach, we provide empirical evidence that compassion is a multifaceted prosocial behavior and can predict altruistic punishment. In particular, in this multiple-brain connectivity study in an EEG hyperscanning setting, compassion was examined during real-time social interactions in a third-party punishment (TPP) experiment. We observed that specific connectivity patterns were linked to behavioral and psychological intra- and interpersonal factors. Thus, our results suggest that an ecological approach based on simultaneous dual-scanning and multiple-brain connectivity is suitable for analyzing complex social phenomena
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