246 research outputs found

    Structure, shear resistance and interaction with point defects of interfaces in Cu–Nb nanocomposites synthesized by severe plastic deformation

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    Atomistic modeling is used to investigate the shear resistance and interaction with point defects of a Cu–Nb interface found in nanocomposites synthesized by severe plastic deformation. The shear resistance of this interface is highly anisotropic: in one direction shearing occurs at stresses <1200 MPa, while in the other it does not occur at all. The binding energy of vacancies, interstitials and He impurities to this interface depends sensitively on the binding location, but there is no point defect delocalization, nor does this interface contain any constitutional defects. These behaviors are markedly dissimilar from a different Cu–Nb interface found in magnetron sputtered composites. The dissimilarities may, however, be explained by quantitative differences in the detailed structure of these two interfaces.MISTI-France Seed Fun

    In-Situ Neutron Diffraction Under Tensile Loading of Powder-in-Tube Cu/Nb3_{3}Sn Composite Wires: Effect of Reaction Heat Treatment on Texture, Internal Stress State and Load Transfer

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    The strain induced degradation of Nb3_{3}Sn superconductors can hamper the performance of high field magnets. We report elastic strain measurements in the different phases of entire non-heat treated and fully reacted Nb3_{3}Sn composite strands as a function of uniaxial stress during in-situ deformation under neutron beam. After the reaction heat treatment the Cu matrix loses entirely its load carrying capability and the applied stress is transferred to the remaining Nb-Ta alloy and to the brittle (Nb-Ta)3Sn phase, which exhibits a preferential grain orientation parallel to the strand axis

    Bacterial Mutagenicity of Urban Organic Aerosol Sources in Comparison to Atmospheric Samples

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    The bacterial mutagenicity of a comprehensive set of urban particulate air pollution source samples is examined using the Salmonella typhimurium forward mutation assay. Each of the combustion source samples examined, including the exhaust from catalyst-equipped autos, noncatalyst autos, heavy-duty diesel trucks, plus natural gas, distillate oil, and wood combustion sources, is mutagenic in this assay, with a response per microgram of organic carbon in these samples generally greater than that of cigarette smoke aerosol. The noncombustion source samples tested generally are not mutagenic at the levels examined. The specific mutagenicity (mutant fraction per microgram of organic carbon) of ambient aerosol samples collected in southern California is compared to a weighted average of the specific mutagenicity of the primary source samples assembled in proportion to their emission rates in the Los Angeles area. In most cases where a comparison can be made, the specific mutagenicity of the source composites and the ambient samples are of similar magnitude, with the exception that the -PMS mutagenicity of the aerosol at Long Beach, CA, during the first half of the calendar year 1982 and at Azusa, CA, during the April-June 1982 period is much higher than can be explained by direct emissions from the sources studied here

    Temperature Induced Degradation of Nb Ti/Cu Composite Superconductors

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    The degradation mechanisms of state-of-the-art Nb-Ti/Cu superconductors are described, based on in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements during heat treatment. A quantitative description of the Nb-Ti/Cu degradation in terms of critical current density, Cu stabiliser resistivity and mechanical composite strength is presented. In an applied magnetic field a significant critical current degradation is already observed after a 5-minute 400 °C heat treatment, due to variations of a-Ti precipitate size and distribution within the Nb-Ti alloy filaments. A strong degradation of the strand mechanical properties is observed after several minutes heating above 550 °C, which is also the temperature at which the formation of Cu Ti intermetallic phases is detected. Several minutes heating at 250 °C are sufficient to increase the RRR of the strongly cold work strands inside a Rutherford type cable from about 80 to about 240. Heating for several minutes at 400 °C does not cause a significant conductor degradation in self-field and, thus, leaves enough temperature margin for the electrical interconnection of Nb-Ti/Cu conductors with common low temperature solders

    Seasonal and Spatial Variation of the Bacterial Mutagenicity of Fine Organic Aerosol in Southern California

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    The bacterial mutagenicity of a set of 1993 urban particulate air pollution samples is examined using the Salmonella typhimurium TM677 forward mutation assay. Ambient fine particulate samples were collected for 24 hr every sixth day throughout 1993 at four urban sites, including Long Beach, central Los Angeles, Azusa, and Rubidoux, California, and at an upwind background site on San Nicolas Island. Long Beach and central Los Angeles are congested urban areas where air quality is dominated by fresh emissions from air pollution sources; Azusa and Rubidoux are located farther downwind and receive transported air pollutants plus increased quantities of the products of atmospheric chemical reactions. Fine aerosol samples from Long Beach and Los Angeles show a pronounced seasonal variation in bacterial mutagenicity per cubic meter of ambient air, with maximum in the winter and a minimum in the summer. The downwind smog receptor site at Rubidoux shows peak mutagenicity (with postmitochondrial supernatant but no peak without postmitochondrial supernatant) during the September-October periods when direct transport from upwind sources can be expected. At most sites the mutagenicity per microgram of organic carbon from the aerosol is not obviously higher during the summer photochemical smog period than during the colder months. Significant spatial variation in bacterial mutagenicity is observed: mutagenicity per cubic meter of ambient air, on average, is more than an order of magnitude lower at San Nicolas Island than within the urban area. The highest mutagenicity values per microgram of organics supplied to the assay are found at the most congested urban sites at central Los Angeles and Long Beach. The highest annual average values of mutagenicity per cubic meter of air sampled occur at central Los Angeles. These findings stress the importance of proximity to sources of direct emissions of bacterial mutagens and imply that if important mutagen-forming atmospheric reactions occur, they likely occur in the winter and spring seasons as well as the photochemically more active summer and early fall periods
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